Bill Naylor


Cattle King
Sound Editor
A rich landowner of Wyoming fights to prevent the Texas herds from trampling his rich meadows.
Король и четыре королевы
Sound Effects
Четыре брата грабят банк. Во время преследования трое из них погибают в горящем здании. Трупы обезображены. Остались три вдовы и одна жена. Но чья? И где же деньги?
Hunters of the Deep
Underwater exploration by oceanographers and geologists round the coast of Southern California and Mexico. Portrays many species and varieties of fish and mammals as well as ocean flora and rock formation.
Donovan's Brain
Sound Effects Editor
A scientist takes the brain of dead man and revives it via electrodes as it lays suspended in a tank of liquid. Soon, the brain grows to possess enormous psychic powers and inflicts its personality upon the doctor who saved it, creating a "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm.
The Magnetic Monster
Sound Effects
The Office of Scientific Investigations tracks down the source of increased magnetism and radioactivity in Los Angeles, and discovers that a man-made isotope is consuming available energy from nearby mass every few hours, doubling its size in the process. Although microscopic, it will soon become big enough to destroy Earth; and how to stop it is yet to be determined. The film's Deltatron special effects footage is taken from the 1934 German sci-fi film GOLD.