Joji Oka
Рождение : 1902-05-23, Tokyo, Japan
Смерть : 1970-12-17
Дзёдзи Ока (имя при рождении — Кацудзо Накадзимо / 中溝 勝三; другой псевдоним, используемый в некоторых фильмах — Сусуму Минобэ / 美濃部 進) — популярный японский актёр XX века. Снимался в фильмах Ясудзиро Одзу, Кэндзи Мидзогути, Микио Нарусэ и др. выдающихся режиссёров японского кинематографа.
A kindhearted wandering gambler named Hajiro gets involved in a crisis of a village as he passes through and decides to lend a sword in hopes to rescue them.
A young lord lives against the will of his father Lord Tokugawa.
The sixth and last Moonlight Mask film in the original series produced by Toei in the 1950s.
Fifth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
Ambassador Maboroshi / Maboroshi taishi
When an alien force tries to invade Earth to steal a powerful new rocket fuel, a mysterious hero intervenes.
War Minister Anami
In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the U. S. A. war is declared with the attack on Pearl Harbour. Victories follow for Japan on land and sea and her forces push forward to the borders of India. But gradually the tide turns in favour of the Allies and after the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is compelled to accept the Potsdam Declaration and by the order of the Emperor agrees to unconditional surrender. Under the supervision of the occupation forces the International Military Tribunal opens in Tokyo to try the Japanese war leaders. Established in the cause of justice, and to prevent future aggressive wars the trials drag on for two and a half years. And on December 23, 1948, General Tojo and six other war leaders mount the thirteen steps to the gallows at Tokyo's Sugamo prison.
Adaptation of Edogawa Ranpo's novel.
Thanks to a secret message hidden on the two sacred swords Kaen and Suien, the samurai Genji Kurô (Nakamura Kinnosuke) found the hidden treasure of Lord Yoshitsune. When he gives a piece of the treasure to a couple of poor but honest people so they can pay their debts, it attracts the unwanted attention of several dishonest people, such as pirates, greedy merchants and rebels. While the government is fighting a battle for power against rebels and royalists, all want the treasure by any means possible.
A swordsman must foil a minister's sinister plan to assassinate the shogun.
Toyama Kinshiro, a commissioner from northern Edo, goes undercover to unravel the mystery behind a series of murders. Kinshiro, played by Kataoka Chiezo, is most famous for the cherry blossom tattoos on his shoulder which he reveals at the moment of judgement.
The conclusion of the story of famed swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro. After surviving a series of daring adventures, Kojiro seems to have finally discovered the ultimate happiness in life when he is reunited with Tone, the love of his life. However, his days of happiness are overshadowed by an upcoming duel with his fateful enemy Miyamoto Musashi.
Ronin Sasaki Kojiro pursues his ultimate goal of becoming a master swordsman. Along the way he encounters another great swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi.
Japanese drama film.
Kusuo Abe stars in this kaidan.
Okawa Hashizo as 'Young Lord', the unlikely sleuth sets out to untangle the riddle of what went on at the Inner Palace, where a young woman who had served the Shogun came home in fear for her life. Will the Young Lord uncover the truth of what went on at the Palace, and does it relate to a series of murders that have been occurring just before the festival?
Japanese film.
Inspector Todoroki
A ghost man with his face hidden entirely by bandages is killing beautiful nude models. Detective Kindaichi investigates.
Shigeki Kachi, Tosuke Satomura, and Nanako, who belong to the theater company Vuanbert around Dosa, withdrew at the indignation of the chairman Hayashi and seeked their own careers in the film industry.
First film of the The Black Hooded Man series.
Nodori Takashima
Dedication of the Great Buddha is a 1952 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Kyôsuke Tashiro
During the war a man is bitten by a creature which looks like a cross between a bear and an ape in the jungle. Later he starts to transform to a monster like creature who kills with his claw like fingers.
Based on the novel The Vampire (Kyūketsuki) by Edogawa Ranpo.
Ryusaku Okakura
A 1943 film.
A 1942 Jidaigeki by the veteran jidaigeki filmmaker Kunio Watanabe about the legendary warrior Musashibo Benkei
with Hideko Takamine portraying Minamoto no Yoshitsune (who is, of course, a man).
The film climaxes in the famous encounter/fight btw Benkei and Yoshitsune at the Gojo Bridge.
The prewar film Haha no kyoku (Mother's Melody, 1937) is known for its place in Japanese film history as one of the top three melodramas as well as for its authorship: Yamamoto Satsuo is an auteur not usually associated with filming melodramas. Yamamoto made the film right after he moved, along with his mentor Naruse Mikio, to the Toho film company. A number of subsequent postwar mother's films adopted some of its essences, making it a genre-defining moment in Japanese cinema. This great melodrama is atypical of Yamamoto's output, much of which deals with political corruption and inequities within social institutions and offers a strong anti-establishment appeal.
Two brothers run a factory canning crabs. The elder brother Kotaro is righteous and insists on honesty. The younger brother is fixated on money. They are polar opposites. When a boat sails out looking for crab and does not return one day the brothers begin to argue over how to run their facility. They had just received a large order from a foreign country and had obtained a loan from a lender that needed to be repaid.
Toranosuke Shimada
The sequel to the 1935 film Great Bodhisattva Pass
1930s Japanese film.
Фильм рассказывает о гангстере и его подруге, которые смогли встать на путь добра, благодаря знакомству с невинной девушкой.
Masaya Kusakabe
Голливудская дива Тамаэ Киёока приезжает в Японию после 6 лет отсутствия. Она разбогатела, но не может забыть оставленную ею дочь. Она намерена вернуть себе ребенка. Однако все эти годы её крошку воспитывала Масако, новая жена её бывшего мужа.
История любви между богатым молодым человеком и проституткой. Позже, когда его семья отреклась от него и Япония вторглась в Маньчжурию, герой отправляется на войну. Считается утерянным фильмом.
Первый полностью звуковой фильм Симадзу, является ремейком американской ленты «Доки Нью-Йорка» Джозефа фон Штернберга. Действие перенесено в японский портовый город Йокогама. Когда женщина-самоубийца прыгает в море, моряк Саката спасает ей жизнь, а взамен она крадет его сердце.
Эта адаптация 1932 года — самая ранняя звуковая версия популярной и широко известной истории о верных 47-ми ронинах, которые отомстили за смерть своего господина после того, как он был вынужден совершить харакири из-за махинаций подлого придворного. Как первая звуковая версия классического повествования, фильм был в своё время большим событием, и в нём конечно же были приглашены сняться именитые звёзды тех лет. Фильм занял третье место в опросе критиков журнала Kinema Junpo того года.
Во второй части дилогии режиссёра Хироси Симидзу, показана семейная драма о переплетающихся судьбах богатого декадентского семейства Ягибаси и гораздо менее процветающей семьи Сонэ.
Takehiko Yagibashi
В начале повествования на вечеринке в саду, устроенной богатой семьей Ягибаси в Токио, Юми встречает Такэхико, сына-плейбоя семейства Ягибаси и брата жениха Юми Юдзуру. Юми, молодая женщина из среднего класса, живет со своим больным отцом, отставным чиновником министерства и двумя сёстрами, младшая из которых ещё ребёнок (её играет очень молодая Хидеко Такаминэ). Такэхико, который только что вернулся из поездки в Европу, привлекает Юми и случается так, что она остаётся ночевать в особняке его семьи, где он воспользовался её доверчивостью.
Jesuit priests in Japan during the 17th century are persecuted by the shogunate to for trying to spread Christianity.
(as Susumu Minobe): Hiroo Karasaki, Head of Delegation
«Утреннее солнце сияет» — это художественно-документальный фильм Кэндзи Мизогути и Сэйи Ины. Фильм представляет собой сочетание драмы о репортере и документального репортажа о производстве газет. Сохранилось всего 25 минут.
Hashizo Okawa in the form of a courageous firefighter who confronts unscrupulous traders who make a profit even at the cost of human lives. A fireman exposes the corrupt activities of merchants.