Gabriel Motta

Gabriel Motta

Рождение : 1990-11-13, Brazil


Gabriel Motta is a director, screenwriter and editor from Porto Alegre, Brazil. He is know for his short-films “Budapest_v4_FINAL2″(Curta Cinema Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival 2019, Bogoshorts 2019), “Two Men by the Sea” (San Francisco Frameline 2020, New York New Fest LGBTQI+ Film Festival 2021) and "The Embrace" (Fest - New directors, New films 2022).


Gabriel Motta


The Embrace
A father takes his son on a deer hunt, in the attempt to recconect with the boy. However, their intrusion disturbs the balance of the forest, and awakens its female spirit.
The Embrace
A father takes his son on a deer hunt, in the attempt to recconect with the boy. However, their intrusion disturbs the balance of the forest, and awakens its female spirit.
The Embrace
A father takes his son on a deer hunt, in the attempt to recconect with the boy. However, their intrusion disturbs the balance of the forest, and awakens its female spirit.
Two Men by the Sea
After leaving Brazil, César meets Martin at an empty cafe in Tallinn, Estonia. In front of them, the uncertain infinity of the sea.
Two Men by the Sea
After leaving Brazil, César meets Martin at an empty cafe in Tallinn, Estonia. In front of them, the uncertain infinity of the sea.
Two Men by the Sea
After leaving Brazil, César meets Martin at an empty cafe in Tallinn, Estonia. In front of them, the uncertain infinity of the sea.
Two Men by the Sea
After leaving Brazil, César meets Martin at an empty cafe in Tallinn, Estonia. In front of them, the uncertain infinity of the sea.
Two Men by the Sea
After leaving Brazil, César meets Martin at an empty cafe in Tallinn, Estonia. In front of them, the uncertain infinity of the sea.
Жёсткая краска
Педро зарабатывает деньги в видеочатах. Перед вебкамерой он превращается в Неонового мальчика. Не спеша молодой человек обмакивает пальцы в баночки с разноцветной краской и проводит ими по своему обнажённому телу. Ситуация меняется, когда он замечает, что кто-то имитирует его представления. Он назначает дату встречи со своим таинственным конкурентом, которая будет иметь далеко идущие последствия.