Jane Seitz
Рождение : 1942-08-17, Germany
Смерть : 1988-01-04
Jane Seitz was a German film editor. Seitz edited different films produced by Bernd Eichinger. She was his girlfriend for some time and committed suicide at the age of 45. Her last editorial credit was for the comedy film Felix, released in September 1988. Wolfgang Rihm orchestrated 1988/89 a text written by Seitz’ former partner Wolf Wondratschek Mein Tod. Requiem in memoriam Jane S. for soprano and orchestra.
Celebrated West German director Alexander Kluge presents this drama that strings together vignettes of events taken from everyday newspaper headlines. Germans are shown in their reactions to World War II, minorities, and the elderly. A side plot follows a meeting between former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and East German leader Erich Honecker.
1327 год. В обществе молодого послушника Адсо францисканский монах Вильям Баскервильский расследует серию трагических смертей монахов в бенедиктинском монастыре на севере Италии. За всеми этими смертями кроется страшная тайна, и вскоре Вильям убеждается, что ключ к раскрытию загадки лежит в обнаружении сурово охраняемого древнего манускрипта, который хранится в тайной библиотеке монастыря…
A poignant film essay about 'superfluous people' facing up to a moment of crisis in their lives.
Убегая от школьных хулиганов, 10-летний Бастиан спрятался в старой книжной лавке, где нашел таинственную книгу, изукрашенную орнаментом. Открыв ее, Бастиан попал в призрачный фантастический мир бегающих улиток, летающих собак, бескрылых Драконов Удачи, проказливых эльфов и ходячей каменоломни по имени Камнекус. Но волшебной стране Фантазии и ее правительнице, Девочке-Императрице, угрожает страшная напасть под названием Ничто, порожденная «несбывшимися мечтами». Спасти Фантазию могут лишь юный воин Атрейю и сила воображения необыкновенного мечтателя Бастиана…
Я Кристина. Мне 14 лет. Большинство моих друзей наркоманы. Первый раз я попробовала наркотики, чтобы понять, зачем их принимает мой парень... С тех пор прошло несколько месяцев. Я устала каждый день искать дозу. Я и мой парень пробовали завязать... Трое моих знакомых уже умерли. Неужели я следующая?
In the winter of 1891 a stranger arrives in a small coastal town on the Isle of Man. His presence soon disturbs the lives of the local inhabitants, especially the beautiful daughter of the parson.
Script Supervisor
Жизни Эрика Лансхофа и пяти его ближайших друзей идут разными путями, когда немецкая армия вторгается в Нидерланды в 1940 году: борьба и сопротивление, страх и покорность, сотрудничество и государственная измена.
Жизни Эрика Лансхофа и пяти его ближайших друзей идут разными путями, когда немецкая армия вторгается в Нидерланды в 1940 году: борьба и сопротивление, страх и покорность, сотрудничество и государственная измена.
While on an automobile tour of Italy with his mother, the German publisher in this story has an accident which results in her death. He decides to stay and look for work in Italy, rather than return to his responsibilities, and takes a job working on a construction site. His co-workers are similarly displaced men: one is a Greek exile, the other a Basque terrorist. The elaborate house they are working on is to be the home of a wealthy local man.
A countess loves her brother's Prussian-officer friend in the 1919 Baltic area.
В основе фильма лежит автобиографическая история Китти Ниил Дофф, которая за это произведение была выдвинута на Нобелевскую и Гонкуровскую премии. Чтобы заработать деньги для своей семьи, деревенская девушка стала в Амстердаме заниматься проституцией. Обладая сильным характером, она пробивается в избранные слои общества.
Born into a well-off family, Franz Blum had led a carefree youth until, some time after graduating from high school, he was arrested by the police. For, involved by a gang of bad boys, the young man had taken part in a bank robbery. A "heroic deed" which earned him six years in prison. Once behind bars, he was treated with ruthless inhumanity by the guards. And little by little - but inexorably - Franz turned into an insurgent...
Willi is 18 years old and lives on the street. Without a goal in his life he walks around the city and meets several people, helping but also cheating him. When he meets a girl, Monica, he realizes that there are people out there whose lives are even more desperate than his. So he's trying to help her (and him) by planning a great robbery on a supermarket's money transporter.
Willi is 18 years old and lives on the street. Without a goal in his life he walks around the city and meets several people, helping but also cheating him. When he meets a girl, Monica, he realizes that there are people out there whose lives are even more desperate than his. So he's trying to help her (and him) by planning a great robbery on a supermarket's money transporter.
In this comedy, Iris Berben plays a mysterious, supernaturally beautiful girl from another planet, who confuses and flusters the men on earth, where she has landed. The men follow her wherever she goes. Marquard Bohm is no exception here - he leaves his wife in a lurch and travels with the Supergirl to Spain. The girl doesn't tell much about herself; she reports, though, about an impending threat from outer space.
Как-то раз возвращаясь домой, Чарли находит в пустыне умирающего человека с пулей в плече и чемоданом налички, которого он привозит к себе домой.
The title refers to the Feuerzangenbowle punch consumed by a group of gentlemen in the opening scene. While they exchange nostalgic stories about their schooldays, the successful young writer Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer realizes he missed out on something because he was taught at home and never attended school. He decides to make up for it by masquerading as a student at a small-town high school. At the school, he quickly gains a reputation as a prankster. Together with his classmates, he torments his professors Crey, Bömmel, and Headmaster Knauer with adolescent mischief. His girlfriend Marion unsuccessfully tries to persuade him to give up his foolish charade. Eventually, he falls in love with the headmaster's daughter and discloses his identity after provoking the teachers into expelling him from school.
Bruno Stiegler, a boxing promoter with a disreputable past, returns from America to Berlin to make some big things again with his friends. Fatally, he is always preceded by some gentlemen from better circles who are developing amazing criminal activity in their old days. They are led by Oberlandesgerichtsrat a. D. Herbert Zänker, whom it still hisses, that he could bring in his term Bruno never behind bars.
В тихую, Богом забытую немецкую деревушку приезжает автобус. Из него выходит группа турецких гастарбайтеров и одутловатый, неуклюжий увалень Абрам, которого играет сам автор пьесы. При встрече с ним не здоровается родная мать, и по деревне постепенно расползаются слухи, что парень сидел в тюрьме, причем посадили его якобы за то, что в нынешнем продвинутом мире именуется бисексуальностью. Абрам никому ничего доказывать не собирается, он с железной выдержкой выносит все издевательства и провокации. Впрочем, местный народец своего не упустит. Единственный на всю деревню комбайн поломался, и появление механика Абрама решает все проблемы.
A strange case baffles the police and the citizens of a German small town. A two-year old girl has disappeared. There are suspects, innocents, guilty ones and a web of lies. It's saturday afternoon, and Achim's parents are invited for a topping-out ceremony. The neighbour's daughter, Monika (Renate Roland), is the babysitter for Achim (Sascha Urchs) and his little sister Kathrin, but Monika doesn't take the job too serious. She'd rather go for a ride with her boyfriend. Through a unforeseen row of circumstances, Achim becomes the murderer of his sister, and hides the body in a wrecked car on the scrapyard. When the parents return home, a frantic search for the little child begins. Only the father (Sieghardt Rupp) seems to know the truth…