Ana Cristina Viana


Клуб каннибалов
Супружеская чета представителей бразильской элиты имеет дурную привычку - есть своих работников. Более что, высокопоставленный супруг состоит в так называемом Клубе каннибалов, члены которого раз в неделю предаются извращенным развлечениям.
Além da Jornada
A travel agency employee is tasked with providing a new and unusual service to his boss. It is the delivery of a document that seems to be essential for the company to run. In this context, the precarious working conditions are contrasted with the obscurity and magnitude of the final product offered.
Bezerra de Menezes: O Diário de um Espírito
Hemínia's Mother
The film follows the life of the doctor Menezes (Carlos Vereza), known as the doctor of the poor.
Christmas Package
The cinematographic and literary versions of the same macabre plot are incorporated and establish tortuous relationships in an atmosphere where maintaining the mystery can be a matter of survival.