Scott Schiaffo

Scott Schiaffo

Рождение : 1963-12-04, Passaic, New Jersey, USA


Scott Schiaffo was born in Passaic, New Jersey. Independent film fans know him best as the "Chewlies Gum Guy" from Kevin Smith's 1994 independent cult classic "Clerks". Schiaffo is an actor/musician who plays guitar, keyboards, bass, and harmonica. Schiaffo has appeared in several feature films as well as many shorts since his big screen debut in the seminal cult comedy "Clerks". He's appeared alongside Michael DeLorenzo in "The Garden State", Selma Blair in "The Broccoli Theory" and Ethan Suplee in "Vulgar" He was featured in the View Askew produced - Lions Gate distributed motion picture "Vulgar". "Vulgar" has gone on to become a cult classic and one of Lions Gate's most controversial releases to date. Schiaffo played the lead, Mike Tobin in Tom Zanca's crime thriller "Linger" which enjoyed a winning response at many film festivals. Scott played the lead "Mo Fletcher" in the independent comedy feature "Idiots Are Us" which won Best Comedy Feature at the 2006 New York Film and Video Festival. He can be seen in the B & W short "I Got Stuff" and the live Jule Carey DVD "Love It Live" Schiaffo and many of his Clerks cast mates were featured in AMC's Comic Book Men Season 3 EP 11 "Pinheads". Schiaffo released a book of collected poetry and short stories called "Vicious Dogs Attack Me in Sleepless Nights of Summer" and in 2020 the Audible version read by the author was released worldwide. Schiaffo released an audio CD called "The Shoestring Serenade" which is a collection of instrumental film music culled from over 2 decades of original film music he composed & produced. Proceeds from the sale of this collection go to the Angels of Animals rescue in Clifton, New Jersey. In 2021 Schiaffo was tapped to reprise his role as the Chewlies Gum Rep in Kevin Smith's much anticipated sequel film Clerks III. See less


Scott Schiaffo


The Clerks 3 Documentary
Documentary on the making of Clerks 3
Клерки 3
Chewlie's Rep
Едва пережив обширный сердечный приступ, Рэндал нанимает своего старого друга Данте, чтобы тот помог ему снять фильм, увековечивающий их юные дни в маленьком магазине, с которого все началось.
Darkness Waits
Mayor Scruggs
Five college students embark on a paranormal investigation of Dead Woman’s Hollow Road, a hub of mysterious deaths and strange phenomena along the Appalachian Trail. The probe turns deadly when people in their camp begin dying. For those still alive, their only hope for survival is a wet behind the ears Sheriff who must come to terms with the fact that the darkness surrounding his quiet town isn’t supernatural, but an evil that’s very real.
Джей и молчаливый Боб: Перезагрузка
Scott Schiaffo
Неугомонные приятели Джей и Молчаливый Боб попадаются на незаконном выращивании марихуаны и предстают перед судом, но невесть откуда взявшийся адвокат умудряется снять с них все обвинения, ловко подсунув бумаги на подпись. Зато теперь друзья не имеют права называться своими знаменитыми именами, потому что права на них принадлежат голливудской студии, которая собралась снимать ребут приключений Пыхаря и Хроника. Вне себя от возмущения парочка в очередной раз отправляется в Голливуд сорвать съёмки ненавистного фильма, а по дороге попадет к бывшей девушке Джея, где выясняется, что у того есть дочь-подросток.
На съёмках 'Клерков'
Don Smith
Биографическая история о 23-летнем продавце Кевине Смите, задумавшем снять независимую комедию о супермаркете. С трудом собрав мизерный бюджет и группу актеров-любителей, Кевин сделал мировой хит, давший старт его долгой кинокарьере.
Detective Mike Tobin
A small town detective, who's mourning the loss of his 16 year old daughter, is vexed by depression and an attempted suicide. He is diverted from his malaise as he becomes embroiled in a teenage assault case that opens the doors of redemption for everyone.
Creepy Tales: Girls Night Out
Mo / Ronald McGrail
Lock the doors and turn off the lights as The Professor guides you through three tales of terror. Discover the evils that fester in the minds of the demented in this horror anthology. In "Girls Night Out", two girls plan on going to a party and having some fun. Instead they end up in a life or death situation with an uninvited guest. In "The Creep", a young woman's fears and insecurities blind her from the truth and sends her spiraling down a road that can only end in death. But whose death? Featuring Scott Schiaffo (Clerks, Vulgar) as Mo. In "Blood Moon Rising", a nurse bites off more than she can chew when she sets her sites on her wealthy employer. Settle in and brace yourself for an evening of chills and thrills.
Travis Lee
Однажды Уиллу Карсону пришла в голову мысль начать работать клоуном на мальчишниках. Причём не обычным клоуном, а клоуном в женском образе. Но на первой же рабочей вечеринке «клоунесса» подверглась избиению и изнасилованию.
The Broccoli Theory
Eric (cheesy new boyfriend)
Unromantic comedy that follows the on again - off again relationship game of two hapless twenty something couples.
Chewlie's Rep
Комедия о молодых ребятах, работающих продавцами и служащими в крохотных, среднего пошиба магазинчиках (бакалея и видеопрокат) захудалого района Нью-Джерси.