Lee Ji-hoon


Метод: Добыча мертвеца
Director of Photography
Происходит серия загадочных убийств, как-то связанная с восставшими из мёртвых, которые могут ходить и говорить. Ожившими трупами явно кто-то манипулирует.
Прощай, лето
Director of Photography
19-летнему Хён-джэ поставили смертельный диагноз, и жить парню осталось недолго. Он покидает больницу, отправляется обратно в старший класс и признаётся в чувствах однокласснице, но не добивается взаимности.
Feng Shui
Director of Photography
Park Jae-sang was a royal geomancer, who helps people designate propitious site for houses, store and even graves under the belief that a grave in a good site will bring future fortune for descendants. But he loses his family because he exposed a conspiracy about crown Prince's grave site. Park Jae-sang plans to make a revenge of his family and learns that there is a much bigger conspiracy about propitious grave site; the place that would make grave owner's son the King of Joseon.
Last Child
Director of Photography
When their son drowns while saving the life of a friend, the couple offer to take the boy in. What can they do with the kid who outlived their own son? The father tries to teach him work and looks after him like family. The mother is distant to him but gradually opens her heart.
The Princess and the Matchmaker
Camera Operator
The film will follow Princess Songhwa, who refuses her fate to marry one of four suitors. While Seo Do-yoon, skilled at interpreting marital harmony signs is selected as the person to ascertain her best match.
Поезд в Пусан
Camera Operator
Из-за загадочных вспышек вируса объявлено чрезвычайное положение. Скоростной поезд-экспресс в Пусан стал временным убежищем для тех, кто смог вырваться из охваченного загадочной эпидемией Сеула. Случайные пассажиры не предполагали, что их билет на этот поезд станет счастливым, но вот надолго ли — добро пожаловать на борт и постарайтесь остаться в живых.
Director of Photography
Eunju and her half-brother Minjae lose their parents in an accident. When his sister suddenly disappears with the inheritance of 100 million won, Minjae drives a long way to the southern region to find her, without knowing that ten-year-old Eunho, Eunju’s baby brother, has sneaked into the car. Beginning with images of the happy faces of the sister and brother within the crowds enjoying the cherry blossoms, the film follows Minjae’s trip, asking one question. Why did his sister leave him and disappear? Minjae wants the money his sister took, but money is not the only reason for his trip. When he finally finds her, he realizes that he now has to live on his own and take care of his younger brother Eunho.