Giovanni Verga

Giovanni Verga

Рождение : 1840-09-02, Catania, Italy

Смерть : 1922-01-27


Giovanni Carmelo Verga (1840–1922) was an Italian realist (verista) writer, best known for his depictions of life in his native Sicily, especially the short story (and later play) Cavalleria rusticana and the novel often considered his masterpiece, I Malavoglia (The House by the Medlar Tree). Starting with historical and patriotic novels, Verga went on to write novels in which psychological observation was combined with romantic elements, as in Eva (1873), Tigre reale (1873; “Royal Tigress”), and Eros (1875). These sentimental works were later referred to by Verga as novels “of elegance and adultery.” Eventually he developed the powers that made him prominent among the European novelists of the late 19th century, and within a few years he produced his masterpieces: the short stories of Vita dei campi (1880; “Life in the Fields”) and Novelle rusticane (1883; Little Novels of Sicily), the great novels I malavoglia (1881) and Mastro-don Gesualdo (1889), and Cavalleria rusticana (1884), a play rewritten from a short story, which became immensely popular as an opera (1890) by Pietro Mascagni. His reputation was slow to develop, but modern critics have assessed him as one of the greatest of all Italian novelists. His influence was particularly marked on the post-World War II generation of Italian authors; a landmark film of the Neorealist cinema movement, Luchino Visconti’s Terra trema (1948; The Earth Trembles), was based on I malavoglia.


Giovanni Verga
Giovanni Verga


Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana / Leoncavallo: Pagliacci
Original Story
Director David McVicar’s new production brings opera’s favorite double bill to new life, setting the two operas in the same Sicilian setting, separated by two generations. Marcelo Álvarez takes on the rare feat of singing both leading tenor roles. In Cavalleria, he is Turiddu, the young man who abandons Santuzza (Eva-Maria Westbroek) in his pursuit of the married Lola (Ginger Costa-Jackson)—and ends up being killed in a duel with her husband, Alfio (George Gagnidze). In Pagliacci, Álvarez is Canio, the leader of a traveling vaudeville troupe. Patricia Racette sings Nedda, his unfaithful young wife, whose plans to run away with her lover are foiled by her spurned admirer Tonio (George Gagnidze)—with equally tragic consequences. Met Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi is on the podium.
The House by the Medlar Tree
1854 год. На Сицилии свирепствует эпидемия холеры. Смерть собирает кровавую дань. А там где смерть - там и любовь, там и кипящие страсти, верность и предательство. В центре этой мелодрамы - романтическая история молодой монахини, впервые переживающей настоящую любовь. Она одновременно страшится этой любви и не может противостоять ей, несмотря на постоянные упреки мачехи и сводных сестер, лелеющих свои планы в отношении молодого человека.
Любовница Граминьи
Сицилия, вторая половина XIX-го века. Барон Нардо обманом заставляет Граминью и его отца подписать у нотариуса бумаги, лишающие их земельного надела. Когда молодой крестьянин понял, что произошло, он решил отомстить. Первой жертвой стал нотариус, контора которого была сожжена, а все документы уничтожены. Следующими должны были стать те, к кому перешла земля Граминьи — Джемма и ее мать. Но вместо вражды между девушкой и молодым человеком зарождается любовь. Между тем, Граминья продолжает мстить тем, кого он считает виновными в обмане, и становится самым разыскиваемым преступником в округе. Джемма же выходит замуж, но продолжает тайно встречаться с Граминьей…
Fatal Desire
Short Story
In Pietro Mascagni's tragic opera, a soldier returns home from war to reclaim his former fiancée, only to find that she's married someone else in his absence, leading to jealousy, betrayal, and murder.
She Wolf
A woman in her thirties is a single mother of a teenager daughter, and both are in love with the same young soldier. Mother sacrifices herself for Maricchia's marriage, but ultimately falls to her own passion, leading to family disruption.
Земля дрожит
Сицилия, середина 1940-х. Грабительские цены закупщиков рыбы держат за горло обитателей побережья. Одна из рыбацких семей пытается наладить собственный бизнес, но безуспешно. Кажется, что против не только жизненные обстоятельства, но сама судьба — жестокая, несправедливая, помогающая лишь тем, у кого уже все есть…
Cavalleria rusticana
Royal Tiger
"Tigre Reale" (1916) was the film that consolidated Frau Menichelli's stardom, a film more than suitable for her performing skills and silent idiosyncrasy that any silent diva would kill to star in… In "Tigre Reale", Frau Menichelli performs the part of Frau Natka, a Russian countess with a troublesome past and an uncertain future. She was married to a revolutionary and the matrimony ended in tragedy. She likes to flirt with men but due to her traumatic sentimental past, she doesn't allow herself attachments. That is until she meets a young diplomat who will help her to make up her mind and exorcize her old sentimental traumas.
Royal Tiger
"Tigre Reale" (1916) was the film that consolidated Frau Menichelli's stardom, a film more than suitable for her performing skills and silent idiosyncrasy that any silent diva would kill to star in… In "Tigre Reale", Frau Menichelli performs the part of Frau Natka, a Russian countess with a troublesome past and an uncertain future. She was married to a revolutionary and the matrimony ended in tragedy. She likes to flirt with men but due to her traumatic sentimental past, she doesn't allow herself attachments. That is until she meets a young diplomat who will help her to make up her mind and exorcize her old sentimental traumas.