Мужчины-охотники ради развлечения привыкли заманивать женщин на свой остров, предлагая им крупный денежный выигрыш. Только в этот раз они пригласили не тех женщин, и охота открывается на них самих.
General Madden
A global steelworks company partners with an aerospace firm to mine the Moon. But when a drilling accident causes a giant piece of the Moon to crack off and hurtle towards Earth, the surviving space team and the head of the firm must figure out how to destroy the meteoroid before it wipes out the entire planet.
Grant Mugford
Fall is torture. Winter is a nightmare. Spring is pure evil. Summer is murder. Sometimes the seasons never change.
Uncle Zeke
When given an ultimatum by his girlfriend, an underachieving college student must choose between her, his chauvinist friend and his self-respect while an eccentric Sociology Professor puts them all to the test.
Каллану уже неоднократно приходилось сражаться с бессмертным Викингом, а также его сообщником Муэрте, который доставил парню и его команде немало хлопот. В последней схватке ребятам удалось победить зло, однако герои не собираются расслабляться. Ведь их враги имеют суперспособности и даже могут воскреснуть из мёртвых. Каллан вынужден будет вновь обратиться к силе кельтского креста, чтобы на этот раз окончательно изгнать тёмные силы.
Captain Iberson
Юный Брайан знакомится с религиозными догмами христианского общества, пытаясь составить собственное представление о боге.
Mr. Holmes
Youth is a feeling. Three stories intersect on a day of school in Pensacola, Florida. The film is a naturalistic portrayal of a class of teenagers in the slightly surreal Florida tourist town. It blends comedy with drama in a realistic manner. Shot on Super 16, the film feels like a memory of a hot summer day in Florida years ago.
Крупнейшая порнозвезда 1970-х должен вернуть свою золотую флисовую куртку, дающую ему силы, и спасти всех мужчин. Для этого ему придётся сразится с группировкой, которая промышляет мясом, накаченным эстрогеном.
Pursey Hicks
A 1980s crime tale based on true events concerning the Dixie Mafia.
Webb Langston
A true story of murder, injustice and disorder in Mississippi following the Civil War, based on the short story "The Outlaw, the Sheriff, and the Governor" by Robert E. Jones.
In this post-apocalyptic-western, Alexander Dante has lived the past 10 years in exile for the killing of Edwin, his beloved brother. Then one day he's astounded to receive a letter, purportedly from Edwin. The letter states Edwin now lives in the distant village shown on the enclosed map. At first, Alexander dismisses the letter as a hoax but there's something about the letter that rings true. He treks through a hard and hostile land that at long last opens up into a tranquil village. There, he's stunned to confront the impossible: his brother is very much alive. Alexander is overjoyed to see his brother but he is tormented as he knows he has killed him. Now Alexander must root out the truth -- whatever the consequences.
Sharks attack a fish rodeo on the Mississippi River, and it is up to a group of locals to stop them.
Executive Producer
A short film comedy about the classic monsters in a group therapy session coming to terms with the fact that they aren't scary anymore.
A short film comedy about the classic monsters in a group therapy session coming to terms with the fact that they aren't scary anymore.
A short film comedy about the classic monsters in a group therapy session coming to terms with the fact that they aren't scary anymore.
Грэйс и Джим отправляются на прогулку в лес. Джим хорошо знаком с лесами, ориентируется на местности и даже взял с собой ружье. Грэйс же, наоборот, полна фобий и паранойи, совершенно не ориентируется в лесу и принимает таблетки от психического расстройства. Казалось бы, рядом с Джимом ей не о чем беспокоиться, но неудачно взявшись за ружье, курком зацепившееся за сучок, тот разносит себе черепную коробку выстрелом в упор. Грэйс понятия не имеет, где она находится и как вернуться назад.
A non-stop, race against time action packed thriller that follows an elite SWAT Team as they try to stop a domestic terrorist from killing innocent hostages and destroying the city of Los Angeles. With 24 hours left on the clock, the team must rely on their instincts and unique skill set to stop the attack and bring justice.
This modern adaptation takes place in the streets of Los Angeles, where a copycat killer is not only inspired by a true story but also based in part on the actual psychiatric case files of a leading Jack the Ripper suspect which were recently made public by the mental institution where he was detained for years.
Black Devert
Научно-фантастический фильм про космических искателей «ничейных» товаров, энергии и сокровищ. Когда команда под предводительством Эмерсон находит инопланетный Генератор Хаоса, их ждет неприятная встреча с бывшим партнером — злобным капитаном Джекелем.
The Devil's Dozen is a supernatural horror/thriller where twelve strangers find themselves in a life or death game where sins are judged and every choice a testament to their character. The innocent must strive to maintain their integrity, while the guilty can only hope their deaths lead to the truly innocent walking out alive.
The Devil's Dozen is a supernatural horror/thriller where twelve strangers find themselves in a life or death game where sins are judged and every choice a testament to their character. The innocent must strive to maintain their integrity, while the guilty can only hope their deaths lead to the truly innocent walking out alive.
David Stevens
A documentary crew follow the down spiral of a family on the verge of losing everything.
Old uncle Bill who served as the sidekick to the legendary gambler/card shark, Harry tells the story of how they gambled and partied their way from the high rolling days of the 50's to the crazy drug fueled times of the 60's and reveals a dark secret. Harry's son, Hoppy finally finds the courage to escape his bleak future as "a mark" through uncle Bill's story and redemptive kindness.
Brooklyn Davis
The owner of a small-town junkyard offers a cash reward to whomever can kill her uninvited, space-suited alien guest when its spacecraft crash-lands into her barn. Every wacko within 100 miles turns out, and before long, the junkyard is transformed into a war zone of man vs. man vs. machine vs. alien vs. God only knows what.
В провинциальном американском городке Маунт Роуз из штата Миннесота идет самая настоящая война не на жизнь, а на смерть. Главные соперницы: две юные претендентки на звание местной «королевы красоты» Бекки и Эмбер. В сражении участвуют также их не в меру заботливые мамаши Глэдис и Аннетт, друзья, подруги, соседи и даже домашние животные. В ход идут любые средства, потому что в городке Маунт Роуз главное — не талант и красота. Главное — стать «номером один». Никто и ничто не сможет остановить победную поступь убийственных красоток!
Two young boys and a girl commit a diamond robbery on Halloween. During escape the girl is fatally shot. One of the boys knows a doctor (Jeremy London) who has a private clinic in his house. They decide to go to his house instead of the hospital where they will expect the police. They enter the house quietly with no drama. But when the doctor tells them she needs an ambulance to the hospital or else she will die, and his co-worker picks up the phone ready to call, the boys bring their guns out. The doctor along with his family are taken hostages, and the boys threaten him to save the girl if they all want to stay alive.
Two young boys and a girl commit a diamond robbery on Halloween. During escape the girl is fatally shot. One of the boys knows a doctor (Jeremy London) who has a private clinic in his house. They decide to go to his house instead of the hospital where they will expect the police. They enter the house quietly with no drama. But when the doctor tells them she needs an ambulance to the hospital or else she will die, and his co-worker picks up the phone ready to call, the boys bring their guns out. The doctor along with his family are taken hostages, and the boys threaten him to save the girl if they all want to stay alive.
Sexy girls at a rave turn into bloodthirsty killers after taking a mysterious new drug.
Russel Bayne
A supernatural thriller that follows Russel Bayne who quickly finds himself in the middle of a supernatural war between vampires, werewolves, and human hunters after being bitten by a werewolf. To make matters worse, it seems a civil war has erupted among the vampires, with a clan breaking from the others in a quest to return a vampire goddess back to power.
Jake Farber
Отмечая выпускной в компании друзей, юная Элли Картер замечает на пакете молока фотографию пропавшей девочки, как две капли воды похожей на нее. Решив пошутить, Элли звонит оп указанному номеру, однако в ходе разговора становится все очевиднее, что это и вправду может быть она.
Kurt Ross
Небольшая группа боевого спецназа - единственные, кто может противостоять киборгам, захватившим под свой контроль планету.
Adam Franklin
Inspired by a true story, "Chasing the Green" tells the story of two young brothers who become millionaires during the early 1990s. Their ambition and drive lead them into conflict with FTC officials, where an over-zealous bureaucrat attempts to destroy their company. The older brother, tries to reconcile the current crisis with conflicts in his own relationships, primarily with his current girlfriend.
A world-renowned archaeologist must reawaken the storm god Ba'al by collecting four ancient amulets scattered around the world. As each amulet is uncovered, Ba'al's fury threatens to destroy everything in its path with the most powerful storm mankind has ever seen.
Jackson Armstrong
Любой путешественник, устав от длинной дороги, хочет отдохнуть, перекусить и устроиться где-нибудь на ночлег. Для этого и существуют придорожные семейные гостиницы, с нетерпением ожидающие уставших путников. Однако в одном из таких домашних заведений орудует семейка мошенников. На первый взгляд все пристойно, уютно и комфортно, но заглянувшим сюда постояльцам не следует расслабляться. Милые приветливые хозяева — очаровательная красотка, ее инфантильный братец и прожженный аферист-отец не гнушаются ничем, будь это просто кража или целый спектакль. Гостей приветливо встретят, оценят с первого взгляда и обведут вокруг пальца. Компания отпетых мошенников не выпустит ни одного клиента, попавшего к ним в сети. А уж сети расставлять они большие мастера…
James White
Call him a city slicker. Call him a tenderfoot. But don't call him a member of the family--yet. Rising L.A. lawyer James White is going home for the holidays with his fiancée, Sadie Ryder, to finally meet her family in rural Pine Gap. After blundering through a bad first impression, James attempts to win over Sadie's lawyer-loathing father Karl by pretending to be a horse-riding, hay-baling, game-hunting, seasoned square dancer. But a pair of worn jeans and a ten-gallon hat don't make a cowboy, and it's going to take more than mere posturing to charm Mr. Ryder... in fact, it just might take a miracle.
Dr. Harrison 'Harry' McColl
Two millennia ago, a Lybian king has a basilisk (snake-shaped dragon), which petrifies people, subjected to the same fate with a golden scepter during a solar eclipse. Both these and several victims are dug up by modern archaeologist Harrison 'Harry' McColl's expedition. Despite a cryptic warning from tribal locals, everything goes to his Colorado university's museum. It's all exhibited during another eclipse, which leads to the monster reviving. Harry and some of his friends must try to petrify the monster again.
Профессор политологии Джулиан счастлив с красавицей женой. И хотя у них все нормально с личной жизнью, он считает, что всегда есть место для экспериментов. Он «западает» на свою студентку испанку Элену, лишенную всяких комплексов. Джулиан предлагает своей жене поэкспериментировать с «любовью втроем», не предполагая, в какую бездну противоречивых чувств он ввергает себя и своих партнерш.
The outrageous insider's look at the creation of a cult classic.
Ethan Poe / Frederick Usher
As Ann Hedgerow - an indirect descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - begins to explore her family's past, she meets novelist Ethan Poe. Ethan, also a distant descendant of Poe, is tormented by visions of his famous ancestor. When Ann and Ethan begin a romance, the dark - and deadly - secrets of Poe's legacy emerge... will Poe's stories inspire a real-life horror-tragedy?
Capt. Alexander 'Sandie' Pendleton
Эта эпическая картина повествует о первых годах Американской Гражданской войны, от сражения при Булл-Ран до битвы при Фредериксберге, исследуя мотивы сражающихся и жизни тех, кто остался дома. Как автор сценария, продюсер и режиссер, Рональд Максвелл («Геттисберг») наносит тройной удар, выводя эпическую драму на больший экран. «Боги и генералы» - роман Джеффри Шары о событиях, предваряющих произошедшее в книге его отца Майкла Шары «Ангелы-убийцы», легшего в основу «Геттисберга». Здесь же исследуются личности генералов армии Конфедерации Ли и Джексона и их противников – генералов Союзников Хэнкока и Чемберлена перед кульминационной битвой при Геттисберге.
Ambitious young script writer Igor Sullivan, who just lost his lover, concentrates on a romantic comedy. He gets advice from seasoned professional James Ford, who explains the `fomula` way, while Igo keeps insisting on artistic input of his own. Thus they draft piece by piece, often after dropping or amending the first version, a (not quite) standard triangle. It involves Internet firm colleagues Patrick, the good boy, and his womanizing buddy Mark Gibson, the vixen being the firm`s new consultant Jennifer.
Growing up in small-town America, two friends dream about escaping their confining families to search for their dreams and freedom in the big city. Arriving in Los Angeles, the two discover the harsh realities of the city as they enter the shadowy world of the film business. Ultimately, the two friends must choose between love and friendship and soon discover that life has its own destiny for everyone.
Jonas Lytton
Wyman James
A racist provokes four teens into beating a Latino youth to death after one of his fiery speeches on a college campus. The Prestons are first called upon to defend one of the youths who gives testimony against the other three. Then, in a turnaround, the family of the murdered boy hires the Prestons to try to get a conviction against the racist.
Jay is a young slacker who has to get a job in order to receive his inheritance. Rather than physically work, he fabricates an imaginary job in order to convince the attorney in charge of his trust fund.
Danny Wells
A murderous sociopath (and former battered child) uses her naive younger brother in a scheme to do away with her inconvenient lover.
Sarah Paulson stars as a pregnant teenager who searches for her biological mother, with the help of a guardian angel.
T.S. Quint
Молодые ребята приходят в этот супермаркет не работать, не купить что-нибудь — они просто тусуются. Они ссорятся и мирятся со своими подружками, выясняют отношения, чешут языки, обсуждая друг друга и общих знакомых — перед зрителем вырисовывается жизнь нескольких человек, хотя все действие практически ограничено одним помещением. Это тот период, когда человек уже закончил школу, но еще не вошел во взрослую жизнь — бывшие одноклассники держатся вместе, но скоро уже придется взрослеть и брать на себя ответственность. А пока они шалят по инерции.
Гарри и Долли Такеры вызывают приходящую няню Дженнифер присмотреть за их тремя малолетними детьми и отправляются на вечеринку. Джек — парень няни и Марк — местный плейбой немного выпили, покурили травки и с подачи второго решили навестить подружку. Они влезают в квартиру, пытаясь организовать собственную вечеринку. Гарри Такер, изрядно выпив, решил отправиться домой, почувствовав что-то неладное, и он оказался прав.
Rick Chilton
When troubled, cynical teen Rick chooses service at a camp for the blind over serving time at a correctional facility, he thinks he's found the easy way out. Instead, it's the way to a new life. Friendship. Step by step, as Rick helps a blinded Gymnast rediscover the joys of competition through equestrian show jumping, they begin to take control of the most important journey of all... a journey called life.
As a plea-bargain to clear their school records, a group of misfit teens ventures into the majestic but unforgiving wilderness to help a young naturalist save the vanishing wolves. After they encountered unexpected incident, they are aided by the mysterious white wolf of myth and legend, who shows up to guide the way throughout the movie.
Mickey Hackett
When trees in their only source of income, a lemon grove, start showing signs of disease, a burdened Californian family reaches their breaking point. Is there any hope left for them?
Teenager #1
The fanatically uncompromising Len Rowan and his family insult and terrorize the citizens of a small town for years. One day the comment of a saleswoman about Len's son not being able to pay his sweets triggers off his persecution complex. As revenge for the believed insult, the whole family starts stalking the shop owner and her husband... until this escalates and the old man gets badly injured. Len is arrested, but gets off, free on bail. His clever attorney delays the court session for more than a year - while Rowan keeps threatening the witnesses. But then, the people feel they've had enough of this and decide to take the law in their own hands...
Officer Rick
A sleepy town, alien vampires, corrupt politicians and strange locals collide at the dawn of the apocalypse
T.S. Quint
Sequel to Mallrats (1995). Plot unknown.
Andy, a simple man, must make a difficult choice affecting his future.