Richard Mithouard


Eleanor's Secret
Animation Technical Director
Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends
Остров Блэкмор
Kid, a 15-year-old hard laborer, steals a map that promises to reveal the location of the notorious pirate Black Mor's treasure. Together with his crew -- MacGregor, Beanpole, Taka and Jim the monkey -- Kid procures a vessel and sets out to sea.
Принцы и принцессы
Layout Supervisor
«Принцы и принцессы» - полнометражный мультфильм французского мультипликатора Мишеля Осело, нарисованный в изысканной силуэтной манере. Мультфильм состоит из шести историй, рассказанных и сыгранных главными героями. Каждая история не похожа на предыдущую – разные страны, разные эпохи, неожиданные повороты сюжета. В некоторых историях узнаются знакомые с детства сюжеты.
Волчий глаз
Layout Supervisor
The Four Wishes of the Villein and of His Wife
Graphic Designer
Saint Martin grants the peasant and his wife four wishes. All we can do now is hope they get everything to live happily ever after. Based on a XIVth century fable.