Kara Wang
Рождение : , Los Angeles, California, USA
Kara Wang is a Chinese-American actress born in Los Angeles and raised in the suburbs of Southern California.
When returning home for the holidays, newly minted pop star Jaylen tells her protective family that Matt is her new beau, when in reality, he’s her overzealous security guard.
Romy Chen
When Romy and Rick’s parents surprise them with the news that they will be closing the Chinese restaurant they have owned and operated for decades, the siblings each find themselves reevaluating their futures. Also impacted by the news are the landmark restaurant’s loyal patrons and staff, who have all come to depend on the restaurant over the holidays.
A dinner party with a group of diverse childhood friends turns into a moment for all attendees to look at their own histories, and determine whether the friendship that binds them can withstand their differences.
Lt. Callie 'Halo' Bassett
Пит Митчелл по прозвищу Мэверик более 30 лет остается одним из лучших пилотов ВМФ: бесстрашный летчик-испытатель, он расширяет границы возможного и старательно избегает повышения в звании, которое заставило бы его приземлиться навсегда. Приступив к подготовке отряда выпускников «Топ Ган» для специальной миссии, Мэверик встречает лейтенанта Брэдли Брэдшоу — сына своего покойного друга, лейтенанта Ника Брэдшоу. Впереди — неопределенность, за спиной — призраки прошлого. Мэверик вынужден противостоять своим глубинным страхам, которые грозят ожить в рамках миссии, требующей исключительной самоотверженности от тех, кто будет назначен на вылет.
Steph Bennett
The year is 2020 and the American theater is shut down… but it is not shut off. Off Broadway follows the staff of a non-profit theater as they come together on Zoom and scramble to stave off extinction. The show is a scathing critique of an industry desperately trying to reinvent itself in the midst of a pandemic.
A young woman lives, hidden in plain sight in a ruined Hong Kong building after a tsunami destroyed the city - A castaway on a concrete island. Her concealed existence is changed forever when a small child literally floats into her life.
Lian Hua
Fate intervenes, when Charles, a young and over-worked American corporate lawyer, finds himself seated beside an elderly Chinese woman with a mysterious past, Auntie Ling on a contemporary flight from Shanghai to New York. After noticing the beautiful bouquet of Poppies that Charles has brought on-board the flight, Auntie Ling reminisces about the early years of her marriage to Shu Zhen, an opium trader in 1940s Shanghai, and tries to coax Charles out of his solitude. Slowly lured into her stories, Charles begins to see the layers beneath Auntie Ling's polished facade. Poppies brought Charles and Auntie Ling together, underscoring the fine line between joy and sorrow...life and death. Influenced by real events, Poppies explores the cross-cultural and cross-generational relationships that develop between strangers in mid-air.
Chinese operator
The story of a mischievous father who calls his very busy kids to tell them that, after 55 years of marriage, he and their mom are getting divorced. Horrified by the news, the children prepare to fly home to stop the divorce and save their parents' marriage.
2007 год. США. Лос Анджелес. Город потрясен неожиданной пропажей несовершеннолетней Меган Стюарт и ее лучшей подруги Эми. Девочки, не достигшие еще даже 18-летия, были полными противоположностями друг другу и, если пропажа Меган для многих с ней знакомых людей не стала большим сюрпризом, то исчезновение Эми наталкивало на самые худшие версии пропажи. Вскоре полиция обнаружила пленки, записанные пропавшими подругами, и страшная правда вскрылась наружу.
In the future, Miko, a Japanese psychic warrior is looking to destroy a corporation that mass produces robots called "Shinobi" in order to avenge the death of her loved one.