Young prisoner Jan, nicknamed Roughboy (Petr Cepek), tries to commit suicide. He was imprisoned for a fight in which he injured a functionary of the National Committee and for stealing material but actually by the blame for this crime was pinned on him by the road-builders in whose group he worked. The prison doctor knows that Jan is an emotionally deprived person who never knew his parents and spent all his childhood - except one year with foster-parents - in orphanages, homes for youth and reform schools. He arranges a five-day holiday for Jan, who wants to find his mother's grave.
Wardress / Rich Lady
A communist journalist from Prague is sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp.
The second full-length film of director Dusan Rapos. It was based on Eleonora Gasparova's novel of the same title. The director tells a story about the life and troubles of young people living in the city. The teenagers have to face real life, make their first major decisions, and learn that romance sometimes brings disappointment. The original Slovak music composed for the film by Vaso Patejdl contributed greatly to the film's atmosphere. It helped to make The Fountain for Suzanne a legendary picture of Slovak cinematography at the time.
Margueritta Dumenilová
Hana Benoniová
Princezna Vitoria
A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village home blinded by the vision of a big career and easy earning of money in the capital city.
Katarína (voice)
События разворачиваются в местечке под названием Бабиндол, что в свободном переводе обозначает «долина женщин». И действительно, над фильмом витают мотивы противоборства полов с упором на возрастные особенности явления, свобода противопоставляется жизненной обыденности, поднимается вопрос личного выбора.
Мужчина в костюме приходит из леса в город и рассказывает встречающимся ему людям свою историю. Каждый раз его слова звучат по-разному, и одни и те же участники очередной истории совершают действия, характер которых совершенно иной, чем в прошлом рассказе. Вы скажете, что он лжец. Это слишком простое объяснение всему тому, о чем показывает режиссер в этой картине.
Aja Trnková
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to defend themselves, but when they find out that nobody believes them - neither the school principal nor even their own parents - they decide to accomplish what they have been falsely accused of. And although their clumsy attempts are mostly comic, at one point they almost cause a big tragedy.