Martin Benrath
Рождение : 1926-11-09, Berlin, Germany
Смерть : 2000-01-31
Hans Joachim / Hajo Hansen
Alt-Divisionär Sturzenegger
A naive girl's love for Switzerland is put to the test in this satiric comedy. Irina is a woman from Russia who all her life has always been fascinated by Switzerland and longs to live there some day, though her notion of Swiss life has more to do with Heidi and old movies set in the Alps than reality.
Von Zittkau
Charles Bernsdorf
A black comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulty of obtaining this: While Molly (Eva Mattes), Elisabeth (Katja Flint) and Maria (Ornella Muti) are great friends, but at the same time completely different. Molly is a difficult stressed housewife and mother of three children, Elisabeth is the perfect career woman and Maria uses already in their third marriage sex appeal to get ahead in life. But one day it turns out that the three except their friendship still connects another great thing in common: They are all tired of her life as a wife. And so begins the story of a rabenscharzen comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulties to achieve this. The only question is: How are they merely their husbands going on?
Franz Maus
Thomas Mann
Herr Theilhaber
Где-то в провинции Германии: около 1930 года у кинорассказчика умирала профессия. Это тем более трагично, что он делает то, что делает со страстью: стареющий мужчина произносит слова к немым фильмам, показываемым вживую, и сопровождает некоторые сцены своей собственной музыкой, играя на скрипке. Но сейчас в порталы кинотеатра «Аполлон» стучится новая эра, и это не означает ничего хорошего для кинематографиста: звуковой фильм требует признания, и это знаменует конец его профессии. Однако для жены Мари, которая никогда не слишком любила жизнь своего мужа в темном царстве мерцающих образов и часто спорит с ним, эта потеря бессмысленна. Владелец кинотеатра Тейльхабер скоро полностью перейдет на звуковое кино и больше не нуждается в киномане, так что старик с мертвой работой скоро будет сидеть на улице. По крайней мере, его гораздо более молодая любовница Марга все еще на его стороне, но она также не может найти сказочнику новую работу.
General Hentz
Зима 1942 года. Шестая армия вермахта сражается в разрушенном до основания Сталинграде. Взвод элитных немецких солдат, в первой же битве потерявший больше половины личного состава, ведет отчаянную борьбу за выживание. Свист пуль и рев «катюш», голод и холод доводят их до грани безумия. Уже почти ничего не удерживает солдат на тонкой линии между жизнью и смертью. После всего, что они видели, после утраты всех идеалов призыв фюрера «стоять до конца» приобретает для них совсем другое, гораздо более страшное значение…
Uwe Esser
Schtonk! is a farce of the actual events of 1983, when Germany's Stern magazine published, with great fanfare, 60 volumes of the alleged diaries of Adolf Hitler – which two weeks later turned out to be entirely fake. Fritz Knobel (based on real-life forger Konrad Kujau) supports himself by faking and selling Nazi memorabilia. When Knobel writes and sells a volume of Hitler's (nonexistent) diaries, he thinks it's just another job. When sleazy journalist Hermann Willié learns of the diaries, however, he quickly realizes their potential value... and Knobel is quickly in over his head. As the pressure builds and Knobel is forced to deliver more and more volumes of the fake diaries, he finds himself acting increasingly like the man whose life he is rewriting. The film is a romping and hilarious satire, poking fun not only at the events and characters involved in the hoax (who are only thinly disguised in the film), but at the discomfort Germany has with its difficult past.
Dr. Otto Klenk
For fans of history, this glimpse of Munich society in the 1920s will be a much-treasured event. The story revolves around an art-gallery manager who puts on a show featuring the scandalous works of a woman artist who committed suicide. He is unjustly accused of having committed adultery with her, and for some reason the authorities decide to make an example of him. He is imprisoned at about the same time that Hitler and the nascent Nazi party attempt the infamous Beer Hall Putsch, and the gallery manager's girlfriend and a Swiss writer valiantly (and unsuccessfully) attempt to get better justice for him. Nobody in authority, it seems, has the courage to take up the challenge of righting this particular injustice.
Gerhard Selb
Bankier Bernheim
Follows two wealthy families in Germany during the first half of the 20th century. One of them is German, the other one Jewish.
Prof. Kurt Huber
В основу сюжета психологической драмы положена реальная история о сестре и брате, Хансе и Софи Шолль. Они стоят в центре небольшого студенческого отряда, который выступает против нацизма, распространяет антигитлеровские листовки и борется против режима в Мюнхене и других местах. В 1943 году все участники группы были приговорены к смерти…
Anatol Barisart
В глазах окружающих брак Петера и Марианны – предмет зависти и восхищения. Он – крупный бизнесмен. Она – модный дизайнер. Но в этом благополучном мире привязанность супругов уживается с презрением, бессилием, злобой и депрессией. Загнанный в угол супруг оказывается на грани нервного срыва. Не дождавшись помощи, он решается на крайние меры…
In the late 1970s the German secret service fights against RAF terrorism and searches for constitutional enemies in the public service. Teacher Brasch implicates secret service agent Körner and the government in the suicide of a young teen. As a result Brasch and the exposed Körner are fired.
Anna is a Jewish girl in Germany. When the Nazis come to power in the 1930s, her family has to flee the country without being able to bring any of their belongings. Even young Anna's pink toy rabbit has been confiscated along with the family's other possessions. Initially the family lives in Switzerland, but even here they come to feel the antisemitism. And when money becomes scarce, and Anna's father can't find work as a journalist and Jew, they move on to France, where they are no long submitted to racial discrimination, but struggle financially. Eventually the entire family manages to go to England.
Richard Odenthal
Mr. Harenger
Lukas Berlinger
Don Juan
In heaven there is faith, and love. Only in hell there is justice. Everyone here gets the part that suits them best. Therefore, hell is the place for eternal pleasures.
Bob McKellaway
Marx Fugger
Sig Prun
Josef Schwarz
Heinrich Karpf
Oleg Kostoglotow
Dr. Eduard Huml
Hauptmann Pabst
Reconstruction of the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg and the following farcical military court procedures.
Based on historical events, the film tells the story of Operation Anthropoid which led to the assassination of the German SS leader Heydrich in Prague by Czech rebels led by Josef Gabcik and Jan Kubis.
Charles de Lesseps
Hauptmann Miller
Oswald Alving
Nils Hofgard
Вторая мировая война в самом разгаре. Агент британской разведки Роберт Крэйн — кодовое имя Моритури — под видом нацистского офицера направлен на немецкий корабль, который якобы транспортирует каучук. На самом деле, корабль перевозит военнопленных, которых и должен освободить агент, устроив на судне саботаж…
'Please help me!' the young GDR refugee begs the passengers of the interzonal train 'D 106'. He has just jumped on the night train during an unforeseen stop - to get to the west as quickly as possible. He can't go back, and in less than an hour they reach the German-German border - without stopping. The passengers meanwhile begin to ask themselves serious questions: Am I helping the young man and risking my own safety? Or is that too dangerous for me? While people are racking their brains, not only is the train racing away, but time is too ...
Ejlert Lövborg
Felix Layton
Axel Jungk
Funk-Offizier Maiers
In this war drama, three Nazi survivors are rescued after their battleship sank. Initially they are given heroes' accolades for their courage, but then it becomes apparent that these men actually jumped ship three hours before the boat sank. The men are tried and subsequently executed.
Der Heutige
Ulrich Haagen
Martin Hoff
Jürgen Marein
Michael Godeysen
Michael Godeysen