Massimo Di Girolamo


Telephone Murder
Makeup Artist
A homicidal maniac known as the 'tail', dressed in a clown mask, raping and killing a number of girls who work in erotic phone lines. The case has been assigned two policewomen, Lorraine and Consuelo, who begins to investigate, by phone sex, where they are to interview the victim's friends. After the second telecommunications operator, is murdered, his mind and Consuelo & Lorraine to take a job at the hot line.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Giovanna Dei, a young cartoonist, works on the violent comic strip "Doctor Dark". Unfortunately, young women are being killed in the style of the comic strip character she becomes the main suspect.
Talent Agency
James, an unscrupulous director, and George are the joint owners of a film studio. One morning, the corpse of a messenger boy is found by a cleaning lady, but the identity of the youth's killer remains a mystery. Gloria, a stunning actress who is seeing George, rejects unwelcome advances from James. Determined to get the attractive actress into bed, James reveals that he has video footage which shows her killing the messenger. It emerges that she murdered the young man after he tried to sexually assault her. However, there is a twist...
Преступление в «Формуле-1»
Makeup Artist
Эксцентричный в одежде и манерах полицейский инспектор Нико Джиральди начинает расследование странной гибели гонщика Формулы-1 прямо на трассе в Монце. Инспектор, кроме сварливого и неблагодарного начальства, имеет и остальные прелести жизни - жену, сына, шурина и далее по списку, которые делают его существование настоящей «полосой препятствий»...
Crime on the Highway
Makeup Artist
Undercover cop Nico Giraldi is once again transformed, now as a trucker in a criminal gang.