Pepe Soriano

Pepe Soriano

Рождение : 1929-08-25, Colegiales, Buenos Aires City, Argentina


Pepe Soriano (born José Carlos Soriano, on September 25, 1929) is a prominent Argentine actor, director, and playwright. Soriano was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Enrolling at the prestigious University of Buenos Aires Law School, he entered one of the university's numerous theatre groups and, leaving law school to devote himself to the theatre, he produced his first work, El chaleco encantado ("The Enchanted Sweater") in 1950, among four other works he completed and staged while in school. Soriano debuted professionally in a production of A Midsummernight's Dream at the renowned Colón Theatre, in 1953. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pepe Soriano
Pepe Soriano


Nocturna - Side B: Where the Elephants Go to Die
A woman recounts the last night on earth of a 100-year-old man who fights for the redemption of the misdeeds of his life.
Nocturna - The Great Old Man's Night
Ulysses is a hundred-year-old man, he lives alone and is on the verge of death. The last night of his life, he will experience something that will force him to rethink his past, his present and his sight about his reality. Tortured by remorse of guilt, confused by his senile dementia, he must make a last effort to reach his death in freedom or to become a soul in sorrow in eternal return.
"Pecados" tells the love story between two young (Bepo and Lourdes) in a remote village in Argentina.
Моя первая свадьба
В день свадьбы, нервный Эдриан совершает маленькую ошибку, которую пытается скрыть от Леоноры, его невесты, чтобы избежать проблем. Но вместо того, чтобы избавиться от них, он их еще больше усложняет, что грозит срыву праздника, ровно как и самого брака…
Babilonia, la noticia secreta
El brindis
In Chile, Mexican photographer Emilia falls in love with a rabbi and gets the news that her father is terminally ill.
A través de tus ojos
Cargo de conciencia
Senador Madariaga
A story about corruption and drug trafficking with the complicity of judges and politicians. An investigation led by a journalist and a cop who try to uncover the truth behind the supposed suicide of a national senator.
Sleeping luck
Amparo, a lawyer working as an advisor in an insurance company in Madrid is grieving over a traumatic event in her past. She will have to react, however, to the world surrounding her when a young man of her acquaintance dies mysteriously while working in a mine. Amparo will take over his case and discover in the process a world of corruption and illegal measures taken by the company that the young man worked for.
Common Ground
Farm seller
In Buenos Aires, a few days before traveling to Spain with his beloved wife Liliana Rovira to visit their son Pedro, the leftist Literature professor Fernando Robles is compulsory retired in the University, and he concludes that it is impossible to live with his pension. The crisis in Argentina does not allow Fernando to get a new job, and his wife decides to sell her family's apartment and move to a small farm near Villa Dolores to reduce their expenses. Fernando comes up with the idea to grow lavender and sell the oil to the perfume industry.
Последний поезд
Богатая голливудская студия купила в Уругвае для своего очередного фильма старинный локомотив XIX века. Но это известие встречают в штыки старички - члены ветеранской Ассоциации железнодорожников. Они решают бойкотировать сделку и не дать переправить поезд в США. Трое самых отчаянных пенсионеров и внук одного из них похищают локомотив и с лозунгом "История не продается" сбегают от новых владельцев и полиции по заброшенным узкоколейкам Уругвая. Естественно, по пути с ними случается масса приключений в духе самого настоящего вестерна. Но главное - их поступок становится лучом надежды, символом сопротивления для многих и многих уругвайцев, которые встречаются им на пути.
Ángel, la diva y yo
Ángel Ferreyros
Buenos Aires at the end of the millennium a young filmmaker hopeless about their future decides to film his last act.
Cóndor Crux
Dr. Crux
The action takes place in the year 2068, in which the head of a corporation governed chaotically the Southern Cone of the Americas. Dr. Crux is an old rebel scientist and his son John Crux must become the hero expected to fight the evil and its minions.
Stolen Moments
1947, in Patagonia, in a little village on the seaside. An abandoned house on the beach shelters Letty's dreams, her loneliness that only Miguel, a very young pianist, may share with her. Tomas, her husband, loves Letty and eagerly defends her against all the village, while she keeps playing her part of a 'femme fatale' with a romantic past and a very adventurous file. But on a windy day, a handsome and strange foreigner appears, coming from the sea, a man just as those Bette Davis used to fall in love with. For Letty, reality begins to look like the most incredible dreams of her. But this will call the police inspector's attention. With that mysterious spy, Letty will be involved in a story that will end as those stories she was so fond of when she was going to the movie theater of her little willage.
Cohen vs. Rosi
Two rival families of different origin join the force by the love of two young. The journalist Ariel Cohen falls in love for Carla Rosi, while investigating his father, Giancarlo, a wealthy shady business that is congressional candidate with presidential aspirations.
Танго на двоих
1930-е. Буэнос-Айрес. Неповторимый колорит и полная страсти музыка аргентинского танго. Хуанита, яростная поклонница популярного певца танго и киноактера Карлоса Гарделя, выходит замуж за молодого провинциального певца Ренцо Франкини, который, пользуясь своим удивительным сходством с Гарделем, успешно исполняет его песни.
La maestra normal
Otra esperanza
A Shadow You Soon Will Be
Coluccini (as Pepe Soriano)
This film follows the exploits of a middle aged man as he wanders through Argentina. It is set in the early '80s following the end of Argentina's long military dictatorship and is based on a 1990 novel by Osvaldo Soriano. Only recently returned from European exile, with no family and friends to welcome him home, "the engineer" travels the lonely southern Pampas of Argentina on the way to a job. He is periodically joined by other strange wanderers such as Nadia, the gun slinging psychic, Lem, a strange travelling millionaire, Barante, the hobo, and Coluccini, a bankrupt circus owner who involves "the engineer" in a rigged card game..
Фунес, большая любовь
Действие происходит в публичном доме. Асусена Фунес — загадочная пианистка оркестра танго. Когда она приходит в публичный дом, она пробуждает страсть у всех мужчин.
The Dumbfounded King
Spain, under Philip IV (1621-1665). The film is based on a novel by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. The King is stunned to see the naked body of Marfisa, the most beautiful prostitute of the town and Court. After that, he also wants to see the Queen naked. However, the King, despite the opposition and the scandal of the Church, will not stop until he reaches his wishes.
The Sea and the Weather
Jesus returns to Spain after a long exile in Argentina. The family he meets is very different from the one he left: they live under the sadness of being the losers of the war, Marcela, before a beautiful young woman, is now an alcoholic, and the youngest can not even understand them. Jesus wants to start a new life in Spain but he feels out of place; Time has turned him into an inhabitant of the other side of the 'puddle'.
El tesoro
Matar al Nani
The story of El Nani, a juvenile delinquent from the years of the Transition, whose disappearance in a police station after an interrogation has not yet been clarified, putting the accent on the denunciation of police brutality and speculating on the outcome of the story. A story that mixes political denunciation and social chronicle of an era.
Wait for Me in Heaven
Paulino Alonso
Pepe Soriano plays a Madrid shopkeeper who is kidnapped by henchmen of Franco in this political comedy. After his kidnapping, he is forced to become the dictator's double for many official ceremonies. Due to his long and unexplained absence, Pepe's wife believes her husband has been abducted and killed, so she tries to reach her husband through spiritualism. After Pepe surprises her with a nocturnal visit, he tells her he will touch his ear to signal it is he and not Franco in public appearances.
Несчастная бабочка
В мае 1945 вести о падании Германии достигают Буэнос-Айреса. Клара — дочь социалистического лидера по имени Борис — узнает о внезапной смерти отца. Когда Клара пытается выяснить причины смерти отца, которого она едва знала, она узнает о его участии в политической жизни во время войны. В Аргентине беспокойно в это время, и вскоре даже Клара не будет в безопасности…
Te Amo
A single pregnant teenager goes to live with her uncle, a mediocre entertainer in a seedy cabaret.
Compañero (as José Soriano)
While a youth group led by Daniel causes the explosion of a truck loaded with materials to build a nuclear power plant, Laura accidentally kills his mistress, Judge. Both cases will cross.
Asesinato en el Senado de la Nación
Lisandro de La Torre
Historical film that focuses on political and social events took place in Argentina during the beginning of the 30s. Santafecino Deputy Lisandro de la Torre complaint in Congress Argentine meat business with England.
Los enemigos
La Invitación
Pubis Angelical
It's about three women, three stories, or perhaps a single story in different projections of time and space. The Mistress wishes to unravel the meaning of being a woman is the victim of Hollywood. Ana is the product of a society ruled or dominated by men.
Sentimental (réquiem para un amigo)
Tano Piatti
La nona (as José Soriano)
The story about a family that must maintain an insatiable grandmother.
No toquen a la nena
El Nono
A man becomes overprotective of his daughter as a friend of his son comes to live at the family home.
Jewish Gauchos
The film recreates the arrival of a group of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Czarist Russia, establishing the first Hebrew colonies in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.
Восстание в Патагонии
Schultz the German
В 1920 рабочие Юга Аргентины, организованные в анархистские и социалистические сообщества, начали забастовку, требуя улучшения условий их труда. При посредничестве представителя президента Аргентины удалось добиться заключения трудового соглашения между хозяевами и рабочими профсоюзами, и забастовка была прекращена. Но хозяева отказались выполнять соглашение. И тогда снова началась забастовка, быстро ставшая всеобщей. Правительство ответило на забастовку жесточайшими репрессиями. Были расстреляны сотни рабочих.
Las venganzas de Beto Sánchez
Beto Sánchez
When his father dies in a hospital, Beto decides to take revenge on all the people he blames for his bad luck in life.
A woman who has been traumatized by her brother's accidental death from electrocution in the subways of Buenos Aires learns to readjust.
El ayudante
Aristóbulo Maresca
A bond develops between a truck driver and his newly-assigned helper, a young man who happens to be deaf.
Juan Lamaglia y Sra.
A profiteer pretends to be a psychoanalyst to conquer women with sexual trauma.
Tute Cabrero
Luis Sosa
Three colleagues must decide which one of them will be fired when the company they work for starts a downsizing process.
Cuando los hombres hablan de mujeres
Three stories told in a Turkish bathhouse: two braggarts are mocked by a starlet; two Boca Juniors fans and love-hate for two River Plate fan girls; a man, father of 8 daughters, seeks the boy despite his wife.
Hotel alojamiento
Different stories that take place in a hotel for a temporary shelter for couples.
Los días de Julián Bisbal
El protegido
Story of a producer at the time of the big studios, in which the auteur cinema has no place.
Goodbye Boys
Pío Pío
Boyhood friends grow up, form a tango orchestra, one of them writes a brilliant song commemorating their friendship before he dies.