Rúrik Haraldsson

Рождение : 1926-01-14,

Смерть : 2003-01-23


Stella Runs for Office
Stella and Salomon run a business together, framkoma.is. Salomon is hired by Anton Skúlason, pilot, to beautify and transform a village, that he owns. Stella stays in the town and starts teaching politicians how to act for the coming elections. By accident Stella gets involved with the Centrum party, the main rival of the Central party, and before she knows it she's head over heals in politics.
Regína is 10 years old. Her mother, Margrét, works at a home for the elderly and her father is dead. The story begins one sunny summer morning when kids are leaving for the summer camp and Regína has been told she cannot go. While alone at home killing time she discovers her gift, which is hypnotizing singing. Her friend Pétur shows his talent for finding words that rhyme and together they increase the power of singing.
Ангелы вселенной
Forseti Íslands
Пол влюбился в девушку, но ее родители запрещают им встречаться. У Пола — шизофрения, он попадает в психиатрическую лечебницу. Будучи наделен талантами художника и поэта. Он отождествляет себя с героями Шекспира и Ван Гогом. Друзья Пола по клинике — Оли, у которого телепатический контакт с «Битлз» и эрудит Виктор, которому временами кажется, что он — Гитлер. Пытаясь скрасить ужас холодной исландской жизни, троица время от времени сбегает из больницы и наведывается то в гости к президенту, то в самый фешенебельный ресторан Рейкьявика.
The Honour of the House
A hypocritical and selfish older sister holds power over her younger, unselfish and humanitarian sister by hiding the shame of her younger sister's pregnancy, with the purpose of upholding the aristocratic status of their name and household. Or that is what we are told, because underneath the facade, is a story of two sisters, who have had intimacy with the same man.
Old Spice
There is an old barbershop in the center of town. This is where Einar has cut hair for half a century or so. He has seen good times and bad times but independent from contemporary tendencies, he has always maintained his own style, but in recent years he has had to deal with the inevitable, his customers grow older, and one by one they slowly disappear. One day they simply don’t show up for their scheduled haircut. But what happens when one of his customers keeps coming after he is dead.
Дни кино
This Icelandic tale, loosely based on the real-life experiences of director Fridrik Fridriksson tells the saga of a boyhood spent in Iceland in the 1960s.
Sjómaðurinn, spákonan, blómasalinn, skóarinn, málarinn og Sveinn
No plot synopsis found anywhere online.
Дети природы
История двух пожилых людей, оставленных родственниками в доме престарелых и сбежавших оттуда. Они придумали вполне авантюрный план и исчезли, решив прожить остаток дней ярче, чем всю прошлую жизнь.
Story of a Child
A woman arrives to Iceland and decides to travel into the country with her daughter to take one last look into her past.
Under the Glacier
Tumi Jónsen
Our hero is Umbi (an acronym for emissary of the bishop), sent by him to undertake an important investigation at Snæfell-glacier. In particular he is to look into the conduct and behavior of Jón Prímus, the old pastor at Snæfell. Fantastic rumors are rife: amongst other things it is said that a corpse is lodged in the glacier! Armed with his tape recorder and notebook, Umbi embarks upon his mission. He tries to question the weird locals, a weird lot, but gets evasive answers. Slowly he is dragged into a quagmire of strange happenings and his efforts to understand only make him confused. If at the beginning he is a chipper, a mere device, by the end of the story he is inextricably involved, a committed participant in the bizarre events.
Тень ворона
Годы стерли воспоминания о кровавой расправе на холодных берегах Исландии. В святилища древних богов пришло милосердное христианство. Но и оно не в силах изменить жестокие нравы викингов. Гибель одного из старейшин приводит к расколу общины и беспощадной кровавой вражде. В центре конфликта оказывается юноша, только что вернувшийся из просвещенной Норвегии. Он вынужден взять в руки меч, чтобы отомстить тем, кто лишил его семьи, возлюбленной и будущего.
A Policeman's Life
Lukkuriddararnir Þór og Danni reka sérkennilega gæludýraþjónustu og eru auk þess í sambandi við alþjóðlegan fálkaræningja og ætla að selja honum kjúklinga uppdubbaða sem fálkaunga fyrir stórfé. Eftir röð einkennilegra tilviljana eru þeir komnir í lögregluna og farnir að fylgjast með hegðun borgarbúa. Við löggæslustörfin lenda þeir félagar í ótrúlegustu ævintýrum: Þeir eiga í útistöðum við glæpagengi sem samanstendur af eldri konum, komast í kast við næturdrottninguna og útigangsmann á Arnarhóli og taka þátt í æsilegasta kappakstri sem sést hefur í íslenskri kvikmynd.
Cool Jazz and Coconuts
A husband and wife living in a village on the eastern most part of Iceland visit their actor friends.
Ghost Story
Runólfur næturvörður
A young student starts working as a night watchman in the Icelandic TV-house which is supposed to be haunted. Together with a make-up girl working there, he pretends to be a red-haired ghost. But what started out as a joke, soon becomes no laughing matter.
Rainbows End
Rainbow’s End tells the story of inter-generational family conflict. Is a haunting work that remains as affecting and original today as when it was first released.
The Crimson Sunset
Two city folk go on a trip to deserted villages around the country, laden with spirits, guns, and other ammunition. The trip is intended as an outing in nature, but quickly the journey turns into pure horror.
Tells the story of the last day in the life of a dictator who knows that this time he won't be victorious.