Chelsea Paige


Love and Love Not
Makeup & Hair
There are two places Nicky Leandro calls home each reinforcing a particular facet of his personality: the red-blooded New Yorker and the L.A. transplant. Up until now each have done a fine job of compartmentalizing themselves. That is until Lily, an old flame, gets a hold of him right as he's about to head home for the holidays.
Makeup Department Head
Выбирая между ребёнком и рингом, Джеки отдала предпочтение спортивной карьере. Но несколько лет спустя, когда она уже ушла из спорта и работает уборщицей, прошлое внезапно настигает её — отец мальчика умер, и теперь Джеки придётся заботится о шестилетнем сыне. Женщина вынужденно возвращается на ринг, чтобы заработать на будущее себе и ребёнку.
Makeup Department Head
How far would a mother go to reverse her child’s fate? Based on writer/director Ann Hu’s story, that’s the question facing Lan (Zhu Zhu), who travels with her 9-year-old daughter Meimei (Harmonie He) from their small town in China to New York City.
A Case of Blue
Makeup & Hair
Recently retired accountant Richard Flicker attends a life-drawing class and his world is turned upside down when he encounters free-spirited Amelia, the spitting image of a long lost love from decades ago. Grappling with a troubled home front, Richard flirts with the temptation of this second chance at romance.
Makeup Artist
Молодого нью-йоркского еврея гложет чувство вины: когда-то он не смог защитить младшего брата от гопников-антисемитов. Травма другого героя ещё страшнее: во время войны нацисты заставили его застрелить собственную возлюбленную. И вот эти двое встречаются. Тот, что старше, лежит в гробу, накрытый простыней. А тот, что помладше, согласился провести с трупом ночь, отгоняя от тела злых духов.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A small town is changed forever on a cold morning in 1983 when a shocking, supernatural event occurs after a tragedy.
Makeup Department Head
After the death of his wife, an 80-year-old man checks into the Plaza Hotel to celebrate their first anniversary apart, hiring a male escort to take her place.
The Bit Player
Hair Department Head
The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius, Claude Shannon (the "Father of Information Theory"), who revolutionized the world, but never lost his childlike curiosity.
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Makeup Artist
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Chained for Life
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A beautiful actress struggles to connect with her disfigured co-star on the set of a European auteur's English-language debut.