Carolina Langer


Costume Design
Пятидесятилетний художник по имени Лоренцо решает заново начать свою жизнь после трудных времён. Беспокоясь о крохотном сынишке, который уже скоро появится на свет, его молодая жена ещё во время беременности начинает вести себя неадекватно и злобно, что делает отношения между супругами напряжёнными. А с рождением малыша отношения и вовсе достигают наивысшего пика враждебности, из которого уже нет выхода..
Singers at War
Costume Design
Ricardo and Miguel, are two young friends, who form a musical duo. Convinced that they have great potential, they decide to present themselves to a casting for new musical talents and show the virtues of their group. In the casting, they do not want the duo. They only want Ricardo, who betrays Miguel, leaving him out of the band. 20 years later, Ricardo alias "Richie" will be the Latin Pop artist number one, and Miguel a music teacher with few students. But Miguel will begin his musical career, and will unleash the most crazy, delirious and fun competition ever seen.
The Last Party
Costume Design
Alan, Dante and Pedro are three friends who grew up together from an early age. One of them ends a long relationship with his girlfriend and remains disconsolate. His two friends decide to lift his spirits by organizing a party.
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Costume Design