Francesco Murano


A Breath of Fresh Air
Boom Operator
Two proud and estranged brothers, a disputed inheritance and a past that comes back. When he hears about the passing of his father - whom he has not seen in many years - Salvo returns to his native Sicily. He intends to convince his brother Lillo to sell the family farm and save his pizzeria, which is about to go bankrupt - a secret that he has kept even from his wife and children. But things will not be easy and Salvo will have to come to terms with his choices. A bittersweet comedy about family relations and how one never stops growing up, not even at fifty.
The Den
In the summer of his nineteenth year, Giulio has decided not to go away: he will spend his vacation at home, helping his parents with their work in the vegetable garden. In the house next door, empty for some time, arrives Lia, a twenty-year-old girl. Giulio would like to get to know her, but she is sullen and introverted. One day Giulio is swimming in the lake and Lia plays at drowning him. Giulio is a regular guy, sensitive and polite to a fault. Attracted to her, he starts thinking about her day and night. Lia initiates him into strange and increasingly dangerous "games." The girl won't talk about herself though. She has told him she came alone to spend her vacation in the old family home, where she hadn't been since she was a child. But Lia has secrets to keep and won't let anyone set foot in the old and abandoned house.
Супергерои без  суперспособностей
Sound Editor
Главный (супер)герой документального фильма Беатриче Бальдаччи — человек как сумма воспоминаний. История режиссерки и ее семьи излагается от первого лица, в качестве проводника памяти выступают старые домашние VHS-записи, на которых запечатлена мать Беатриче и сама она еще ребенком. Устаревшая технология превращает события двадцатилетней давности в археологический объект.
Il pesce toro
Sound Editor
Two boys compete in basketball on the pitch of a reformatory: Simone tries to involve Valerio who is down in the dumps and then tells him a fantastic story about the "bullfish".