Denise de Casabianca

Рождение : 1931-08-01, Paris, France

Смерть : 2020-12-01


Обретенное время
Фильм рассказывает историю жизни Марселя Пруста, в чьем сознании перед смертью пробуждаются воспоминания из прошлого.
Salut cousin !
The comedy in this lively film barely conceals its darker, more serious undertones as it chronicles a young Algerian's eye-opening introduction to the joys and travails of being an immigrant in Paris. Alilo has left his home to pick up an important suitcase for his employer. Unfortunately, he has lost the Parisian address. Fortunately, his cousin Mok, emigrated there several years before with his middle-class family before and is able to act as a guide. Mok, an aspiring rap singer, comes from a middle-class family, but chooses to live on his own in the dilapidated deteriorating 18th district, known as 'Moskova.' Mok characterizes the place as a haven for artists and intellectuals, but it is plainly just a Third World slum filled with tightly knit and colorful neighbors. Mok and Alilo have many interesting, some tragedy-tinged adventures over the five days it takes them to find the suitcase.
Fado, Major and Minor
Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?
The Juliette Year
Camille Prader, back from a physicians' meeting, is waiting for his suitcase on the Airport conveyor belt. Clémentine, his girlfriend of the day, has come to fetch him. With a radiant smile, she tells Fabrice that she left everything to live with him. When Camille picks a case he realizes ha has taken the wrong one. The label shows it belongs to a musician called Juliette Graveur. Hegrasps the occasion to run away from Clémentine by claiming Juliette is his mistress....
The Dove's Lost Necklace
This second feature in Nacer Khemir's Desert Trilogy is a visually ravishing folktale reminiscent of "The Thousand and One Nights." The story revolves around Hassan, who is studying Arabic calligraphy from a grand master. Coming across a fragment of manuscript, Hassan goes in search of the missing pieces, believing that once he finds them, he will learn the secrets of love. With the help of Zin, a lovers’ go-between, he meets the beautiful Aziz, Princess of Samarkand. After encountering wars, a battle between false prophets and an ancient curse, he learns that an entire lifetime would not suffice for him to learn the many dimensions of love.
Мы двое
Toussaint and Madeleine have loved each other from the cradle. They are now sixty. They have reached retirement age and have decided to return to Corsica. Toussaint has spent thirty years underground in the maintenance workshops of the Paris metro system. he is happy, but Madeleine misses Paris with its excitement and, above all, their son, who is a doctor in one of the French capital's major hospitals. Madeleine has such love for her son that Toussaint teases her by saying she should ask the Pope for dispensation in order to marry him. Toussaint and Madeleine return to Balba at the beginning of the winter when the days are short, the village bar is closed and the men too scarce for even a game of cards. The silence is occasionally broken by the village idiot, Napolean, as he ambles about shouting the coming death of Corsica while on patrol of the locked-up houses he's been set to guard...
August 1917. Two pilots whose aircraft was shot down by the Germans hide in a castle. They meet Justin, the employee, who has just killed his master.
Les deux Fragonard
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.
The Other Night
When Éric and Marie go to meet their parents at the harbor for the holidays, the latter are victims of an overnight hit-and-run. Marie hides the truth from Éric, investigates the accident alone, and soon finds the presumed culprit.
Editorial Consultant
Фильм поставлен по автобиографическому роману известного американского писателя Чарлза Буковски, завсегдатая многочисленных питейных заведений, откуда он черпает не только горячительные напитки, но и темы для своих произведений.
Passage secret
In a somewhat deflated story of robbery and deception set against the rooftops and byways of Paris, a group of enterprising petty thieves take advantage of the dog days of August to burglarize vacated apartments. At this time of year, all Parisiens are on vacation elsewhere, and the city is invaded by tourists on vacation from their own cities. In this mass rearrangement of the European population, the thieves get away with their looting until they run into an architect who catches them in the act. But his morals are nothing to brag about, as he gets more involved in what they are doing and wants some of their take. He is also smitten with one of the down-and-out women the thieves have been supporting (Dominque Laffin). As in so many French dramas, these conflicting relationships are doomed to be resolved only by tragedy.
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
Раненый человек
Начало 80-х, типичная мелкобуржуазная семья: мама с папой и брат с сестрой. Фильм начинает с того, как сестра собирается в поездку, все ужасно торопятся пообедать, что бы потом ужасно торопиться на поезд, бестолково толкаться на перроне и все для того что бы понять, что времени до отправки еще очень много и теперь можно спокойно сесть и снова начать есть в зале ожидания…
Возвращение Мартина Герра
В родную деревню после многолетнего отсутствия возвращается Мартин Герр, юношей сбежавший в армию. За прошедшие годы Мартин сильно изменился, и постепенно это начинает вызывать подозрения у соседей: действительно ли вернувшийся человек — Мартин Герр? Хотя Мартина признает его жена, недоверие к нему растет.
The Lovers' Wind
A 1978 French documentary film directed by Albert Lamorisse about the landscape of Iran. Lamorisse was killed in a helicopter crash while filming the documentary, during a helicopter-tour of Iran. His widow completed the film, based on his production notes, and released the film eight years later in 1978.
Koko: A Talking Gorilla
A documentary that follows Dr. Penny Patterson's current scientific study of Koko, a gorilla who communicates through American Sign Language.
One Can Say It Without Getting Angry
Pauline intends to end her days and meticulously prepares her suicide, but she meets Peppo, an Italian immigrant, who will change her mind.
Квартирный вор Оливье знакомится с профессиональной садо-мазо госпожой Арианой, ради денег обслуживающей богатых клиентов с мазохистскими наклонностями. Оливье влюбляется в Ариану и хочет изменить ее жизнь.
General Idi Amin Dada
Filmmaker Barbet Schroeder shows the Ugandan dictator meeting his Cabinet, reviewing his troops, explaining his ideology.
The Truth About the Imaginary Passion of an Unknown
A very personal interpretation, to say the least, of the passion of the Christ According to St. John.
Kuwait - Kuwait
Sound Editor
Documentary on various aspects of Kuwaiti life, the contrasts between a backward society that lives in the desert and a very modern society that lives in the city.
Мамочка и шлюха
Бесконечный монолог главного героя, Александра, обо всем на свете, но прежде всего — о женщинах. О женщинах, которые его окружают, которые ему нравятся, которые не обращают на него внимания…
Out 1: Spectre
Out 1: Spectre begins as nothing more than scenes from Parisian life; only as time goes by do we realize that there is a plot—perhaps playful, perhaps sinister—that implicates not just the thirteen characters, but maybe everyone, everywhere. Real life may be nothing but an enormous yarn someone somewhere is spinning...
Вивьен - жена французского консула, в поисках перьев экзотической птицы присоединяется к группе путешественников из Европы, которые пытаются найти таинственную долину в горах Новой Гвинеи. Их длительное пребывание в племени Мапуга становится развязкой на пути к долине.
Le cochon aux patates douces
Short film about the Mapuga tribe’s feast of pigs with sweet potatoes.
Sing Sing
Short film on the ceremony of ‘Sing Sing’ practised by Papua New Guinea’s tribes.
Short film that examines the different types of ceremonial make-up worn by the Mapuga tribe.
Молодой немец знакомится с симпатичной, независимой американкой. Вскоре они становятся любовниками, и он следует за ней на Ибицу, испанский остров, где они наслаждаются идиллией в домике на пляже.
The Authentic Trial of Carl Emmanuel Jung
20 years later, the recreation of the trial of a simple man that confesses himself as a war criminal, Carl Emmanuel Jung.
Produced over several years between 1962 and 1967, Grimaces shows the faces of over a hundred artists, gallery owners and critics grimacing to the camera.
Who's Crazy?
Insane asylum inmates escape their confinement and hole up in a deserted Belgian farmhouse, where they cook large quantities of eggs and condemn one of their own in an impromptu court. Accompanied by a frenetic original soundtrack by the great Ornette Coleman and starring The Living Theater.
Сюзанн оказывается не просто несчастной девушкой, которую родители для решения своих материальных трудностей насильно закрывают в монастырь, где она проходит тяготы лишений и унижений от церковного совета, поскольку продолжает бороться за то, чтобы «жить своей жизнью». Она же оказывается истинной христианкой, отказывающейся слепо служить религиозным канонам и тем более прислуживать отдельным представителям церковной иерархии.
A Bullet Through the Heart
A Bullet Through the Heart (French: Une balle au cœur, Greek: Μια σφαίρα στην καρδιά) is a 1966 Franco-Greek film directed by Jean-Daniel Pollet. Francesco, a young Sicilian aristocrat, scars an aging gangster who has set out to take away his property. The gangster vows to obtain vengeance, and Francesco is forced to flee across Greece with his girl friend, pursued by his antagonist's vicious henchmen.
Прекрасная жизнь
Отслужив более двух лет в Алжире, военный фотограф Фредерик возвращается в Париж, где женится на любимой девушке и проводит с ней незабываемый медовый месяц. Но мечтам о долгой и счастливой жизни не суждено было сбыться. Фредерик кое-как перебивается на временных работах, которых едва хватает на оплату аренды их шикарной квартиры. Материальные проблемы скоро сказываются на браке. Она беременеет, он проводит время в объятиях своей бывшей подружки. Однажды молодым супругам все-таки улыбается удача - Фредерик неожиданно получает работу фотографа модного фотографа. Но однажды утром раздается стук в дверь: армия снова нуждается в военном фотографе.
The Depths
A bourgeois family, who is harassed and humiliated, ruins their young maids without pay for several years.
Совиный ручей
Короткометражный фэнтези-триллер, события которого разворачиваются во время Гражданской войны в США. Южанина вешают за попытку подорвать железнодорожный мост и приговор приводят в действие на мосту через Совиный ручей. Но веревка обрывается, и пленник падает в реку и начинает свой долгий путь домой. В основе фильма лежит произведение американского писателя Амброза Бирса, известного как автор ироничных «страшных рассказов». Лента рассказывает о границах человеческой фантазии и демонстрирует, как хрупок и иллюзорен может быть мир, окружающий нас.
Paris Belongs to Us
A young woman joins a theatrical troupe where she slowly believes that the director is involved with a secret group and that he is in grave danger.
Месть Марсельца
Газетные заголовки кричат во всю страницу: «Еще одно убийство в воровском мире! Благодаря анонимному звонку схвачен некто Ксавье Оде!». Публика давно привыкла к этим страстям, ее уже ничем особенно не удивишь. Но есть люди, которым это очень интересно, потому что такого рода проблемы касаются их в первую очередь. Имя им - мафия. Жан-Поль Бельмондо играет в этом фильме молодого перспективного бандита Рокка, который вообще не имеет страха ни перед кем - ни перед законом, ни перед конкурентами, и плевать хотел на все с высокой колокольни… Сейчас ему надо достать сбежавшего неизвестно куда владельца казино по имени Вилланова. Куда делся этот тип - не ясно. Но зато ясно, что он никуда не денется, потому что в городе осталась его телка! Египтянка. И к тому же слишком красивая, чтобы оставлять ее одну. Поэтому, если взять милашку в оборот, Вилланова не заставит себя долго ждать...
Shadows of Adultery
Anna, twenty-seven, married to building contractor Eric, refuses to live in his wake. Craving independence, she can exist through the art gallery she runs, but isn’t this occupation a mere wholesome distraction? When she meets Bruno and becomes his lover she thinks she will find fulfillment only to realize that she is just another plaything in a man’s hands.
Le Bel Indifférent
An adaptation of Jean Cocteau's play of a woman lecturing her indifferent lover.
Un américain
An American sculptor, passioned by literature, comes to Paris to perfect his art, but ends up with barely no money, and to survive has to sell The New York Herald Tribune, at night, to his compatriots. A look at the bohemian Parisian life of the fifties.
Fool's Mate
Claire (Vitry) is a chic young Parisian woman married to a somewhat older husband, Jean (Doniol-Valcroze). As the story opens, she leaves her husband playing baroque music at the piano, telling him she is off to see her sister, Solange. In reality she meets her lover, Claude (Brialy) at his apartment; after some idle chatter and love-making he tells her a story of the shriveled heads that the Jivaro Indians used to give their lovers as tokens of affection but, as she shivers in disgust, he gives her a mink instead. How will they hide it from her husband though?
Мужские разборки
Assistant Editor
Профессиональный вор Тони выходит из тюрьмы и узнает, что его жена Мадо сошлась с Пьером, владельцем ночного кабака, промышляющим контрабандой наркотиков. Отложив на время месть, Тони готовит «идеальное» ограбление ювелирного магазина.