Kimon Kouris

Kimon Kouris

Рождение : , Thessaloniki, Greece


Kimon Kouris
Kimon Kouris
Kimon Kouris


Silence 6–9
Aris and Anna meet one evening in a half-abandoned town surrounded by antennas. In this strange, dreamlike world, the two solitary souls gradually start to develop feelings for one another.
5pm Seaside
On the day of his 40th birthday, Nikos, a solitary truck driver, arrives on a remote beach somewhere in the north of Greece. He is there to meet his former lover Christos, whom he hasn't seen since their military days.
Овечья стая
Танасис не может выплатить свой долг Стелиосу. Когда он узнает, что у Апостолиса та же проблема, то предлагает присоединиться к нему, чтобы договориться со Стелиосом о более выгодных условиях. Тем временем в городе появляются два молодых бандита, чтобы надавить на должников.
The Audience
The performance is over, the actors step off the stage, the audience leaves the theater. However,in this case, the end marks the beginning. Eleven spectators star in their own tales, intertwined in a collage crafted by life itself. Restaurant and movie theater owners, immigrants and tourists, regulars and passers-by interact with the urban entourage and the people they come across, weaving a mosaic of endless possibilities.
A veterinarian is called in to treat a mysterious disease in a remote farm. He examines the first victim of this disease, a ram, and he advises the owner to put down all his livestock as a precautionary measure. A freak storm, though, forces him to spend the night at the farm.
Assaulting Man
Набожные супруги-мусульмане Пари и ее муж прилетают в Афины из Ирана, чтобы навестить своего сына-студента Бабака. Но он не встречает родителей в аэропорту, и они вынуждены отправиться в город на его поиски. В центре Афин родители попадают в самую гущу уличных митингов и беспорядков. Пари, в отличие от своего мужа, знает английский язык и берет дело в свои руки. Впервые она чувствует себя главой семьи, решающей проблемы самостоятельно. Эта новая роль вдохновляет Пари: она встречается с незнакомцами, узнает новые детали и постепенно продвигается по следам своего блудного сына.
Cosmic Candy
When a young girl's father suddenly disappears, her weirdo neighbor - an eccentric supermarket cashier - is forced to take care of her.
Tasos, an ex-convict, is feeling responsible for his friend's accident at their workplace, a slaughterhouse. Kiki, a waitress at the local tavern falls once again victim to sexual harassment. When they both find themselves under extreme pressure, the eruption is unavoidable and the consequences are imminent.
Journey from Greece
Djam, a young Greek woman, is sent to Istanbul by her uncle Kakourgos, a former sailor with a passion for Rebetiko, to find a rare part that will repair their boat. In Istanbul, she encounters Avril, a nineteen-year-old French girl, alone and without any money, who came to Turkey as a voluntary worker with refugees. Djam, generous, cheeky, unpredictable, and free-spirited, takes Avril under her wing on the way to Mytilene. A journey filled with encounters, music, sharing, and hope.
The film is based on the short story "Penguins outside the accounting." of Christos Economos.