"O Filho Único do Pai" tells the story of Lucas, a frustrated logistics analyst who tries to pull himself together after being betrayed by his fiancee. And when everything looked bad enough, Antônio, his father, an eccentric retired actor, reappears after a long time and forces his son to make decisions that will change the direction of his life.
Dr. Arnaldo
Педро, 70-летний гомосексуальный медбрат, заботится о Даниэле, своей нездоровой трансгендерной подруге. Для того, чтобы определить ее в больницу, он решает помочь раненому заключенному сбежать.
The film follows the life of the doctor Menezes (Carlos Vereza), known as the doctor of the poor.
Dr. Castelo
Felício, an old comedian, is in decadence after his partner Mandarim's suicide. When he finds out his former love Paloma has died, he leaves São Paulo and heads for the faraway State of Piauí, North of Brazil, in search of a new partner. He believes that if he manages to find him, the good times will return.