Shane Atkinson


“LaRoy” is the story of a man named Ray who discovers his wife is cheating on him and decides to kill himself. Before he can pull the trigger, he is mistaken for a low-rent hired killer. Desperate for a little respect, and with nothing else to live for, Ray decides to take the job — and soon begins to question whether he made the right choice.
“LaRoy” is the story of a man named Ray who discovers his wife is cheating on him and decides to kill himself. Before he can pull the trigger, he is mistaken for a low-rent hired killer. Desperate for a little respect, and with nothing else to live for, Ray decides to take the job — and soon begins to question whether he made the right choice.
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Болельщицы со стажем
Мечтая воплотить мечту всей жизни, разномастная группа обитателей дома престарелых создает свой клуб чирлидинга.