Olivier Cohen


Nazi Death Marches
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Due to the ruthless advance of the Soviet Red Army, from the spring of 1944 until the capitulation of the Third Reich in May 1945, the Nazis evacuated the labor, concentration and extermination camps, factories of pain and death which, over nightmarish years, they had established in the occupied eastern territories. Forced to travel enormous distances, thousands of people died along the way from hunger, thirst and exhaustion.
The Savior for Sale
In November 15, 2017, the painting Salvator Mundi, attributed to Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), was sold for an unprecedented $450 million. An examination of the dirty secrets of the art world and the surprising story of how a work of art is capable of upsetting both personal and geopolitical interests.
Trintignant by Trintignant
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A portrait of a man of rare elegance and enigmatic charm, versatile and successful: Jean-Louis Trintignant, one of the most critically acclaimed French actors of the last sixty years, known for his numerous roles on stage and screen.
Stasi, un État contre son peuple
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After the fall of the Berlin Wall, thousands of documents were hastily shredded by the dreaded GDR political police. 16,000 bags filled with six million pieces of paper were found. Thanks to the meticulous work of technology, the destinies of men and women who had been spied on and recorded without their knowledge could be reconstructed.
Apocalypse Mode
After decades of growth and ostentation, when every excess was allowed, the fashion industry is currently at a turning point, caught up in the political issues that are reshaping our times: climate change and sustainable development, cultural representation and appropriation, equality, gender issues... Brands and creators are now subject to increasingly sharp public scrutiny. How is the fashion industry facing these challenges and responding to this new paradigm? Based as it is on the concept of planned obsolescence, can fashion survive?
Killer, Trader and Psychopath: The America of Bret Easton Ellis
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In 1991, American Psycho, the third novel by controversial writer Bret Easton Ellis, provoked heated discussions among critics and readers alike; an extraordinarily disturbing book that transported its readers into the mind of Patrick Bateman, a cynical mergers and acquisitions executive obsessed with brands, inconsequential details, pop culture and brutal murder.
The New Deal: The Man Who Changed America
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Elected in November 1932, as the economic crisis ravaged the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt immediately put all his campaign promises into action: it was time for the "New Deal". This bold plan, designed to turn around a nation on the brink of collapse, where unemployment was at an all-time high and the working poor were suffering from the precariousness of the job market, was intended to give hope to a country that had been battered before anything else. Once he came to power, the new president from the Democratic Party immediately passed some fifteen laws designed to revive the economy.
Cheap Food
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Industrial food production has provided the public with an abundance of food at very low prices. But with obesity and diabetes at record levels in Europe, there is clearly a problem with the food we eat. This documentary puts the spotlight on the agri-food industry and reveals how low-cost ultra-processed foods are really made.
Stalin and the Katyn Massacre
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The Katyn massacre, carried out by the Soviet NKVD in 1940, was only one of many unspeakable crimes committed by Stalin's ruthless executioners over three decades. The mass murder of thousands of Polish officers was part of a relentless purge, the secrets and details of which have only recently been partially revealed.
Coco Chanel's battles
A TV documentary that recounts the many "battles" Coco Chanel overcame to become the great businesswoman and legend she is considered today.
Ленин: Другая история русской революции
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Воссоздавая шаг за шагом революцию 1917 года, вернее, революции с февраля по октябрь, этот документальный фильм, сотканный из исключительных архивов, показывает Ленина, брошенного силой событий, далекого от его легенды.
Flying Supersonic
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Thundering across the sky on elegant white wings, the Concorde was an instant legend. But behind the glamour of jet setting at Mach 2 were stunning scientific innovations and political intrigue. Fifteen years after Concorde's final flight, this documentary takes you inside the historic international race to develop the first supersonic airliner. Hear stories from those inside the choreographed effort to design and build Concorde in two countries at once - and the crew members who flew her.
Jeanne Moreau: Free Spirit
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An account of the life of actress Jeanne Moreau (1928-2017), a true icon of the New Wave and one of the most idolized French movie stars.