Director of Photography
Livy is an international college student who is looking for her love and meets a person who catches her attention in the Mobile Legend game. Livy's feelings deepened when she and Lonewolf, the player in the game, both tried to become Professional esports players. Whereas in real life, Livy the prince who is the Lonewolf in the game world and she herself doesn't know that. But Rachel, Livy's best friend who knows this, tries to approach Prince because she herself has liked Prince for a long time.
Art Designer
Ustad Arifin Ilham's life journey from childhood to becoming a great scholar: from being pegged by a snake to being in a coma for months. From there it is also the starting point to continue to get closer to the creator. This true story is compared to the Dahlan family, who had lived a difficult and repentant life and were then given abundant fortune by Allah SWT. When he hurts his wife, his life is always a lie, restless because he feels guilty for his wife.
Art Direction
Ренди вместе со своей супругой Лорой и двумя детьми возвращается в отчий дом. Здесь совсем недавно его отец Дхарма наложил на себя руки, и теперь любящий сын беспокоится о своей матери, а она ведет себя после произошедшего с ее мужем неадекватно. В женщину словно вселился злой дух, она стала одержима черной магией. Она ведет себя, как сумасшедшая, и явно не хочет видеть в своем доме своего сына с невесткой и внуками. Все это приводит Ренди в ужас и смятение.