Masaki Matsumura


Goodbye, Don Glees!
Key Animation
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Goodbye, Don Glees!
Second Unit Director
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Goodbye, Don Glees!
Storyboard Artist
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Шинко С Вихром И Тысячелетняя Магия
Key Animation
Фильм рассказывает о мире детства — чистом, наивном и простом, который не имеет границ, где нет понятия невозможного. Захотев, можно подружиться и с немного странной приезжей из Токио, и с принцессой из далекого прошлого. Возможно все, пока есть сила духа и воображение — такова тысячелетняя магия, к которой прикоснулись Синко и ее друзья. Вырастая, мы теряем эту связь, именно поэтому детство человека освещает всю его дальнейшую жизнь. Так было в эпоху Хэйан, так будет и впредь!