Head of the household, 11 year-old Jin-ho lives with his sick mother who gathers and sells fire wood. The one thing Jin-ho is most scared about is his mother dying and being left alone in this world. One day he has an argument with her about his friend and goes to the mountains alone to gather wood. However, he has an accident and loses his way. His mother looks for him everywhere but can't find him. Jin-ho wanders around cold and hunger for several days and manages to come down from the mountains safely. He thought of his loving mother who would be waiting for him at home. But Jin-ho didn't know that everything that happened was just the beginning of unhappiness.
Head of the household, 11 year-old Jin-ho lives with his sick mother who gathers and sells fire wood. The one thing Jin-ho is most scared about is his mother dying and being left alone in this world. One day he has an argument with her about his friend and goes to the mountains alone to gather wood. However, he has an accident and loses his way. His mother looks for him everywhere but can't find him. Jin-ho wanders around cold and hunger for several days and manages to come down from the mountains safely. He thought of his loving mother who would be waiting for him at home. But Jin-ho didn't know that everything that happened was just the beginning of unhappiness.
Assistant Director
Юнсу живёт в шахтёрском посёлке в Северной Корее, вместе с женой и маленьким сыном. И хотя семья крайне нуждалась, они были счастливы тем, что имели, пока в один из дней, его беременная жена не заболела туберкулёзом. В своей стране, Юнсу не только не мог купить лекарство, но даже не в силах был накормить свою семью. Находясь в безвыходной ситуации, он решается бежать в Китай, чтобы заработать немного денег, но и те малые крохи он теряет во время облавы на незаконных мигрантов. Не в силах вернуться домой с пустыми руками, он соглашается ехать в Южную Корею, где за деньги должен будет дать интервью, тем самым, делая первый шаг к расставанию навсегда…