Hernán Chiozza

Рождение : 1966-05-31, Buenos Aires, Argentina


El día que me muera
Dina has not seen her three children for many years. They escaped their excessive control and live abroad. She can't get over her aerophobia to go visit them. She can't take it anymore without seeing them, and with his friends she sets up a mock of his funeral to force them to come and see her, but her plan will unleash madness. Who would think that this plan will work?
Judge (voice)
Киллер по прозвищу Бугай начал свою карьеру во Вьетнаме, убивал черных повстанцев в Южной Африке, мочил красных в Никаргуа, глотал песок в Афганистане и Ираке. Он был на всех гребаных войнах за последние 30 лет! Раньше он убивал во имя демократии, теперь убивает за бабос! Этот заказ должен был стать последним — убрать бывшую телку Сонни Калабриа, дона всех донов, главы мафии в Америке, которую ФБР развело дать показания против него. Дело трудное и он попросил много — 500 кусков. Чтобы хватило надолго.
Patoruzito 2 : The Great Adventure
Patoruzito travels to Buenos Aires to represent their race into a national holiday, and there is a mansion where a witch tries to make a fairy prisoner.
Egolia (voz)
Patoruzito is destined to be a great chief tehuelche, but this must pass three tests to prove their skill, courage and honor. Although it will not be so easy, on the road will have to face unforeseen obstacles that will make your trip an unforgettable adventure.