Perfectionist Nandi seems to have the New South African Dream life within her grasp, black female partner in a major firm, marriage, the perfect house - but it all goes up in flames a few months before the wedding. With her friends Zaza and Princess, Nandi will have to find out what truly makes her happy and then fight to get it.
Faan se Trein is about a simple-minded man living in a tiny Karoo community. When his father dies, leaving all his possessions to Faan and the church, greed rears its head and divides the community... Until love restores their sanity.
Executive Producer
The true story of an 84 year-old Kenyan villager and ex Mau Mau freedom fighter who fights for his right to go to school for the first time to get the education he could never afford.
Королю маленькой африканской страны Кувуки приносят в дар прекрасный драгоценный камень. Но позже выясняется, что на этот камень наложено страшное проклятие, во власти которого теперь оказывается король.
Африканские каникулы, обещающие стать забавным приключением, оборачиваются для американской семейной пары Ньюман неистовой борьбой за выживание, когда свирепая жаждущая крови львиная стая воображает их славной добычей. Потеряв надежду на помощь со стороны, отчаянная пара вынуждена сражаться за свою жизнь самостоятельно.
After falling ill, Yesterday learns that she is HIV positive. With her husband in denial and young daughter to tend to, Yesterday's one goal is to live long enough to see her child go to school.
Sarah Barcant, a lawyer in New York City who grew up in South Africa, returns to her childhood dwelling place to intercede for Alex Mpondo, a Black South African politician who was tortured during apartheid.
A failed track coach finally finds someone who he believes has what it takes to win. The Comrades Marathon is a 90-k race in South Africa. An aging running coach, Barry, wants to field a winner; he's working with four men from a factory, but when he's fired to make way for a smooth, corporate type, he's at loose ends. Then he sees Christine, a Namibian immigrant who runs to forget her troubles. He offers to coach her and soon she's living at his house, following his diet and training regimen. But his single-mindedness gets to her: she wants a job and a place of her own. Plus, the man who replaced Barry likes her and wants her away from Barry. Can runner and coach (woman and man, African and European) sort out their complex relationship before the race? Written by
Associate Producer
Судьба трагически пересекла жизненные пути двух почтенных мужчин. Один из них, сельский священник, отправившись в город на поиски сестры и сына, выясняет, что сестра стала проституткой, а сына обвиняют в убийстве. Тогда и происходит его знакомство с Джеймсом Джарвисом. И гнев сталкивается с гордостью, а исход непредсказуем.
Executive Producer
Бывалый детектив Джон Хаттон вызван расследовать страшные и непонятные события в мрачных стенах старинной прачечной, чьи работники становятся жертвами гигантской гладильной машины. Кажется, что сам демон повелевает древними механизмами, заставляя их перемалывать кости невинных людей. Цинику Джону трудно поверить, что ему противостоят могущественные силы зла, но странное поведение владельца прачечной, загадочного Билла Гэртли, лишь усиливает его подозрение…
Executive Producer
The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The stage version presents a school uprising similar to the Soweto uprising on June 16, 1976. A narrator introduces several characters among them the school girl activist Sarafina. Things get out of control when a policeman shoots several pupils in a classroom. Nevertheless, the musical ends with a cheerful farewell show of pupils leaving school, which takes most of act two. In the movie version Sarafina feels shame at her mother's (played by Miriam Makeba in the film) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (played by Whoopi Goldberg in the film version) is imprisoned.
Executive Producer
Одним из самых любимых развлечений полусумасшедшего богача по имени Доменик были странные соревнования по кикбоксингу, где победителя ждала награда, а проигравшего — пуля в голову прямо на ринге. Чемпион мира Квин отказывается работать у Доменика, после чего автомобиль Квина взрывается, а его жена погибает при взрыве. Спившийся от горя экс-чемпион все-таки попадает в руки Доменика. Непредсказуемый Квин начинает усердно тренироваться, собираясь выступать на соревнованиях «благодетеля»...
Executive Producer
Kickboxing champion B.J. is jailed for an accidental murder thanks to the testimony of his arch-nemesis Denard. A year later, B.J. is released and then challenged by Denard for $100,000. Will B.J. accept and get even with Denard?
A cop sets up his girlfriend as a target in order to trap a serial killer.
Joshua, lives in an informal settlement with his grandmother and father, a well-educated black man and single parent who was forced to flee his home as a result of Zimbabwean politics. Once a scholarship student with a great future, Joshua dreams of winning a BMX cycling championship as a means to finding a better life than the spaza shop which his father owns, can provide. But, even this dream is shattered when he narrowly survives a vicious xenophobic attack during which his father and grandmother lose their lives.