Kim So-hee

Рождение : 2000-01-10,


Hello, My Cat
The Omnibus movie is composed of 4 episodes about human beings and cats. #1 episode is woman's love and parting story, being told by cat’s perspective. #2 episode is father's story who is realized the meaning of family through the cat. #3 episode is a fantastic challenge of ballet girl who wants to live with a cat. #4 episode is about a grandfather trying to pay the debt to cat instead of his dead wife.
I Have a Date with Spring
Lee Han-na
A director who hasn't been able to film a new movie in almost a decade, has been working strenuously on a story about the earth's destruction. One day, he hears a great explosion, and is soon visited by four strangers.
Секрета нет
Choi Mi-ok
Ён-он активно помогает своему мужу, политику, перед выборами в Национальное собрание. Но за 15 дней до выборов случается несчастье – пропадает их дочь. Время идёт, женщина впадает во всё большее отчаяние. Она решает сама узнать правду. Постепенно, ей открываются новые тайны и факты о жизни дочери, её исчезновении и своём окружении.