Michael Mayers


Nuclear Family
Director of Photography
Nuclear Family begins the story of a young couple, John and Lynn, who are trying to survive in the woods after what appears to be a nuclear holocaust. They stay on the move with their 11-year-old daughter, Pauline... all the while searching for their missing 8-year-old son, Grant. Meanwhile, present society has disintegrated, and the family must stay one step ahead of the Berserkers: lawless, wild, brutal men who rape,pillage and destroy as a way of life. Shot as a pilot presentation for a TV series the story will take this family, and the others they meet along the way in their search for Grant and to avoid the Berserkers, to discoveries beyond the existing reality. Written by Clay Keeley Executive Producer
Meeting Daddy
Director of Photography
An aspiring writer from New York visits his girlfriend's eccentric family in Georgia.
The New Sideshow
Director of Photography
This fun and exhilarating look at the new faces of the carnival sideshow reveals today's most unusual performers who have taken their acts from the circus grounds to nightclubs, rock concerts, college campuses and even Broadway. Get a backstage pass to witness their outrageous acts before live audiences, who are still shocked, surprised and entertained!
The Jimmy Show
Director of Photography
A failed New Jersey inventor embarks on a career as a standup comic, turns to drink, and labors to keep his family together.
Two Family House
Director of Photography
Buddy Visalo (Michael Rispoli) is a factory worker, a frustrated crooner who once had a shot at the big time. Buddy's dreams of greatness have been reduced to an endless series of failed moneymaking schemes. His latest is buying a two-family house for him and his wife, Estelle (Katherine Narducci) and converting the ground floor into a neighborhood bar where he can perform. The wrench in the works is that he also inherits the upstairs tenants, Mary,a pregnant Irish girl fresh off the boat (Kelly Macdonald) and her abusive, alcoholic husband, Jim (Kevin Conway). As Buddy's gang of Italians tries to handle the situation, the girl goes into labor, and a baby is born, forcing them all to confront the limits of their tolerance and compassion.
Король Джо
Director of Photography
Джо Генри — четырнадцатилетний школьник, который живет в нищете вместе со своим отцом-алкоголиком, старшим братом и матерью, которая одна содержит всю семью. Однажды выясняется, что отец задолжал большую сумму денег. Пришло время платить по счетам. В опасности оказывается вся семья. Понимая, что никто, кроме него самого, не сможет выкрутиться из этой ситуации, мальчик решает самостоятельно отдать долг.
Prix Fixe
Опасное трио
Неотразимого Льюиса, отбывающего срок за убийство, и романтичного Кларка, пойманного за компьютерные махинации, объединяет общая цель. У них есть карта, которая откроет им дверь в беззаботное и счастливое будущее. Ради этого стоит совершить побег. Но, вырвавшись на свободу и отправившись в рискованное путешествие на поиски своей мечты, они встречают коварную и обворожительную Джорджию. Льюис и Кларк не подозревают, что эта встреча станет для них роковой. Лживая и вероломная, Джорджия встанет на пути осуществления их грандиозных планов.
Denise Calls Up
Director of Photography
A group of friends in New York, working away at their PCs and laptops, keep in touch exclusively by phone and fax. They are all too busy to meet face to face. Gale plays matchmaker, by phone, to Jerry and Barbara who, in turn, hit it off beautifully – via phone and fax. Martin gets a telephone call from someone he's never met. It's Denise, with some extraordinary news. Tapping away at his computer all the while, he develops a sort of friendship with Denise – via phone. And so it goes as the friends, tap, tap, tapping away, share news, hopes, and dreams – via phone and fax. Finally Gale has an unfortunate encounter with a phone, Denise has some more news for Martin, and Frank plans a gala New Year's Eve party, but will he answer the door?
Director of Photography
Рэй приезжает из колледжа домой на каникулы, папа уезжает по делам, и сын ухаживает за мамой, которая недавно сломала ногу. Он встречается с соседской девушкой, живет обычной жизнью, носит маму в душ, в туалет, грех совершает под влиянием алкоголя, но по взаимному согласию.
Let's Fall in Love: A Singles Weekend at the Concord Hotel
Before there was Tinder and on-line dating, thousands of singles flocked to the Concord Hotel’s famed weekends. Situated in the Catskill Mountains, these unattached people mixed and mingled in a high-pressure atmosphere eagerly looking for love.
Director of Photography
High school student Sam Adams has just moved to a new house in a sleepy, all-American town. His new school seems perfect at first and he is quickly accepted onto the football team. But something about his fellow players seems a bit off, particularly the brutish and arrogant Jack "Boot" Butkowski. As Sam soon discovers, the team have appointed themselves as dictatorial leaders of the school, openly modeling their behaviors after the SS and terrorizing anyone who doesn't fall in line, while rewarding those who pledge blind allegiance. When Sam's unwillingness to submit results in a violent attack on an elderly family friend, he decides to take matters into his own hands...
Токсичный мститель
Assistant Camera
По местному оздоровительному клубу слоняется Мелвин Джанко, слабак, неудачник, объект издевательств и насмешек. Он так достал своим уродским видом Слага и Бозо, что те вышвырнули его в окно. Джанко падает в лохань с токсичными отходами. Но он не только выжил в ядовитых отбросах, но и мутировал в лучшую сторону. Мелвин возродился к новой жизни гигантским мутантом по кличке Токсичный Мститель. Он обрел смысл жизни. Теперь его цель — искоренять зло в родном штате.