Camille Bonard


Kick Ball Change
In the colorful world of rock acrobatics, a male and female dancer meet to prepare for a competition. During rehearsals, we discover their doubts, their conflicts, the beauty and difficulty of working together, but also the strong bond between the two friends.
Longing for the World
Sound Mixer
When teenager Margaux bonds with seven year old Juliette and a local fisherman, her summer holidays turn upside down. An unusual friendship, where Margaux experiences tenderness and play and discovers a new way to understand herself.
You Are Not Ivan Gallatin
Location Sound Mixer
One day, you receive a present. And then another. And on and on. Till the present isn't a present anymore. It's a nightmare. And all because YOU are not Ivan Gallatin.
Douglas Sirk – Hope as in Despair
An investigative portrait of the master of cinematic melodrama, Douglas Sirk. His life was the ultimate melodrama, from which all his films were inspired. Through the testimonies of those closest to him and the unpublished accounts in his wife's diary, we get closer to this man surrounded by mystery.
In an anonymous city, a person collapses, appearing to have lost consciousness. Some strangers pass by, others embrace her. In a solitary quest for intimacy, blinded by a world of indifference, her gaze, her body are staggering.
We Will Be the Greatest
A love story between a young Serbian woman and a young Albanian man set in the Kosovo War 1998.
Under the Fish Scales
Max, a 23-year-young man, works in his father's fish shop. In this family business, the days are long and repeat themselves. The arrival of Zoe, an enthusiastic and full of life trainee, disturbs the routine of Max and leads him to rethink his future with seemed to him to be a foregone conclusion.
На ходу
На электростанцию, где живет только охранник Павел с собакой, приезжает инспектор, и прежняя жизнь в этом месте заканчивается. Чеховская по интонации драма рассказана минимумом выразительных средств: главный герой сдержан, как самурай, а режиссура Джульетты Корбель стремится к статичным композициям и скупой палитре (фильм состоит почти полностью из серого и красного). Отказ от формальных излишеств подчеркивает скрытую эмоцию сюжета.