Matthew Best


Гюнтер и газетная мафия
14-летний Ганзер Уиллер из Нью-Йорка переезжает вместе со своими родителями и младшим братом в маленький заштатный городок. Он знакомится с Элисон девушкой своей мечты, которую хочет пригласить свидание, на концерт известной группы. Денег на билеты у Ганзера нет чтобы их заработать ему приходится в компании местных чудиков заниматься доставкой газет.
Chilion (voice)
When the Israelite Naomi and her two Gentile daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, are left as widows, Naomi begs them to return to their own people. Orpah agrees, but Ruth declares she will never forsake Naomi and accompanies her mother-in-law back to Israel. Her faithfulness is rewarded when Naomi’s kinsman, Boaz, falls in love with Ruth and marries her.
Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel.
Abraham and Isaac
Younger Issac (voice)
Abraham and Isaac is an emotion-filled story of complete obedience and unreserved sacrifice. This heart-rending story is one of the greatest tests of obedience, faith and trust in God found anywhere in the Bible. Abraham passes the test and renews God's promise that he will become the father of many nations.
Forgive Us Our Debts
Nahash (voice)
Forgive Us Our Debts combines a classic parable with the teachings of Jesus to His disciples. Jesus teaches that forgiveness comes from God as He instructs Peter to catch a fish that contains a coin to pay Peter's debt. Jesus also teaches about a man who is forgiven by his king of an enormous debt. Yet, the forgiven man leaves and immediately casts a man, who owes him almost nothing, into prison. The king then rescinds his forgiveness. To receive forgiveness we must also forgive.
Don Carlo
A monk
A 1985 performance of Luchino Visconti's 1958 staging for the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Bernard Haitink memorably directs a superb cast that includes Ileana Cotrubas at the height of her powers and Luis Lima, unequalled in his tortured introspection, in the title role. (5-act version, sung in Italian)