Sabine Maas


Words Words Words Are Decorative Sounds
This video investigates the complex relationship between language and cultural identity in our contemporary times. The starting point is the artist's recollection of learning English: words, memories and images merge with artificial landscapes, and flow in vague yet coherent sequences that feel as natural and unsettling as a dream.
Father explores the relationship of a dad and son who haven’t been in touch in the last years. While he tries to reconnect with his son in the present, he reflects with his girlfriend on the past.
Ruling portrays the Supreme Court of the Netherlands in The Hague. The camera explores the space, choreographing justice procedures and reading the architectural form as if it were a case at the Court. It circulates through different chambers and domains, ending up in the courtroom. Ruling intends to look into the semiotics of power and what it means to rule today. This procedure is translated into an aesthetic gesture which enhances the timeless architecture of the Supreme Court and its design coherency.
Family Hour
Post-Soviet summer camp near Kyiv. Danya (16) prepares a special performance for the visit of his father, who is not living with him for a long time. However, Danya's father arrives earlier than expected and comes to the camp not alone.