Simon Gerbaud


Set Designer
Некогда популярный актёр бродвейской сцены теперь потерял веру в мюзиклы и работает администратором шоу. В сегодняшний премьерный вечер у него будет полно забот, и кроме того он никак не может смириться с фактом, что его бывшая девушка (певица этого же шоу) — больше не его девушка, хотя он сам её и бросил. Но шоу должно продолжаться любой ценой!
This animated short film explores everyday objects (a shoe, a laptop, a chair, a fridge, an animal skull ...) using the deconstruction. The title is a wordplay that combines two verbs in spanish: to know (saber) and to see (ver). This short film was made with part of the images produced for the exhibition saVer which includes interactive installation, silk-screen printings and sculptures.
This animated short film explores everyday objects (a shoe, a laptop, a chair, a fridge, an animal skull ...) using the deconstruction. The title is a wordplay that combines two verbs in spanish: to know (saber) and to see (ver). This short film was made with part of the images produced for the exhibition saVer which includes interactive installation, silk-screen printings and sculptures.
This animated short film explores everyday objects (a shoe, a laptop, a chair, a fridge, an animal skull ...) using the deconstruction. The title is a wordplay that combines two verbs in spanish: to know (saber) and to see (ver). This short film was made with part of the images produced for the exhibition saVer which includes interactive installation, silk-screen printings and sculptures.
This animated short film explores everyday objects (a shoe, a laptop, a chair, a fridge, an animal skull ...) using the deconstruction. The title is a wordplay that combines two verbs in spanish: to know (saber) and to see (ver). This short film was made with part of the images produced for the exhibition saVer which includes interactive installation, silk-screen printings and sculptures.
This animated short film explores everyday objects (a shoe, a laptop, a chair, a fridge, an animal skull ...) using the deconstruction. The title is a wordplay that combines two verbs in spanish: to know (saber) and to see (ver). This short film was made with part of the images produced for the exhibition saVer which includes interactive installation, silk-screen printings and sculptures.
Animation Supervisor
My grandfather fought alongside Pancho Villa, became Master Mason, was an elected official who represented Oaxaca three times, and president of the national Association of Cattle Hands. In 1942, he formed the Legion of Mexican Fighters, a group of 100,000 cattle hands training to repel a possible Nazi invasion in Mexico. His story of success, however, held a secret that affected my family, and that I discovered while making this documentary.
CLINAMEN is a project about “the fall”: as the width of the movement and as a figure of the contemporary.