Sound Engineer
Jill is an escort. When she meets Alex who pays to watch her eat, her own desire becomes obsessional. EAT is a descent into the twisting paths of a transgressive and insatiable pleasure.
Sound Editor
Пятнадцатилетняя Кенза и ее тринадцатилетний брат Махди регулярно выкладывают в соцсети ролики со сценами жестокого обращения и унижения. Однажды, когда они едут в автобусе, Кенза дает задание своему наивному и романтичному младшему брату: прямо сейчас признаться в любви Жаде, девушке, которую Махди любит, но которая его не знает. Под давлением сестры Махди соглашается на это.
Sound Editor
Ученик восьмого класса Кирилл Гришин, сам того не ожидая, превращает урок физкультуры в политическую акцию. Это могло так и остаться маленьким школьным инцидентом, но о произошедшем узнают родители мальчика.
A woman and four men who barely know each other find themselves in an apartment in the sky above Paris. They have all been the victim of the same domineering pervert who is locked in a room. That night, they decided to finish it. In turn, they tell each other memories that bind them to this man and enter the room to confront him. But what happens between the monster and them remains their secret.
Sound Editor
In the Hauts de Mayotte (The Comoro Islands), a secret space, of magic and escape, men and dogs, maintain filial almost intertwined relationships, companion species who share a common land of transformation and autonomy. Smogi has a particular relationship with dogs but also with the power of the elements, nature and the sly spirits that inhabit him (the djinns). “Djo” crosses different belief systems in a wild syncretism where the Muslim call to prayer also marks a moment of reunion with the animist and impure forces of the forest.
Sound Mixer
In the Hauts de Mayotte (The Comoro Islands), a secret space, of magic and escape, men and dogs, maintain filial almost intertwined relationships, companion species who share a common land of transformation and autonomy. Smogi has a particular relationship with dogs but also with the power of the elements, nature and the sly spirits that inhabit him (the djinns). “Djo” crosses different belief systems in a wild syncretism where the Muslim call to prayer also marks a moment of reunion with the animist and impure forces of the forest.
Director of Photography
Beneath the blazing summer sun in Corsica, sixteen-year-old Horace loses his dog. After a trying to find the animal, Horace and his gang suspect a man of Arab origin who lives outside the village.
Sound Editor
In the dark night, off the Comoros archipelago, Patron learns how to become « Commandant ». Soon he will take his first clandestine passengers to Mayotte.
Sound Mixer
In the dark night, off the Comoros archipelago, Patron learns how to become « Commandant ». Soon he will take his first clandestine passengers to Mayotte.
Sound Mixer
Тео и Уго встречают друг друга в секс-клубе. Они говорят ни о чём, и через несколько мгновений двое мужчин чувствуют потребность выйти на улицу. Вместе они дрейфуют вниз по пустынным улицам ночного Парижа. Это история о случайной встрече двух мужчин, которые хотят знать больше друг о друге и стремятся к близости, несмотря на случайную и сомнительную встречу.
A young African migrant’s first couple of hours on a European beach.