Liu Ping

Liu Ping

Рождение : 1932-06-10, Lugu Hsiang, Taipei, Taiwan


Liu Ping


Breaking Through the Black Whirl
Gangland killer Wong Biau is convicted and sent to prison for murdering Lin, chief of a rival gang who happens to be the brother of Wong's girlfriend. Actually, Wong is innocent. Years later, Wong is freed and making a start to be a law-abiding citizen. But Lin Wai-ying, his former girlfriend, now the leader of the rival gang, makes repeated attempts to kill him...
Woman Revenger
Learning of childhood friend Meihua's death, Lingling goes to Japan to find Meihua's sister, Meifeng. Brutal gangsters demand Lingling return an item Meihua stole, and hold Meifeng hostage. Old friends help Lingling confront the gang.
The Imperial Sword Killing the Devil
Five men venture into a hidden cave to find a treasure map. After they have encountered the dangers of the cave (body melting acid, a flying mini-dragon, living skeletons...), the two last survivors finally find the treasure map inside a golden Buddha. One of them falls into a pit and the other gets caught by ninjas as he tries to escape with the map while the cave explodes. After escaping from the ninjas, he meets a princess to learn the imperial sword technique in order to defeat the devil!
Chu Liu Hsiang and Hu Tieh Hua
1980 Taiwanese action packed Wuxia film directed by Lin Ying; written, produced and co-directed by Gu Long. The title characters are based on Gu Long's Chu Liu Xiang novel series set during the Sung dynasty.
The Romantic Double Rings
The Master
A gang of masked swordsmen massacre members of the Blue Dragon school.
Militant Eagle
Envoy Lu Hung Chi
The forces of good and evil clash in this martial-arts picture, as personified by warriors and overlords from the Orient's past.
Big Land Flying Eagles
Big Land, Flying Eagles is a spaghetti western-sequel desert intrigue film set on the Mongolian-Chinese border. Xiao Fung, a notable swordsman, has killed the son of a local warlord, Lee San, and the 3,000,000 tael that Lee’s son was transporting, now seems to have gone missing. Xiao Fung is now marked for death by Lee San, but finds protection from “Killer Eagle” another swordsman of great repute, and a band of nomadic Mongolian traders. Nevertheless, Lee sends killers of unusual backgrounds, including Buddhist monks, to hunt Xiao Fung down, while Xiao Fung seems curiously preoccupied with a woman who’s embroiled in unstated conflicts with practically everybody.
Big Land Flying Eagles
Production Manager
Big Land, Flying Eagles is a spaghetti western-sequel desert intrigue film set on the Mongolian-Chinese border. Xiao Fung, a notable swordsman, has killed the son of a local warlord, Lee San, and the 3,000,000 tael that Lee’s son was transporting, now seems to have gone missing. Xiao Fung is now marked for death by Lee San, but finds protection from “Killer Eagle” another swordsman of great repute, and a band of nomadic Mongolian traders. Nevertheless, Lee sends killers of unusual backgrounds, including Buddhist monks, to hunt Xiao Fung down, while Xiao Fung seems curiously preoccupied with a woman who’s embroiled in unstated conflicts with practically everybody.
Искусство Шаолиня – змея и журавль
Hung Chu's Uncle
Каждый год восемь мастеров кун-фу из монастырей Шаолиня собирались вместе. Однажды после долгих обсуждений, рассмотрев все известные виды кун-фу, они соединили воедино самое лучшее в этих боевых искусствах. Так появилась новая техника, названная «Восемь ступеней Змеи и Журавля»…
Three Shaolin Musketeers
The Clutch of Power
A rogue swordsman known as "Soul of the Sword" kills the father of a young Kung Fu expert, who teams up with a Drunken Monk to put an end to Soul of the Sword’s reign of terror, and thwart the Mongol invasion.
Shaolin Kung-Fu Mystagogue
His Highness
The evil Ching government has taken over and is out to rid the land of the remaining Ming rebel patriots, including the still surviving Ming Prince. Unknowingly, the evil Ching overlord and his men capture the incognito Prince and throw him in jail. Hearing word of the Prince's capture, Shao Chang and Fang Ping mount a rescue effort to get the Prince before his identity is found out.
The Rebel of Shao-lin
Hu Fa
Superstar Carter Wong must protect the Shaolin Temple from a traitor from within the order. The Silver Fox has turned up the heat against Shaolin, but Carter and the Holy Warrior Monks will stand firm -- or die fighting!
The Eight Masters
One of the Eight Masters
Shiao Chieh is left to a monastery when his family is killed, and grows up to be an incredible martial artist. He passes a gruelling and weird series of tests, most of which consist of being whacked by bronzemen, and goes out into the material world. He returns to live with his blind mother and his cousin, Ming Chu, who keeps being visited by an older dark stranger. Shiao Chien soon discovers Ming Chu is not really his cousin, but the niece of a man whose earnest wish is to see him die.
Последнее испытание Шаолиня
Молодой парень по прозвищу Молчун. Сирота, который погружается в тишину, из-за гибели своего отца в драке с мастером боевых искусств. Живя в шаолиньском монастыре Молчун сближается с опасным заключённым, который обучает его секретным способам смертельного Кунг-Фу. Видя сильное упорство и стремление юноши стать мастером Кунг-Фу, остальные мастера обучают его другим техникам этого боевого искусства. Но как только он становится мастером, он понимает, что обязательно должен использовать свою несравнимую силу для мести за убитого отца.
The Knife of Devil's Roaring and Soul Missing
The movie is structured much like a murder mystery, albeit one that gives the viewer a fight scene every couple of minutes. There’s a murderer who goes by the moniker Devil Swordsman gallivanting around the countryside in an outfit that looks like a ninja cloak by way of a KKK robe who’s killing all of the major kung fu masters and clan leaders with a single swipe to the face. One of his first victims is the head of the White Dragon tribe, whose son, Shan, is played by Dorian Tan Tao-Liang. Shan naturally assumes the role of detective in order to avenge his father, since that’s what people do in these movies.
Новый кулак ярости
Lin Chin Kui
Сиквел к «Кулаку ярости» с Брюсом Ли начинается там же, где заканчивается оригинальный фильм. Оставшиеся три соратника героя Брюса Ли, убитого в первом фильме, уезжают из Шанхая на Тайвань, чтобы продолжить там свою борьбу с японскими захватчиками. В это время там появляется новый начальник-японец, большой специалист по боевым искусствам, который решает взять под свою юрисдикцию все школы китайских боевых искусств, что, естественно, не нравится китайцам.
The Blazing Temple
Young men, angered by the repressive and corrupt Ching government, come to the Shaolin Temple to study. Fearing that the Shaolin Temple is a harbor for rebels wanting to overthrow the government, the Ching Emperor Yungzheng kills the monks wherever he can find them. After the Emperor orders the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, his name becomes the most feared and hated in China. After years of struggling, the surviving Shaolin disciples, led by Carter Wong, move to assassinate the Emperor. This epic tale of Manchu China has all the scope and action you'd expect from Hong Kong master Joseph Kuo.
The Dwarf Sorcerer
After seeing his father murdered and his mother abducted by a caveman-like martial arts cult, a small boy is taken in by a wizened old kung fu master, who rigorously trains him until he is endowed with almost supernatural fighting skills. This training, however, takes much less time than it would in most martial arts films, in which the kid would attain mastery at about the same time he reaches adulthood. Instead what we get is a sword-wielding 5 year old waging a bloody war of revenge against an assortment of adult-sized demons and people in heartbreakingly threadbare monster costumes.
The Screaming Tiger
Korean Hero (Black Hat)
Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of Boxing. The story is set in China in the early 1900x. Essentially playing an extension of himself, action-star Wang-Yu spends much of the time defending himself against evil martial-arts masters. He also tries to make sense of a tragic incident in his past.
The Fist That Kills
Martial arts action with a ninja prince trying to overcome the odds and gain hid rightful place on the throne.
A young Chinese all-karate champion, Tze Chiang (Kurata Yasuaki), along with his Japanese wife, arrives home in Shanghai only to find that the situation there has become intolerable. Now, he is a foreigner in his own land due to a Japanese occupation! Tze Chiang soon discovers that his parents have been murdered by a local Marshall, so the military can use the Chiang's family home as a post.
Triangular Duel
Kon Loong, a rickshaw boy, learns kung-fu from master Auyang Tin-Kin, for three years of practice. Kon Loong is recognized as the best among all the students. One day, when the master is out for a journey, another fighting association sends a challenge to the school, and Kon Loong accepts it. He goes with four other brothers, but they are badly defeated by their opponents, who hired the help of a Japanese karate fighter. When the master returns, he will have to save the school's honour, in a duel against the two other schools.
Swordsman at Large
The Joker Hsuan Yuan Wu Di
Frankie Wei Hung is the Swordsman At Large, who everyone wants to kill. They even create a superlative sword simply for this purpose, but the blade is soon coveted even more than the hero's death by it! Bandits, beauties, and blade masters battle for survival in this exciting story of deceit, betrayal, and death, expertly guided by the same director who brought The Twin Swords, The Thundering Sword, and The Sword And The Lute to the Shawscope screen.
Legends of Cheating
1971 movie by Poon Lui
Woman Guerrillero with Two Guns
An exciting story of daring guerrilla warfare.
The Mighty One
Fang Yu Lung (Abbot Lung)
The famed Ivy Ling Po (Temple Of The Red Lotus) stars as a mysterious swordswoman dedicated to keeping the five volume "Five Generations Fighting Methods" kung-fu manual out of evil-doers' hands. She joins Ling Yun, star of The Iron Buddha, who plays a hero known only as the Roving Knight to fight, train, then fight again -- facing such characters as The Six-Armed Giant and The 1000-Cut in this action-packed adventure.
The Wolf and the Angel
Hsiao Ma
A 1968 film.
The Fastest Sword
Ting Meng Hao
A great "swordfighter" learns humility after he is defeated by a master martial arts monk. But his reputation always precedes him, leading to danger, destruction, challenges, cruelty, kidnapping, and killing.