Lou Chicoteau


La Jauría
Eliú, a country boy, is incarcerated́ in an experimental minors' centre in the heart of the Colombian tropical forest, for a crime he committed with his friend El Mono. Every day, the teenagers perform strenuous manual labour and intense group therapy. One day, El Mono is transferred to the same centre and brings with him a past that Eliú is trying to get away from.
Entourage Stéphane
October 2015. French customs seize seven tonnes of cannabis in the heart of the capital. The same day, Hubert Antoine, a former mole with a shady past, contacts Stéphane Vilner, a journalist at Libération. He claims to be able to demonstrate the existence of State drug trafficking led by Jacques Billard, prominent media figure and high-ranking French police officer. Suspicious at first, the young journalist finally dives into an investigation that will lead him to the darkest corners of the Republic.
Summer Memories
It's summertime in Corte, the days are hot and time passes slowly. Marie, Lucas, and Ghujvanni spend the afternoon hanging out at the river. They spot a tourist sleeping not far from them, and come up with the idea of stealing his wallet.
В Мальмуске, бывшем рыбацком районе Марселя, встречаются новые жители и купальщики со всего города. Виржини бродит по улицам в поисках своей кошки, а Элина уверена, что муж установил на ее мобильный телефон шпионскую программу. Два друга отправляются плавать на каяке, чтобы поговорить друг с другом, не опасаясь быть подслушанными.
На заброшенном складе толпа, сотрясаемая музыкой техно 145 ударов в минуту, танцует в унисон. Там находится Дастин, молодой транссексуал, и его друзья Феликс, Рая и Хуан. Постепенно коллективное исступление сменятся мягкой меланхолией, а опьянение выявляет недостаток нежности.
Diquà Dai Monti: Where the Mountains Begin
Beneath the blazing summer sun in Corsica, sixteen-year-old Horace loses his dog. After a trying to find the animal, Horace and his gang suspect a man of Arab origin who lives outside the village.
Beach Boys
Alex and Nico came to surf. For the brothers, everything would be perfect if it weren't for this huge shark stranded on the beach.
Our Legacy
Lucas invites his girlfriend Anäis to visit him at home. His parents aren’t around. The garden is all theirs. They can make love there. A photograph hangs on the wall of a man with a tiger in his arms. “Is that your father?” asks Anäis. “Yes, that’s my father. He’s the chairman of a tiger protection group in Thailand.” The father is Pierre Woodman, the famous pornographic film director. Lucas enters into an imaginary dialogue with his father. He makes an attempt to understand his father and makes an attempt at love himself – always in view of his father, who practised it incessantly.Then Lucas confers Anäis with a knighthood and fiction soars above reality.
As Long as Shotguns Remain
Two young men in a nearly abandoned suburban landscape deal with the suicide of one of their friends by shotgunning beers and joining a gang.