Alejandra Flechner

Alejandra Flechner

Рождение : 1961-11-04, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Alejandra Flechner


Las corredoras
Они застрелили пианиста
Dõna Haydee (voice)
Нью-Йорк, 2010 год. Джефф Харрис, музыкальный журналист, намеревается раскрыть правду о Франсиско Тенорио Хуниоре, молодом бразильском пианисте самба-джаза, который исчез в Буэнос-Айресе 18 марта 1976 года.
Marcelo, 50 years old, has dedicated his life to teaching philosophy at the Public University and suddenly his mentor and boss, Professor Caselli, dies. Disoriented in this new landscape, Marcelo assumes that he will inherit the position left vacant by his mentor. What he doesn't expect is that Rafael Sujarchuk, a charismatic and pedantic philosopher trained in the best European universities, also covets the position. Between his multiple jobs as a philosophy professor in the local slums, at the university and privately with an 80-year-old millionaire, he must also prepare to run for office against this strong opponent who seems to have everyone on his side. Marcelo's clumsy efforts don't seem to be enough to get the job, but is that really what he wants?
A Blue Bird
For over six years, Javier and Valeria have been trying to get pregnant. At work Javier is approached by Camila, a coworker, and tells him she is pregnant with his baby. In the following days, his relationship—indeed, his entire existence—starts to fall apart.
Аргентина, 1985
Адвокат и прокурор подают в суд на власти Аргентины, обвиняя их в преступлениях против граждан.
Pigeon Drop
Rita Ojer
During Christmas dinner, an Argentinian family finds out that their millionaire uncle has died. His relatives speculate about his generous inheritance, but everything changes when a woman arrives at twelve and introduces herself as the deceased's wife. The head of the family, desperate about the possibility of losing everything, hides the body and forces the others to simulate a kidnapping. The plan is that, this way, the inheritance would be returned in the form of ransom payment. A bag of money appears and the plan seems infallible, but it falls into crisis when everyone wants to take their part.
El día que me muera
Dina has not seen her three children for many years. They escaped their excessive control and live abroad. She can't get over her aerophobia to go visit them. She can't take it anymore without seeing them, and with his friends she sets up a mock of his funeral to force them to come and see her, but her plan will unleash madness. Who would think that this plan will work?
Federico, in his mid-20s, lives alone in Buenos Aires. The day his grandmother dies, he decides to part with his girlfriend. He fears hurting her. However, she is laid-back, feisty and not even close to feeling hurt. He begins obsessing over her unexpected reaction—but then he meets someone else.
Другой брат
Хавьер Сетарте хочет уехать в Бразилию и копит деньги на поездку. Тем временем, его внезапно вызывают в маленький городок, где жестоко были убиты его мать и брат. Местный предприимчивый делец Дуарте предлагает Хавьеру получить страховку за жизнь его матери и ещё кое-чем подзаработать.
1+1. Нарушая правила
Филиппе — богатому бизнесмену, прикованному к инвалидному креслу, требуется помощник на дому. Но вместо квалифицированных специалистов, он неожиданно нанимает безработного Тито, у которого нет ни специального образования, ни навыков ухода за инвалидами. Дело в том, что Тито оказывается единственным, кто не проявляет к нему излишнего сострадания. Постепенно Тито осваивается с новыми обязанностями, а Филиппе начинает вновь ощущать вкус к жизни рядом со своим молодым и непосредственным помощником.
La peli de Batato
Batato Barea, the “clown/intellectual/transvestite” was a genius of the underground scene who was able to represent all the nuances of a changing country with his own poetic radicalism, in such a unique way that it made him irreplaceable. That paradox is the basis for this documentary by Peter Pank and Goyo Anchou, two authors in search of a character and his legacy, but also his irreplaceable presence and instantaneous, evanescent theatricality, which challenged every mandate and convention.
Pájaros Volando
Goodbye Dear Moon
Three astronauts are sent on a mission to destroy the moon.
Sammy and Me
Things begin to fall apart for Samy (Ricardo Darín), a longtime television writer on the brink of turning 40, when his midlife crisis starts interfering with his career. Suddenly, his scripts just aren't that funny, and he's considering leaving showbiz altogether. Can a pretty new actress (Angie Cepeda) help him turn his life around? Eduardo Milewicz directs this Spanish-language romantic comedy.
Детвора: Уголок света
Благодаря вмешательству деревянной нимфы и мудрого ученого, очаровательная Белен может на выбор жить в любой сказке, которую она выбирает. Но вместо этого она хочет оставить свой невинный мир и противостоять вызовам действительности. Таким образом, она волшебно перемещается на виллу Золотая Рыба и становится кухаркой в сиротском приюте, которым управляет Полковник. Горожане полагают, что Полковник будет вне упрека, но Белен лучше знает состояние дел в приюте. Она видит плохое обращение, что выносят сироты, которое заставляет этих шутников быть подозрительными и недружелюбными.
What Your Eyes Don't See
A murder in a house in Tigre triggers an investigation in the sphere of a political weekly. Crimes follow one another and the police can't solve the puzzle. A magazine journalist will try to get to the truth without knowing that more than one surprise awaits her.
Yepeto is a professor in his 50's, a prestigious writer who holds a chair in the literature department. Cecilia, an 18 year old student is the object of Antonio's desire. (Antonio is a young athlete, also very attractive.) Yepeto starts to feel passionately, but silently attracted to Cecilia, while at the same time, builds up his friendship with Antonio. Will this force Yepeto to give up, out of loyalty to his friend and student Antonio, all contact with his desired student Cecilia
Besos en la frente
Mercedes, a lady of eighty, widow and with fear of loneliness falls in love Sebastian, a writer sixty years less than her. Mercedes will feel trapped in that body wrinkled and slow that it allows she to live that love as it should be lived.
Сто раз нет
Mujer policía
Пара Сири — образцовое супружество. У них есть дочь Лидия, в которой они души не чают. Но тут происходит самое ужасное для них: их маленькая девочка говорит, что она беременная... Они пытаются сделать все возможное и невозможное, чтобы избежать того, «что будут говорить» об их маленькой девочке и их семействе..
El día que reventaron las lámparas de gas