Martin Petit-Guyot


Où en êtes-vous? (Numéro 2)
André (uncredited)
Video #2 of Finite Rants, a series of eight visual essays commissioned by Fondazione Prada and curated by Luigi Alberto Cippini and Niccolò Gravina. Bertrand Bonello reworks the last minutes of his 2016 film Nocturama, which documents the logistical operations and the organization of terrorist attacks in Paris by a group of teenagers. Starting with "Où en êtes-vous?", a video commissioned by the Centre Pompidou in 2014 and conceived as a letter to his then 11-year-old daughter, the director makes a new work altering the final sequence of Nocturama and completely modifying the textual component and the soundtrack in this video essay as a second letter written for his now 17-year-old daughter.
Женщина с рыжими волосами
Экранизация по произведению: Франсуа Сереса. После тяжелой военной операции в Мали журналист Антуан ищет тишины и спокойствия в небольшом городке Сен-Жиль в Бургундии. Там он встречает Констанцию, которая расследует смерть своих родителей, произошедшую 25 лет назад. Над городком витает странная легенда о женщине с рыжими волосами...
Париж - это праздник
Ноктюрама — загон для ночных животных в зоопарке. Здесь группа подростков взрывает Париж, организовывая параллельные атаки по всему городу, а затем прячется в универмаге 19 века.
Don't Let Me Die on a Sunday
Ben works in a morgue. Ben's wife left him and he is into various kinds of alternative sexuality. Teresa dies of an ecstasy overdose on the dance floor. When she is brought to the morgue, she is resurrected -how shall I say?- in Ben's arms (that part based on a true story). From this starting point, the film revolves around the interactions between them and Boris (orgy fan), Abdel (no sentimental life), Ducon (wants to kill himself), Nico (dying of AIDS), etc... A social study of the 90s with heavy references to sex and deat