Alain Tissier

Рождение : 1943-03-29,

Смерть : 2001-01-01


Красивые загорелые блондинки
Двое юношей, Ален и Марк, воспользовавшись оплошностью грабителей, похитивших из банка пятьсот миллионов франков, отправились с этими «шальными деньгами» в Марокко, разыгрывая из себя инструкторов при группе «красивых загорелых блондинок», которые решили провести несколько великолепных дней по ту сторону Средиземного моря.
Sexy Boom
Madame Arrieu is the owner of an apartment building in Paris, where she lives with her three respectful nieces. Then, Elvira, a lady who paints nudes, gets behind in her lodging payments. Elvira, wishing to impress a prospective customer from the United States, asks Mme. Arrieu to let her use her (better) apartment, to receive him - just for a couple of hours. The lady refuses, but then she must leave for a short spell... Temptation is too big.
Black Love
Naked Sex
After a disappointment in love, Alain tells his mistress how he gradually sank into libertinage: from his beginnings with a teacher in art history, then with a supermarket saleswoman, until his discovery libertine parties.
Love-Hungry Girls
Éliane and Juliette share a suburban pavilion which shelters their love affair. One day, Éliane picked up an injured man in her car: Pierre, a mobster who had just escaped. She decides to hide the fugitive in the house, then heals his wounds. While Éliane soon succumbs to the gangster's charm, the latter discovers that Juliette has a lover, Gérard. Pierre then uses this situation to his advantage to sow discord between the two women and manipulate them as he pleases. But they will rebel (Le Chat Qui Fume).
A beautiful heiress is kidnapped and held hostage until her wealthy father comes up with a ransom. The heiress develops an attraction to one of her kidnappers, but another member of the gang tries to rape her, leading to a deadly triangle.
Виннету - вождь апачей
Верная Рука и Виннету продолжают успешно противостоять проискам коварных злодеев, желающих всеми правдами и неправдами завладеть племенными землями апачей. Захватывающие скачки и погони, безупречная стрельба навскидку, драки - все это присутствует в изобилии и никого не оставит равнодушным.