Francisco Montalvo


The Ceremony
A man has an affair with his condemned brother's girlfriend while plotting his escape in Tangier.
The Castilian
Also released as Valley of the Swords, this lugubrious US/Spanish co-production features the usual mid-1960s "tax shelter" international cast. Broderick Crawford plays a despotic 10th century Spanish king who, in cahoots with the invading Moors, has banished handsome Castilian nobleman Spartaco Santoni. With the surreptitious aid of Crawford's daughter Teresa Velasquez, Santoni assembles an army to march against the Moors. In keeping with the 13th century epic poem from which this film was derived ("El Poema de Fernan Gonzales") Santoni's path is smoothed by the celestial intervention of patron saints Milan and Santiago. Among the big names picking up a few tax-free dollars in The Castilian are Cesar Romero, Linda Darnell, Alida Valli and Fernando Rey.
La paz empieza nunca
Inspired by the classic novel by journalist and writer Emilio Romero. Shortly before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), a group of Phalangist friends, who dream of a revolution to transform Spain, are dedicated to spreading their ideas among the population. As war begins, one of them, Lopez, is about to be shot, but is saved by a Republican. Then he joins the national side. After the war, an old comrade encourages him to involve in an operation to destroy the maquis of Asturias. Although he is married and has children, he accepts the proposal, infiltrates among the guerrillas and convinces them that he will provide weapons to continue fighting.
Un tipo de sangre
General road
Вавилонский лев
Osman Pascha (uncredited)
Шейх племени Хаддедин, Хаджи Халеф Омар и Кара Бен Немси обнаруживают махинации уважаемого чиновника, сафира, который на самом деле обязан своим богатством контрабанде оружия. Восемнадцатилетняя Сафа и ее двадцатилетний брат Икбал также живут в его дворце на Евфрате. Сафа думает, что Сафир - её отец, но на самом деле это дочь капитана полиции Досорзы, а Икбал - его сын. Ее мать была убита контрабандистами 20 лет назад, а дети похищены. Досорза думает, что она мертва.Икбал влюбился в дочь купца Ириду, которая мешает ему совершить набег на караван, ведущий к сафирам. В гневе Сафир бросает их обоих в темницу, в которой томятся немецкий профессор Игнац Пфотенгауэр и эксцентричный английский путешественник сэр Дэвид Линдсей...
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