(archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Directed by Gilles Chappaz.
Inspired by the life of the french-born photographer and ethnographer, Pierre Verger, the movie follows his journey between Bahia, Brazil and Benin, Oriental Africa, showing places and people he met and his life study project: the Candomblé culture.
Part one of a BBC documentary about Jean Renoir.
The grandfather
A young boy commits a simple act of theft that sends his quiet town into a frenzy over the course of one unforgettable summer. Eleven year old Petit Jean has two uncles: His kindly Uncle Arthur is a good neighbor and law-abiding citizen, but Arthur's brother Andre is a notorious thief. When Andre is arrested for stealing chickens, he denies any wrongdoing yet winds up in jail regardless - the unfortunate victim of his own his bad reputation. Meanwhile, on the outside, the townspeople remain split over the decision to pin the crime on Andre despite the notable lack of evidence. Little do they realize that Jean Petite is the real thief, because he's not talking.
In July 1956, together with the mountaineer Gaston Rébuffat, the actor and cellist Maurice Baquet made the first ascent of the south face of the Aiguille du Midi (3,842 m/12,606 ft), a magnificent wall of red granite soaring up like a rampart above the Vallée Blanche (the White Valley) in the Mont-Blanc Massif. Thirty-two years later, as if to pay tribute to the memory of his friend Gaston, now deceased, Maurice Baquet once again climbed this mighty crag, suspended between sky and earth, behind Christophe Profit.
The journey strewn with adventures of François Veber, electrician who decides to embark on the theater. For his passion, he leaves his wife. Particularly awkward, he will have to work to achieve his dream.
Два малоизвестных комика, друзья Поль Мартэн и Франсуа Легро, работающие в небольшом театре на задворках города, применяют все свои дарования, чтобы «продержаться» до первых денег. Волею обстоятельств (созданных ими же) на них обращает внимание Гаэтан – комическая телезвезда с многолетним стажем – и приглашает их в своё еженедельное шоу. Все трое (до знакомства и после) постоянно сочиняют комические сценки, которые должны принести им славу, деньги и признание публики; их фантазии – это вереница смешных сценок, многие из которых прокручиваются в их воображении по нескольку раз с вариациями.
Le premier bibliothécaire
The climbing of an immense staircase made up of the most varied stairs- Symbolic scenes occur on different levels where characters seem to be prisoners of their deeds and of their own folly. The steep staircase leads little by little towards the zones of great light where human beings and nonhuman beings meet.
The neighbor
Alex Berthier would love to be a famous songwriter. Meanwhile, he has to cope with unemployment, a witty 12 years old son and a rich and cute heiress who tries to help Alex as much as he tries to escape her: she brings nothing but trouble ! Fortunately, luck will strike again.
Le professeur de Violoncelle
A notorious French madam, whose business serves many of the nation's most powerful individuals, plans to go international until she becomes the focus of media scrutiny.
Jules, le cantonnier
In the summer of 1939, 13-year-old Marie goes with her parents to visit her grandparents in a small town near Avignon. Marie discovers her femininity and falls for a young Jewish doctor, but he prefers Eva, Marie's mother.
Un Musicien (uncredited)
Париж. 1942. Робер Кляйн, эльзасец по происхождению, католик по воспитанию, несмотря на немецкую оккупацию, вполне преуспевает, скупая по дешевке у евреев произведения искусства, мебель. Но вся его жизнь резко меняется, когда он получает по почте газету, предназначенную для евреев, и обнаруживает, что у него есть двойник…
Heroic Bricklayer
На митинге убит глава либеральной организации «Друзья мира». Полиция пытается представить убийство как несчастный случай. Дело получает сильный резонанс, а расследованием занимается следователь прокуратуры, который шаг за шагом получает доказательства заговора, в котором участвует как полиция, так и верхние эшелоны власти.
Le petit Claus
Once upon a time there lived in the same village two men bearing the very same name. One of them chanced to possess four horses, the other had only one horse, so, by way of distinguishing them from each other, the proprietor of four horses was called "Great Claus," and he who owned but one horse was known as "Little Claus"...
For Gaston Rébuffat, a passionate and generous guide, a summit is much more beautiful when you look at it in the eyes of his climbing companions. Rébuffat talks to us about his profession and his conception of mountaineering, based on transmission and the love of his client. We follow him in the footsteps of the pioneers of the mountains, in the ascent and crossing of the Matterhorn.
История об изобретателе, который придумал идеальный способ передвижения — управляемый воздушный шар, наполненный облегчённым воздухом. Вместе с внуком он пролетел над Францией, и во время полёта заснял много интересного и необычного.
Jojo, le fils aîné de Robert et Mathilde
Жаклин Мартин (Этшика Шуро) влюблена в молодого человека Жоржа Рише (Луи Вель). Но родители девушки (Мишель Симон и Габи Морлэй), а тем более, молодого человека (Жан Брошар и Рене Пассэ), не одобряют этот выбор. Не то сословие, разный уровень. Но молодые на это не обращают внимания... Луи де Фюнес в роли дяди Жаклин.
Bibi Fricotin
Биби Фрикотен пытается найти сокровища предков своей подруги Катрин. После множества приключений, преодолев тысячу преград, созданных на его пути дядей и тётей девушки, Фрикотен всё-таки находит сокровище… в музее.
Having fallen out with his girlfriend Dolorès, Juanito leaves for Mexico, where he becomes a famous matador.There he meets a Viennese singer, Fanny Miller, who falls for him so much so that she intercepts the letters Dolorès keeps on sending him. In desperation, Dolorès devotes all her time and efforts to dance and she becomes the celebrated dancer Estrellita. After a series of misunderstandings and ups and downs, the sun of Andalusia will finally reunite the two lovebirds.
Juanillo is in love with Dolores, the daughter of the owner of an inn. He likes to sing, she likes dancing. After the village festivals, where Juanillo has acted as a bullfighter and Dolores has performed, he has been hired as bullfighter for a tour in America. They exchange vows, but their letters will be intercepted.
Thanks to a bit of string-pulling by his aunt, Jean du Bois d'Ombelles, a young recruit who has blue blood in his veins, hopes to go through a nice and comfortable military service. Unfortunately he becomes Corporal Bourrache's pet aversion. Nevertheless, against all expectations, Jean ends up taking a liking for military life.
Although suspected and hunted down by policeman Sherlock Coco and inspector Hector, the Pieds Nickelés (Croquignol, Filochard and Ribouldingue) manage to save the legacy of Monsieur Miradoux, who will be very grateful to them.
A man remembers all the incredible stories that took place in his hotel.
Sherlock Coco, famous detective, tries to thwart the machiavellian plans of the trio of shock. Croquignol, Ribouldingue and Filochard must be extra vigilant, but the profit motive is too strong. As a corollary, the famous pink diamond is also of interest to their legendary enemy, Jo Papillon. But always inventive, they will work out multiple scams and tricks to reach their goals.
The basic premise: A retired bus driver fulfills his lifelong dream of providing an extended "voyage surprise" (the title is translated as "Mystery Tour") for unsuspecting vacationers. They soon realize, while riding in the old man's home-made bus, that he hasn't bothered to plan any kind of itinerary. As a result, they end up in completely preposterous situations, of course. Voyage surprise!
The reporter
The young King Boris of Neustria, who has followed his family in their exile in London, falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy American businessman. The latter, however, will only approve the union if Boris gives up royalty for the business world.
Micheline is a pretty girl but rich, spoiled and whimsical as well. Jacques, the brother of her friend Danielle, is so exasperated by her behavior that he decides to give her a chance to learn about good manners. To that effect, he kidnaps her and detains her in a hut on the edge of a wood. He starts "taming the shrew" but the situation soon gets out of control when criminals - real ones this time - abduct Micheline in earnest... and for ransom!
Leaving the station after having caught the last Paris Metro, a man comes to the rescue of a woman who is being assaulted and finds himself drawn into her affairs.
The conductor (uncredited)
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Большинство мужчин из маленькой альпийской деревни близ Шамони работают гидами для туристов, желающих совершить восхождение. Молодой Пьер Серветта – не исключение. Но несчастный случай во время одной из экспедиций едва не ставит крест на его карьере. Получив сотрясение мозга, юноша неожиданно для себя приобрел страх высоты. Для альпиниста это было хуже смерти. Узнав о происшедшем, друзья Пьера и его девушка Алина решают во что бы то ни стало помочь парню. Ради этого вопреки традициям Алина даже надевает альпинистское снаряжение и отправляется в восхождение. Отпустить свою любимую одну Пьер не может, а потому, отчаянно борясь со своей фобией, он отправляется вслед за ней…
Lantern seller
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
Gaspard Duval dit Pas Béni
In the French Basque Country, Ramon, the son of a farmer and fruit and vegetable merchant with a beautiful voice, has the good life. He is engaged to his charming cousin Maria. But his daily life is called into question when, during a fight, he believes he has killed a bad boy. He flees to Algeria where, with a friend, he joins the Saharan Pioneers.
Two young people, cousins to each other, inherit a domain where three comrades come to camp. The castle serves as a reserve for a black market band whose leader will do his best to clear out the new occupants. An inventor, an archaeologist, an inspector and a goatherd enter the circle...
Un ami de Gilbert
Gilbert, poet and singer, is about to marry Lilette but deep inside himself he is not quite sure that she is the woman he needs. That is the reason why he has made up an imaginary woman, Frédérica" to whom he writes love letters, actual ones this time. When Lilette finds one of these, she sees red. Théodule, one of Gilbert's many friends, sets out the problem with the help of Claudine, his own girlfriend, posing as Frédérica. After Gilbert and "Frédérica" have played a phony breakup scene in front of Lilette, things seem to come right when... another Frédérica appears...
A man is shot In the hotel of an imaginary South American country. Clarence and Montès, two inspector students, must solve this murder, but they don't know that dead guy is the USA public enemy No.1.
Guy Carbonnel, a rich industrialist, has more eyes for rugby than for his wife Hélène. René Rivals, his long-time pal, takes advantage of it to court her but Guy is becoming suspicious so René has to find a way to deflect his friend's suspicion. He finally has an idea: he asks Lilian, a circus acrobat, to pose as his mistress. Lilian accepts and they embark on a series of eventful moments.
The owner of the place of Chamonix covets the inn, run by the Michel's uncle, whose business goes bad. Michel decides to participate in a ski competition to help uncle.
A famous violinist enlists in a music school in order to woo one of the students.
"Altitude 3.200" asks the question and provides the premise of what would happen if a group of young people----poor, rich, discontented, bored--- were given an idyllic community in which to live. Call it a colony. Call it a village. Call it one-world. Mainly call it a futile exercise in changing human nature, mores, culture and attitudes at any altitude. For t'ain't no time before clashing personalities, petty jealousy, violence and---that old demon---love create havoc. And isn't much longer before they become re-united in the face of an avalanche that threatens to destroy them. They all return to whence they came, sadder and wiser.
le joueur d'harmonica
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
Paris, 1937. Winckler kills his enemy Gordon, a Chicago mobster, from the stage of a Parisian music hall, where he performs telepathy. He pays another artist, Helene, so that she tells the police they've spent the night together, which doesn't fool Callas, the police officer who investigates the murder. He hires one of his fellow officers in order to seduce Helene.
As its title indicates, La Mort du Cygne (The Dying Swan) is set in the special world of the ballet. Young dance student Janine Charrat idolizes her teacher-role-model Yvette Chauvire, and will do anything to help Chauvire further herself.
Aliocha, le fou accordéoniste
Однажды вечером, проигравшийся до последней нитки барон возвращается домой с отчаянной мыслью свести счеты с жизнью и не находит пистолета на месте. Зато он обнаруживает молодого грабителя Ваську Пепла, с которым и знакомится. Пропив всю ночь до утра, барон понимает, что совсем не обязательно стреляться, в жизни есть дно, на которое он не опускался, поскольку не подозревал о его существовании. И он утром, после того, как из его квартиры все вынесли за долги кредиторам, отправляется в трущобы Парижа, которое оказывается ночлежкой, где проживал Пепел и содержит его скупщик краденного Костылев. У Пепла была интрижка с молодой женой хозяина Василисой, но Пепел со временем понимает, что его душе ближе сестра Василисы, тихая и робкая Наташа, которую из ревности Василиса пытается выдать замуж за коррумпированного полицейского инспектора.
A few colorful characters, with very different social origins and whose destinies are not always glorious, will parade before our eyes, for our greatest pleasure. Turning among characters such as : an alcoholic bum, a rich banker, an eccentric old lady, a working class girl, a poor lover, and a hypocritical bourgeois.
Durant Tout Court
Helene is based on Helene Wilfur, a novel by Vicki (Grand Hotel) Baum. Madeleine Renaud essays the title role, a young medical student in love with aspiring musician Pierre Regnier (Jean-Lous Barrault). Pierre's father, a noted surgeon, puts pressure on his son to give up music in favor of medicine. Unable to withstand his father's remonstrations, Pierre kills himself, prompting the grieving Madeleine to forget all about romance and dedicate her life to the cause of healing others. Wilfur avoids the usual soap-opera goo by offering realistic performances and credible dialogue (the English-language subtitles were composed by erudite film critic Herman G. Weinberg).
Charles, the Concierges' Son
Мсье Амедей Ланж — скромный автор французских романов об американском Диком Западе. Его жадный босс Батала постоянно обкрадывает писателя. Мало того, он расхищает средства компании, бежит, а позже поступает сообщение, что он погиб во время крушения поезда. Работники издательства вне себя от радости, они организуют кооператив и зарабатывают кучу денег на новой серии Ланжа «Аризона Джим»…
Sylvie, a rich girl, learns at the same time the death and the ruin of her father. Forced to find work in Paris, she is given shelter by a medical student who soon falls for her. Another young man falls in love with her. When her benefactor gets ill and finally dies, Sylvie refuses to give the other man her heart out of faithfulness for the dearly departed. But youth commands and after a time love -but not oblivion - triumphs.
Before the Battle is the English-language title of this espionage melodrama. The first half of the film takes place aboard a French cruising ship, steaming through dangerous waters during WWI. Among the passengers is heroine Jeanne (Annabella), who was once in love with first-officer D'Artelles (Robert Vidalin) but he now seems strangely preoccupied. It turns out that the ship is on a secret mission, which ultimately dooms the vessel to a Lusitania-like death. After the sinking, Captain De Corlaix (Victor Francen) faces a court-martial, and it is at this point that the film clarifies several baffling plot points. Despite its complexity, the story is fairly believable, with the exception of the grafted-on romantic subplot.