Mikio Satô


Fall Into The Blue
Yasuko and Shizuka, friends and coworkers, come to be so much more after a terrible incident involving Shizuka’s boyfriend. After an intense fight that left Shizuka with a black eye, she takes her revenge by bludgeoning her boyfriend in the head, leaving his lifeless body on the bathroom floor. Yasuko pledges her support to Shizuka and tells her its all going to be ok, and that she will help take care of the body. The two women share a bed while staying with Yasuko’s sister, and things start to get hot and heavy.
Sensual Ward: Wet Red Lips
The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a striking example of Pink Cinema that mixes horror with eroticism in a way that is both unsettling and genuinely original. A young couple enter a hospital after rumours that a demonic spirit known as the slit mouthed woman had been seen there. Once inside, they are possessed by an overwhelming desire to have sex and sneak off into an empty room to satiate their lusts. Then out of the darkness a perverse and disfigured woman appears and confronts them.The Slit-Mouthed Woman, a.k.a Kuchisake, is an original hybrid of pink erotica and horror from the controversial J-sploitation director Takuaki Hashiguchi whose previous films include the disturbingly nasty Woman Prisoner Torture. The Slit-Mouthed Woman features impressive special make-up effects from Takashi Oda, who worked alongside the acclaimed actor/director Beat Takeshi Kitano on his Yakuza action film Sonatine.
Following her father's death Mirai moves into a house with her uncle and his wife but finds herself lost and confused as she begins to have horrible visions. Mysteriously people around her begin dying one by one and Mirai sets off on a desperate search into her past in an attempt to find the murderer. The past uncovers a mystery that is linked to startling family secret.
Stop the Bitch Campaign
Tokyo’s Valentine Call is a special kind of phone club. Older salarymen pay to wait for calls from teenage girls, discreet meetings are arranged, and handfuls of yen are exchanged for a quick session of enjo kosai, or paid sex with a high school girl. Plenty of girls are doing it—some to make money for fancy, fashionable clothes and accessories, others to set a trap to rob and brutalize the old perverts. But the Valentine Call staff, horny young Ogisu and the vaguely sinister, makeup-coated Mr. Kuni, have a nasty plan of their own. Listening in on the enjo kosai calls, they conspire to trick the girls into giving them free sex. Mr. Kuni even has a twisted concept behind this scheme. He calls it enboku, his campaign to humiliate the teenage girls, drive them away from prostitution and purify Japan.
Office Lady Sisters: I Want to Sleep with You
Tokyo X Erotica
What lasts longer, the time before birth or the time after death? In the 1990's, Kenjo dies in a terrorist gas attack. His girlfriend Haruka is killed by a man she meets as a street prostitute. In 2002, Kenji and Haruka who should already be dead, meet again and a new story begins.
This gender-swapped take on the horrific murder case of Junko Furuta shows how Jun Furuta's father tracks down the juveniles who murdered his son to find out why his son had to die and to exact his revenge.
Bashful Mother
Starring Hitomi Kobayashi, the forbidden sex story of mother and son. After breaking up with her husband, the mother and son Yutaka and Junichi live together. Junichi fell in love with the fragrance of his childhood sweetheart, and when he realized that this idea was impossible, he carried out an evil act in the total planning room. Then, the nightmare sex feast kicked off...
Currency and Blonde
A university professor's secret passion: a fetish for "blonde hair." His fantasies gradually escalate into reality.
Forbidden Door: Sexual Urge in the Skirt
A message dial that exposes everything to a complete stranger. Not only the body, but also the mind... A melancholy and sensual erotic film by Takahisa Zeze, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Pink Films.
Despite All That
Naoko, female art teacher suffering from bipolar disorder spends her time at home compulsively chopping cabbage. She occasionally then begins cutting herself, causing her husband, Yoshio, to intervene. Yoshio attempts to help Naoko by dressing as a woman, "Yoshiko", in whom Naoko can confide. Yoshio has a low sex drive, and hopes to stimulate his interest by having Naoko dress as a school girl. When so attired, shopping for appropriately adolescent socks, Naoko meets Kimiko, one of her female students. Kimiko's parents have abandoned her, and she stays with a strange man named Tokio. Naoko suggests that Kimiko come to live with her. At their home, Kimiko proceeds to seduce both Naoko and her husband. During a sex session with Yoshio, she binds him and paints obscenities onto his body.
Anarchy in Japansuke
A middle-aged man walks up to young man who is sitting under a tree and shoots him. The film then flashes back to 1981, where a young woman steals a car with a baby strapped inside. She decides to raise the child as her own, and teaches him to shoplift from stores while she works as a prostitute. She strikes up a relationship with a convenience-store clerk, and the two eventually settle down together.
No Love Juice: Rustling In Bed
“When 28-year-old Tomomi is dumped by her boyfriend she seeks solace in the arms of 20-year-old student, Takao. A relationship develops through which Takao comes of age sexually and Tomomi discovers a side to love she has previously not known.”