Vladlen Odudenko

Vladlen Odudenko

Рождение : 1975-01-16, Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, USSR, [now Kyiv, Ukraine]


Vladlen Odudenko


Grey Bees
Production Design
January, 2022. Long-time neighbours and miners Sergiich and Pashka live in a small village in the Donbass. Their lives would be unremarkable were it not for the fact that they are located in a grey zone at the heart of the conflict between Russian and Ukrainian forces. They are neutral arbiters, frequently hosting members of one army or the other, each fully aware of what their neighbour is doing. But as fighting continues and resources diminish, both men know they must connect with a ravaged world beyond their homes.
Carol of the Bells
Production Design
Immortalised as one of the most scintillating and uplifting Christmas songs, 'Carol of the Bells' adapted from a popular and loved Ukrainian folk melody, came to represent the spirit of brotherhood and unity all over the world. The peaceful and neighbourly existence of three families, Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish, sharing a large house, musical evenings and merriment in the city of Stanislaviv in the years preceding and post war, is shattered. First in the Soviet occupation and the persecution of the Polish family, then, by the Nazi occupation of Ukraine, and the decimation of the Jewish family. Sacrificing their lives the Ukrainian family manage to save their neighbours' children and their own daughter. Death and loss come to these families, but the healing power and joy , and a promise that the Future Will Not be Cancelled which "Carol of the Bells' evokes will be everlasting.
Operator Victoria
Production Design
Victoria is a call center operator for the Psychological Support Service. She lives with a drug addict partner and dreams of reconciliation with her son, who is temporarily raised by her mother. When her partner steals the only money they've had and disappears, and her mother announces she's about to sue for the child's custody, Victoria decides that the only one way out is to commit suicide. However, at the very edge between life and death, she finds the true path to herself.
Production Designer
The film centers on Ukrainian surgeon Serhiy, who is captured by the Russian military forces in the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine, and while in captivity, he is exposed to horrifying scenes of humiliation, violence and indifference toward human life. After his release, he returns to his comfortable middle-class apartment and tries to find a purpose in life by rebuilding his relationship with his daughter and ex-wife. He learns how to be a human being again, how to be a father and help his daughter, who needs his love and support.
At the age of 16, Maria is in despair after the death of her mother as her life turns into hell. But she has to deal with the new circumstances. Every day turns into a trial. She is being isolated in a small apartment in one of Kyiv’s Residential districts, constantly suffering from sexual abuse. Being forced into this situation yet again, Maria decides on a desperate deed to put an end to years of violence from which she has suffered.
At the age of 16, Maria is in despair after the death of her mother as her life turns into hell. But she has to deal with the new circumstances. Every day turns into a trial. She is being isolated in a small apartment in one of Kyiv’s Residential districts, constantly suffering from sexual abuse. Being forced into this situation yet again, Maria decides on a desperate deed to put an end to years of violence from which she has suffered.
At the age of 16, Maria is in despair after the death of her mother as her life turns into hell. But she has to deal with the new circumstances. Every day turns into a trial. She is being isolated in a small apartment in one of Kyiv’s Residential districts, constantly suffering from sexual abuse. Being forced into this situation yet again, Maria decides on a desperate deed to put an end to years of violence from which she has suffered.
Deportation. 44-46
Production Design
During 1944-1946 more than 480,000 Ukrainians had been forced to leave the territory of modern northeastern Poland - Kholmshchyna, Nadsiannia, Pidliashshia, and Lemkivshchyna. The eyewitness tells the story of deportation and recalls terrible conditions in which she and other Ukrainians were taken from Poland to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Production Design
2025 год. Сергей воевал и вернулся домой, на восток Украины. Пытался найти работу, но все предприятия закрылись, зона стала нежилой. Герой страдает от ПТСР, действие происходит на фоне экологической катастрофы. Что сможет удержать там героя?
Production Design
Действие фильма происходит в современной Украине. Назим погиб на войне. Его отец Мустафа, верующий мусульманин, приезжает за телом Назима, которого хочет похоронить в Крыму. Он настаивает на том, что с ним поехать должен младший сын Алим и соблюсти сорок дней траура.
Захар Беркут
Production Design
1241 год. Монгольская орда во главе с ханом Бурундой движется на запад, истребляя все на своём пути и захватывая пленных. Дойдя до высоких Карпатских гор, войско останавливается у подножия. Ночью несколько местных охотников, братья Беркуты, тайком пробираются в лагерь и освобождают пленных. Узнав об этом, Бурунда приходит в ярость и решает отомстить, уничтожив местные поселения. Для этого он находит предателя среди местных, который открывает ему тайный проход в горах. Однако у горских охотников под предводительством Захара Беркута есть свой план, как раз и навсегда остановить врага.
Winter of The Braves
Production Design
1918 Ukraine. Patriotic students, protagonists of the film, get ready to defend Kyiv and fight heroically in the Battle of Kruty. On this historical background reveals the story of the Savytskyi family - the general of Ukraine's counterintelligence and his two sons, Andrii and Oleksa.
Black Level
Production Design
Loneliness dwells in a big city; Kostya, the wedding photographer, dwells there too. At work, he is surrounded by happy people celebrating special moments in their lives. Kostya is about to turn 50, and he is drastically losing everything he used to cherish. Will he cope with his despair and regain the joy of life?
Not Today
Production Design
The old man Lyosha and his lady Christie decided to die happily in one day. But Lyosha has to finish something very important first. He does desperate things to implement his secret plan and convince his woman to delay the day of their death.
Братья. Последняя исповедь
Production Design
Два брата-гуцула всю жизнь все делили: мать, игрушки, право называться лучшим, одну женщину, одного сына. Но в их жизни произошло событие, после которого они не разговаривали друг с другом на протяжении 40 лет. В их маленький провинциальный городок приезжает писательница, которая читает в местном монастыре лекцию про святых и юродивых. Среди слушателей — пожилой человек, которого зовут Войтко. Писательница постепенно входит в жизнь Войтка и знакомится с его братом. Она становится связующим звеном между двумя братьями, смысл жизни которых — в противоборстве: кто дольше проживет и не потешит второго своей смертью.
Production Design
Украина, тридцатые годы. Американский инженер Майкл Шемрок вместе с сыном приезжает в Харьков помогать строить социализм. Здесь он влюбляется в актрису Ольгу Левицкую (Джамала), на которую давно положил глаз влиятельный сотрудник НКВД. При трагических обстоятельствах американец погибает, а его сына спасает от преследователей слепой кобзарь. Не имея других шансов выжить на чужбине, парень становится поводырем. Их путешествие, полное опасных приключений, происходит на фоне драматических страниц украинской истории и разрушения человеческих судеб. Фильм о любви, верности, подлости и предательстве в лучших традициях голливудского кино. Снято по реальным фактам и свидетельствам.
Production Design
Главный герой фильма, Сергей, попадает в специализированный интернат для слабослышащих, где существует криминальная организация, Племя. Он пытается занять свое место в иерархии школы и принимает участие в нескольких ограблениях. Когда Сергей влюбляется в Анну, одну из наложниц Смотрящего, ему приходится нарушить неписанные законы племени.