Christian Kohlund
Рождение : 1950-08-17, Basel, Switzerland
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert
When Borchert receives an anonymous message that a certain Franz Brosi is innocent, law firm boss Dominique can hardly believe it. After all, Brosi was her first client as a public defender a few years ago and had actually confessed. The two are investigating the case.
Thomas Borchert
Thomas Borchert is already looking forward to his goddaughter Jenny, who is completing a practical semester in Albania. At the airport, as part of the baggage check, half a kilo of hashish is seized from her, which Jenny claims she did not know anything about. Borchert and Dominique Kuster want to find out who could have put the hash on her. They also have to solve the murder of an entrepreneur who was involved in crooked business.
Thomas Borchert
Lawyer Dominique Kuster can feel a professional success for herself when her underage client Stefan, the oldest of three foster children, receives mitigating circumstances. After the court hearing, however, she found out that the foster father Christian Hunziker had a fatal accident in a car. An autopsy reveals that it was murder. Someone has swapped the dead man's insulin for ineffective water. Christian's wife Martina comes under suspicion.
Thomas Borchert
Borchert wants to toast three years of successful cooperation with his superior Dominique Kuster and her father, Reto Zanger. The evening is canceled because Reto Zanger is called to Geneva at short notice for a mandate. His daughter is therefore supposed to represent him at a court hearing in Zurich. The trial takes a dramatic turn when inmate Alexander Böni takes those involved as hostages.
Georg Fischer
Thomas Borchert
The lawyers Borchert and Kuster are investigating a case involving a young student who has come under the crosshairs of a terrorist group.
Thomas Borchert
The building contractor Hubert Thalmann is found stabbed to death by the young burglars Tim and Robin in his villa. The next day Tim goes to the police, the lawyer Thomas Borchert and his superior Dominique Kuster represent the youth in all subsequent instances. They believe in his innocence because he is also covering his friend Robin. During the investigation it turns out that both Thalmann's wife Vera and his brother Bernard have a motive.
Thomas Borchert
Anton Schneider says goodbye to his wife Luise in tears and dies. Schneider was seriously ill with multiple sclerosis and was diagnosed by neurologist Dr. Hoffer medically treated. Luise Schneider reports the doctor and accuses him of incorrect treatment of her husband, which ultimately led to his death. The mandate against Dr. Hoffer takes over Dominique Kuster, who entrusts her employee Thomas Borchert with the investigation.
Thomas Borchert
Attorney Thomas Borchert is in custody, where he is accused of bribery and embezzlement. His former supervisor Horst Zeidler advises him to take the blame in order to then make a deal with the public prosecutor. Borchert rejects the offer. He wants to prove his innocence by legal means and is looking for a suitable defense for himself in court.
Thomas Borchert
A drama directed by Otto W. Retzer.
Mother Sophia and daughter Adriana are expecting a child at the same time. When Adriana had an accident in the car, the baby had to be picked up early. It dies without Adriana's knowledge, and Sophie makes a momentous decision ...
Charly Bösch
Robert Sörensen
A man decided to bury himself alive.
Arthur Chalimar
In a successful mixture of wit and situational comedy "With all my heart" tells of the clash of two people who could hardly be more different - and therefore find each other. Gudrun Landgrebe and Christian Kohlund play the unequaled dream couple, Berno Kürten has staged the smart romantic comedy.
Prof. Alexander Vollmers
This reunion celebrates the 20th anniversary of the tv series "Die Schwarzwaldklinik".
William Conner
Sergio Venuti
After the death of his spouse Robert Senden,professor of literature in Graz (Austria) has become a solitary man.His housekeeper, the Italian Maria hardly tolerates his pedantry.Suddenly Maria must travel to Italy for family reasons and Robert Senden will take care of Rick, Maria's godchild till Thomas, the father of Ricky can come for him.But bad news Thomas had an accident and stays now in an hospital.Ricky is desperate and escape from Graz to Italy and Robert Senden will follow him and now begins some days of rest in the house of Maria's mother.
Eike Blohm
Despite her blindness, the famous singer Sophie Martell, who lives in Venice, has remained a cheerful, optimistic woman. However, she does not look forward to much, as her agent David hired journalist Eike Blohm to write Sophie's biography. But soon the idiosyncratic woman falls in love with her sensitive biographers. David, however, is not at all thrilled with Sophie's love affair: he fears that this could expose his scams and embezzlement of Sophie's private assets.
Padre Boka
Tillmann Hund
Costamagna Della Fina
Фильм повествует о жизни великого Римского Императора Юлия Цезаря. Но это не просто эпитафия знаменитому оратору, политику, военачальнику и диктатору Великой Римской Империи. Это трагедия мужчины, пережившего смерть любимой женщины и трагедия Императора, пожертвовавшего любовью египетской царицы Клеопатры ради могущества своей страны. «Юлий Цезарь» — это история борьбы любви и долга, воли и желаний, амбиций и законов, борьбы с богами и людьми за могущество и величие своей страны.
Monsieur Pascal
Vera and Hans have been happy for 15 years - only the marriage certificate is still missing. Vera's mother wants to help the couple on the jumps and proposes them to the local radio station as "the perfect couple of the week". This means that if they marry within four weeks, the sender pays the wedding. The stars are not unfavorable. But just before the wedding date confirmed that Libra and Taurus are an explosive combination. The high-caliber romantic comedy shows in an amusing, subtle way how heavenly influences in relationships can move mountains.
Martin Vogt
Quintus Maximus
90-й год новой эры. Римский император Домициан объявляет себя богом, а христиан, не признающих его божественности, — злейшими врагами государства. Престарелый апостол Иоанн, под чужим именем находящийся в заточении на острове Патмос, получает Божественное Откровение о последних днях мира. Движимая желанием увидеть последнего очевидца Страстей Христовых молодая христианка Ирина тайно проникает на остров. Иоанн доверяет ей распространить среди единоверцев записанное им Откровение. Но Ирина не подозревает, что ее возлюбленный Валерий, сын римского полководца Квинта, получил задание выследить Иоанна…
Martin Vogt
Dr. Jens Groote
Масштабное и зрелищное эпическое сказание о земной жизни Иисуса из Назарета. Спаситель родился в семье бедного плотника Иосифа и простой женщины Марии. Проведя сорок дней в пустыне, где его искушал Сатана, Иисус начал проповедовать свое учение, навсегда изменившее мир. После беседы с ним сам римский прокуратор Понтий Пилат вынужден был усомниться в могуществе Рима, владевшего тогда половиной мира.
Robert Wagner
A story of Neda - young girl from Yugoslavia adopted by German parents.
Nikko Bernhoffer
The basic story involves Loveday's struggle to keep the estate Nancherrow in the family after the death of her father.
Dr. Kurt Weimar
Dr. Michael Winter
Michael Belmont
Walter Tomschläger
Авраам — первый из трех великих библейских патриархов после Потопа, родоначальник многих народов. Его вера была столь глубока, что он готов был принести в жертву собственного сына. Увидев подобное самоотречение, Господь благословил Авраама, пообещав сделать его потомству многие блага на земле. В этом эпическом произведении о жизни великого пророка рассказывается о великом переселении его народа, происшедшего по велению Господа, явившегося Аврааму и призвавшего его. Путь Авраама пролегал через земли Ханаана и Египта и был полон тяжких испытаний, но Господь всякий раз указывал ему дорогу, защищая от врагов и укрепляя веру.
Adrian Hauser
Thomas Stauffer
An East Berlin woman falls in love with a Swiss cook.
Martin Leu
Student Max Hergesell
Dr.Georg Rauh
Dr. Kristian Keller
Henning Kugler
Sergeant Schuster
Willy Carson
Erwin Gotz
Когда германский бизнесмен становится виновником аварии с человеческими жертвами, пресса, чтобы раздуть скандал, начинает копаться в его прошлом. То, что удается найти, заставляет его посмотреть другими глазами на поступки, совершенные им в Греции во время Второй мировой войны...