Tomoyuki Abe


Break of Dawn
Animation Director
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
Over the Sky
Key Animation
Mio is a girl in high school who slacks off. She and her childhood friend Arata and best friend Madoka spend their after-school days in Ikebukuro hanging out. One day, Madoka tells Mio that she loves Arata, and Mio realizes that she loves Arata, too. But she’s scared of their relationship falling apart and lies, saying she’ll help them. Mio deliberately acts coldly to Arata, and they get into a fight. She decides to work things out with Arata, but gets into a car accident on her way to meet him. She wakes up in a mysterious world. It's the Ikebukuro she knows, but something’s different...
Over the Sky
Character Designer
Mio is a girl in high school who slacks off. She and her childhood friend Arata and best friend Madoka spend their after-school days in Ikebukuro hanging out. One day, Madoka tells Mio that she loves Arata, and Mio realizes that she loves Arata, too. But she’s scared of their relationship falling apart and lies, saying she’ll help them. Mio deliberately acts coldly to Arata, and they get into a fight. She decides to work things out with Arata, but gets into a car accident on her way to meet him. She wakes up in a mysterious world. It's the Ikebukuro she knows, but something’s different...
Over the Sky
Supervising Animation Director
Mio is a girl in high school who slacks off. She and her childhood friend Arata and best friend Madoka spend their after-school days in Ikebukuro hanging out. One day, Madoka tells Mio that she loves Arata, and Mio realizes that she loves Arata, too. But she’s scared of their relationship falling apart and lies, saying she’ll help them. Mio deliberately acts coldly to Arata, and they get into a fight. She decides to work things out with Arata, but gets into a car accident on her way to meet him. She wakes up in a mysterious world. It's the Ikebukuro she knows, but something’s different...
Судьба/Ночь схватки: Клинков бесконечный край
Animation Director
После смерти приёмного отца юный Сиро Эмия жил-поживал в одиночестве в огромном поместье. Сиро узнал, что родной город Фуюки - арена магической битвы, которая повторяется раз в несколько поколений. Вот только мир ускоряется, в итоге с последней войны прошло всего 10 лет - и уже пришла пора новой. Согласно древним законам, битву ведут семь Мастеров-магов, каждый из которых вызывает Слугу — одного из вечных героев ушедших или будущих эпох. Последний оставшийся Мастер получает Грааль — величайшее сокровище, которое выполняет любое желание. Правил нет, цель оправдывает средства, вчерашний друг может оказаться соперником и без раздумий предать, ударить в спину. Узнав правду, Сиро становится перед тяжким выбором — уйти, отказаться от борьбы или рискнуть и поставить на карту все — невеликий (так он думает) магический дар, горячее сердце, отчаянное желание спасти всех, кто ему дорог.