Key Animation
Key Animation
In the town of Saima, when summer is about to begin, a group of six high school students intend to live a secret adventure by spending seven carefree days in a ruined mining facility.
Key Animation
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jinpei Jiba, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
Key Animation
Fifth Yo-kai Watch film. A yokai known as surinaki has escaped his sell and is causing trouble through out the yokai world Yasha Enma and Enma King Shien must stop him from destroying everything and stop Enma king Shein from turning to the Darkside.
Key Animation
Key Animation
На ничего не подозревающего Эша с неба обрушивается сомнительное счастье — существо Вулканион, недолюбливающий людей. Они бы и рады разойтись по разным углам, но какая-то сила связала их вместе, и парням приходится налаживать контакт, преодолевать трудности и творить большие дела.
Key Animation
Когда Эш, Пикачу и его друзья прибыли в город в пустыне, они встретили мифического покемона Хупу, владеющего способностью призывать вещи - включая людей и покемонов - через волшебные кольца. А после жуткого происшествия они узнали историю о храбром герое, что давным-давно остановил ярость бушующего покемона. Теперь опасность, что была запечатана в волшебной бутыли, грозит вновь вырваться наружу.
Key Animation
When the evil Yo-Kai Kin, Gin and Bronzlow makes the Yo-Kai Watch disappear from time so they can help Dame Dedtime prevent humans and Yo-Kai from being friends, Nate Adams finds help in the Yo-Kai Hovernyan, who takes Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan 60 years to the past, when the Yo-Kai Watch was first invented by Nate's grandfather, Nathaniel Adams, while he was a boy. Together, the 2 boys fight Dame Dedtime and her evil Wicked Yo-Kai minions to save the world from her evil plans.
Key Animation
2199 AD. Yamato tried to leave behind the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy, after receiving a "Cosmo Reverse System" at its destination, Iscandar. However, suddenly, it encounters a mysterious group at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The crew finds out that the group is called the "Gatlantis," and that its leader is the Gutaba expeditionary force commander who calls himself "Goran Dagaamu of Thunder." The commander demands that Yamato be handed over to him. Yamato, wanting to hurry to Earth, escapes the fray. However, Yamato is attacked by a devastating beam weapon called the "Flame Direct Attack Cannon" that can transcend space.
Key Animation
Мотоко и вновь созданный 9-й отдел общественной безопасности должны разыскать вирус, известный как «Поджигатель», поражающий кибермозги.
Key Animation
A group of five Genesect have invaded the big city and pose a threat to the supply of electricity, which attracts the attention of the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo. Satoshi, Pikachu and his friends must come to the rescue when the powerful leader, a red Genesect, faces Mewtwo.