Fan Mei-Sheng

Fan Mei-Sheng

Рождение : 1942-09-13, Shandong Province, China


Fan Mei-sheng (樊梅生; born 13 September 1942) also known as Fan Mui Sang, is a prolific Hong Kong Cantonese actor. Fan Mei-sheng started acting in movies from 1964; his first movie was The Story of Sue San. He made his name in Shaw Brothers Studio productions, including the role of 'Black Whirlwind' in All Men Are Brothers. Through the 1970s and 1980s, he was often cast as the villain in many Hong Kong martial arts films and thrillers. In 1979, Fan replaced Simon Yuen (who died during filming) in The Magnificent Butcher. That, as well as his role as an explosives man in The Postman Fights Back, became one of his best known performances. He also acted in the Michael Cimino film, Year of the Dragon; and in total has acted in one hundred films. In addition, he has directed one film, Amsterdam Connection in 1978, and produced another, Dark Side of Chinatown in 1989.


Fan Mei-Sheng


Бывший спецназовец, вышедший на покой, решает собрать свою команду в последний раз, чтобы спасти тайскую девушку с необычными способностями, которую похитил криминальный босс.
История о Рикки
Assistant Warden
В недалеком будущем могущественная корпорации управляет тюрьмами, где использует обитателей как дешевую рабочую силу. Рики приговорен к тюремному сроку за то, что убил босса триады, который был причастен к смерти его подруги. Рики очень быстро узнает внутренние тюремные правила, где заключенные состоят в различных бригадах, которые управляют определенными аспектами тюремной жизни. Вскоре он входит в немилость охраны, защитив и поддержав невинного и тюремный штат начинает мстить ему. Рикки прекрасно владеет боевыми искусствами. Очень скоро и охранники и обитатели тюрьмы понимают что связываться с Рики бесполезно: он переносит любую боль и одним ударом кулака способен пробить грудную клетку человека. Однако начальник тюрьмы не намерен сдаваться….
Dark Side of China Town
An HK police officer sends his son to America to protect him from the influence of the HK triads. However, his son becomes enmired in Chinatown triad dealings in America and returns to Hong Kong as a marked and wanted man.
Проект А: Часть 2
Black Bear
Отважный дракон Ма, прославившийся благодаря уничтожению пиратского гнезда на китайском море, получает новое назначение — его делают начальником округа. Основная причина этого назначения состоит в том, что власти сомневаются в чистоплотности его предшественника Чуна, как оказывается впоследствии, напрасно. В результате мастерски выполненной подставки дракон попадает в тюрьму. Теперь доказать свою невиновность он может только разоблачив Чуна…
Экспресс миллионеров
Mountain Bandit
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Год Дракона
White Powder Ma
В глубоком лабиринте Нью — Йорка скрывается Китайский квартал — рассадник Триады, тысячелетней криминальной угрозы миру. Джой Тай, ее новый крестный отец, ожесточает раздел территорий азиатской и итальянской наркомафий. Улицы обагряются кровью его врагов. Но в дела Китайского квартала напролом вторгается капитан полиции Стэнли Уайт, ветеран вьетнамской войны. Он бессердечен и бесстрастен. Он — сжатый кулак. Он объявляет преступному беспределу бескомпромиссную войну…
The Denouement of Chu Liu Hsian
Swordplay master Adam Cheng returns to the role that brought him superstardom. This time, Chu Liang Hsiang has to fight a legion of fighters helmed by the Bastard swordsman himself Tsui Siu-Keung, who is united by one aim, and that is, to defeat the Romantic swordsman Chu Liu Hsiang and claim the title of best swordsman in the martial world.
The Postman Fights Back
Four heroes embark on a secret mission for Dr Sun Yat Sen's Nationalist Guard. Relentlessly pursued by the warriors of notorious Warlord Yue Sai Hoi, they have seven days to reach the Lo Yang Pass with their secret cargo.
Hitman in the Hand of Buddha
Beggar Fan (Feng)
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Marshal Pao
Mousy, the laundry guy, is attacked several times by an angry theatre troupe member. Although he survives, his friend doesn't. So, he overcomes his cowardice and decides to avenge his friend's death.
The Eagle's Killer
Chin Pai To
An assassin (Hwang Jang Lee) who operates for cold, hard cash is hired to take out a young martial artist and expert at Eagle's Claws, but first he must learn Eagle Fist to go after him.
The Buddhist Fist
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
Молодой мастер
За провинность зазнавшегося юного мастера исключают из школы кунг-фу. Он попадает в сети злодеев, которые вовсю используют его умение махать руками и ногами в преступных целях. По следам молодого бесшабашного мастера идет и полиция и его лучший друг. Успеет ли приятель вырвать его из кольца криминального окружения и направить талант лучшего ученика в мирное русло?!
Великолепный мясник
Beggar King
Один из учеников знаменитого Вонга Фей-Хунга, мясник по имени Лам Ка-Винг, постоянно влипает в разные неприятности, хотя его вины в этом обычно нет. Вот и на этот раз проблемы устраивает сын мастера кунгфу из соседней школы, отнявший силой жену брата Лам Ка-Винга. Вонг Фей-Хунг уезжает из города по делам и если бы не «залетный» учитель боевых искусств, не сносить бы Вингу головы.
The 36 Deadly Styles
Yu Ti's father
Hwang Jang-lee plays the main baddie, and along with his nasty henchmen (played by a red-nosed Chan Lau, and Bolo Yeung in the daftest wig imaginable!), they cause all sorts of problems for the good guys, hero Wah-jee (Cheung Lik), pretty soy-milk seller Tsui-jee (Jeannie Chang) and Tsui-jee's father (Fan Mei-sheng).
The Great General
The real-life story of a legendary Ming general (Meng Fei) who attempts to rid Chinese waters of Japanese pirates.
Flying Sword Lee
This is a brilliant Taiwanese movie adaption of "Sentimental Swordsman, Ruthless Blade." Li "Little Flying Dagger" Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He has decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.
Mysterious Footworks of Kung Fu
Chan Wai Man plays the super-assassin with a penchant for overengineered weapons and causing grief and mayhem wherever he and his asssitants Crab & Shrimp find themsleves. A young kung fu fantaic is taught by a beggar and a grumpy old Shaolin monk so that he can beat the killers and restore peace to the region.
Amsterdam Connection
When two Hong Kong buddies become rivals for the same woman, their friendship ends, and they join rival tong gangs. Later, a tong boss cleverly conspires to use a motion picture company to cover illegal drug trafficking: Actresses are sent to Amsterdam for film roles not realizing that they carry cocaine shipments. Once in Holland, the actresses are sold into prostitution. Soon the faux film company shanghais the woman who put the two friends at odds. To save their beautiful damsel, the two ex-buddies must join forces and go on the offense. Written by Neva Friedenn
Flying Guillotine II
Li Sing Nan
The emperor's reign of terror expands. Heroic outlaw Ma Teng joins a squad of female rebels, whose leader is torn between family loyalties.
Pursuit of Vengeance
Yi Da-Jing
Master of the "swordplay thriller" genre, Chor Yuen and renowned kung-fu choreographer Tang Chia tell the fabulous tale of the "Fastest Swordsman in the World" facing the "1000 Face Devil" and no less than seven murderers.
The Sentimental Swordsman
Chuan Jia
Due to his own extreme ideals, famed swordsman Li has lost everyone dear to him. After his life is saved by a rival swordsman, Li's overwhelming pride means he forsakes the woman he loves and lets her marry his saviour. Li's only comfort is alcohol and the simple life he has now accepted. On one such journey, the lonely swordsman befriends the exceptionally skilled, yet secretive Fei who has his own pressures to contend with. The person behind Li's troubles proves to be elusive, though all the clues seem to point to the legendary 'Plum Blossom Bandit', a disguised figure whose identity has long proved elusive to the martial world.
Храбрый лучник
Odd Immortal Leung Sin-Yung
После нападения правительственных войск сыновей двух повстанцев забирают к себе разные люди с условием, что через 18 лет парни встретятся и померятся силами. Одного начинает обучать могущественный монах, а второго семеро странствующих бандитов. Проходит 18 лет, второй из ребят приезжает в город, где должна состояться дуэль, но его кунгфу все еще оставляет желать лучшего…
To Kill a Jaguar
Cheung Sam
Set in early 20th century Shanghai, this Hua Shan actioner stars former Golden Harvest regular Nora Miao Ke-hsiu as Bobo, a village girl who has journeyed to the big city in search of her father. Not long after her arrival, Bobo witnesses a gang fight dominated by a man she was friends with as a child. Now known as Jaguar, he works as a bodyguard for mob boss Kam, who is having a row with one of his partners. Jaguar makes trouble at one of the man's casinos as a part of a plan to smooth over the situation. Ace gunman Ko Tang is also in town and the two strike up an alliance to take over Kam's empire. Jaguar's lust for power soon alienates Bobo, who realizes that she was simply a pawn in his plan to gain control of the Shanghai underworld. Held a virtual prisoner, Bobo's one hope for revenge is Luo Lie, another friend from childhood and now her fiancee, currently imprisoned in Germany.
Death Duel
The Third Master is considered to be the greatest sword master of the day. His displays of skill and strength bring armies of challengers to his door, seeking the title for themselves. Not to be defeated, the Third Master fights evil, saves damsels in distress, and duels rival swordsmen to the death.
Fangs of the Cobra
Xu Xiang's boss
Young man returns from studying abroad to take over management of the large family farm, and falls for the daughter of a tenant farmer. The unique twist is that her pet, best friend, confidante and protector is a cobra - but he hates snakes because his mother was bitten and killed by one when he was a child.
Jade Tiger
Zhao Zhong
Zhao Wuji embarks on an very tragic adventure with full of intrigues to avenge his father, who is beheaded by a traitor working for Tang, on the eve of son's marriage.
The Criminals, Part 3: Arson
Ah Hsin
Part 1 : 'Gun Snatchers' - Two criminals wanted for murder are turned in by one of their own. Part 2: 'Arson' - A Triad revenge plan to burn down a nightclub goes wrong and results in the deaths of five people.
King Gambler
Sha Wu Lin
Chan is Peng Tianshi, who becomes the "Card Tyrant" in response to the gambling world dominance of the Sha family. But Peng also has a Sha family member blinded in retaliation for an earlier loss, leaving the Sha family with a debt of vengeance that needs to be repaid! Sha Tong (Zong Hua) sets in motion an elaborate plan to make turn the rich and affluent Peng into a penniless former king of the gambling world! But can the "Card Tyrant" be bested?
Реактивный дракон
Miu Fei
Один влиятельный господин болен смертельной болезнью. Прогнозы врачей неутешительны. Через семь дней господин умрет. Помочь ему может только одно лекарство - порошок, сделанный из ротанговой пальмы долголетия. Объявлена награда и семь мастеров боевых искусств отправляются в путь. Они жаждут славы и богатства и не остановятся ни перед чем...
Killer Clans
Ma Fang-chung
Based on a popular swordplay novel, this colorful and complex saga (whose Chinese title literally translates into the poetic Meteor, Butterfly, Sword) has enough conspiracies, stratagems, and sword fights to fascinate even novice kung-fu cinema viewers. The cast of Shaw Brothers' leading swordsmen and swordswomen are masterfully staged by Yuen Cheung-yan, the brother of Matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-ping. The result is both a great action movie and an exceptional dramatic film.
All Men Are Brothers
Black Whirlwind / Li Kui
Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
The Gambling Syndicate
Jin Gang
A provincial detective seeks to take down a local gambling syndicate with the help of two convicts.
Temperament of Life
Shaw Brothers comedy.
Chao Hai Chuan
Crime drama based on true incidents around a Kidnapping - and murder case ,also taking much time describing the psychological moments which propel the criminals. It's strictly focused on them, the law representatives are mostly faceless and out of the plot. Lo Lieh plays a moneyless guy working on a gas station, it's owner is a thorn in his flesh, because he completely knows the differences and painfully shows it: "I can find a new worker faster, than you can find a new job" Together with 3 friends, who are similarly struck, a plan to kidnap and blackmail this guy is made....
Five Tough Guys
Wei Jin-Bao
The plot follows the titular gang of misfits, gathered together by Chen Kuan Tai (a real life martial arts champion who starred in many films for the studio) in order to protect a patriotic general from a scheming usurper. To this end, the unlikely heroes act as the general’s escorts on a dangerous journey to a distant British consulate, beset by enemies and sinister Japanese interference along the way.
Hong Kong 73
Big Beard
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
The Pirate
Hua Er Dao
Pirate Chang Pao-Chai springs a leak after an otherwise successful raid on a foreign ship. He goes ashore to get materials to patch his ship up, where he encounters corrupt Qing officials and poor, oppressed peasants. Being a good man at heart, he decides to help out and becomes an even bigger outlaw in the process.
The Kiss of Death
Wong Tai
One night a textile worker is sexually assaulted by five deviants. The young lady tries to cope with the aftermath of this dramatic event but her life is ruined. Like a shattered vase, the pieces can be put back together but it'll never be the same. Cheng get's a job as a bar girl. She meets the club's owner who was a former kung-fu fighter until he was crippled. Cheng uses her position as a B-girl to go after the losers who raped her, She soon learns from a sleazy doctor that she has contracted a dark V.D. called Viet-Nam Rose. Crushed, she begs Lo Lieh to teach her kung-fu. At first he refuses until he learns her secret. Furious, Lo Lieh teaches her his deadly fight techniques (such as a groin crunching blow).
Blood Brothers
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
The Delinquent
Big Sean
Delivery boy Chung rings an order to a local martial arts school. He shows that he too is a kung fu student when he punches a bag and also kicks out the instructor for his money. Chung has a tough life. His father constantly nags him to work hard. One day, his is heckled by Chien-Pe, a disabled thug who runs a gang. Chung fights and beats them up and as a result, he is fired from his job. Chien turns to his boss, Tai Chung, to get Chung.
The 14 Amazons
General Chiao Ting Kuai
The Yang family, men and women, have served their country loyally for generations. During the war General Yang is ambushed and killed. His widow and the entire family set out to avenge his death and defend the country.
Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan
Wu Hua-Tian
18-year-old Ainu is kidnapped and sold to a brothel. Her good looks and wild personality make her very popular with the lustful clients, but also draw the lesbian attentions of brothel madam Chun Yi. Chun Yi teaches Ai nu the ways of lust and the ways of kung fu, and Ai nu becomes more and more similar to her captor. But rage at her treatment is still burning inside her.
The Young Avenger
Hunchback Liu Tuo
After a career spanning more than forty years and dozens of films as director or writer, Yueh Feng used everything he learned on a final few martial arts epics, of which this is one of the most memorable. It's not easy to forget a hunchbacked, one-armed protagonist, nor the "Poisonous Dragon Sword" style, nor the luminous and lethal Shih Szu as the title swordswoman, who is out to avenge her father's death at the mid-autumn festival.
The Casino
A handsome stranger strolls into a casino one evening and all but cleans out the house, beating 160-1 odds at dice by getting three of a kind. He informs beautiful proprietress Miss Cui that he actually came there for her and reveals himself as her betrothed, Luo Tianguang. The couple wed, but their bliss is interrupted when Luo agrees to help old friend Lun Liu defeat crooked gambler Hao Lishan, who uses rigged dice.
The Water Margin
Black Whirlwind, Li Kuei
The corruption in the Sung Dynasty of 11th century China is so rampant that it inspires a band of Oriental Robin Hoods - the Honorable 108. Mountain bandits who nevertheless live by a scrupulous code of conduct, the Honorable 108 pledge to end the repression of the brutal overlords.
Monk Lu Zhi Shen
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
The Swift Knight
Constable Ji Fu
In a rare reversal of typecasting, Shaw Brothers' perennial bad guy Lo Lieh breaks tradition to play the honorable and noble swordsman in The Swift Knight. It's a tale of brave knights, chivalry and fair maidens where the Swift Knight (Lo Lieh) finds himself involved in romance, court intrigue and deadly jousts while trying to protect the lives of a pair of siblings as the fate of the throne depends on them.
Duel for Gold
Chiu Fu
Soon-to-be legendary director Chu Yuan had just joined the Shaw Brothers when he helmed this thriller of bickering bandits. Audiences loved watching three pairs of cunning male and female crooks trying to steal a million gold taels from the Fu Lai Treasury House...not knowing that one of them is actually an undercover hero. Even without him, there's no honor amongst thieves, so the double-crosses and deadly duels come fast and furious, all choreographed by Hsu Erh-niu.
The Jade Faced Assassin
Yu Chi Zhou Guang
The swordsman Zhang Zhen is injured in a misadventure and rescued by Eldest Sister of Changchun Sect, who has a crush on him. However, Zhang falls in love with the maid Yuenu instead, and conceives twins with her. The couple are killed by a group of evil pugilists later. The Eldest Sister is angry with Zhang Zhen for not accepting her and plans to make Zhang's children kill each other as revenge. The baby girl (Xiaolu'er) is saved by Zhang's friend, Lian Lanyan, while the male infant (Hua Yuchun) is taken away by the Eldest Sister. Lian Lanyan encounters the Ten Villains when he passes through Villains' Valley. He is overwhelmed by them and knocked out in a fight. The baby Xiaolu'er is taken away by the Villains, who surprisingly do not harm her, and instead intend to groom her to become the greatest villain ever. Eighteen years later, the twins meet each other by coincidence.
The Iron Buddha
Master Luo
After a notorious rapist kills his master and entire clan, the Iron Buddha sets out for revenge. He'll need a magic sword first though, naturally.
The Twelve Gold Medallions
Bangling Trio
As a valiant Chinese general and his men battle Tartar invaders, patriot swordsmen attempt to stop the delivery of 12 medallions sent by a traitor that could spell the doom of the Sung Dynasty. When a powerful kung fu master assumes responsibility for the deliveries, his daughter and a former student turn against him in order to save China.
Valley of the Fangs
Instructor Ma
Intrigue in the court means that the wife and daughter of framed scholar Sung have to travel to the capital in disguise, as court agents hunt them down. A righteous swordsman and a group of kiln workers get caught up in the action.
Heads for Sale
Wan Sanju
This tale is about a decapitating swordswoman who will let nothing stand in her way when she falls in love with a bandit's son. Chiao Chiao, made famous in One-Armed Swordsman, is the girl who won't let such trifles as craniums keep her from freeing her man from jail.
The Golden Knight
Guan Xiyang
Respected veteran Yueh Feng made this “Martial Arts World” saga of a masked master of the “Black Sand Hand Technique,” while Lily Ho, the star of "Princess Iron Fan" and "Angel With The Iron Fists", excels in a delightful dual leading role. When she teams up with Shu Pei-pei as a fellow swordswoman to vanquish a murdering robber, the comparisons to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are obvious, even though it came three decades later.
Temptress of a Thousand Faces
Incompetent Police Sgt.
A mystery caper of devilish fun, Temptress Of A Thousand Faces proves a femme fatale can match any man in wickedness. A mysterious thief has been committing crimes across the city. Always disguised and ever elusive, woman detective Chi Ying cannot find any clues for a good lead. But her reporter boyfriend Yu Ta is always supportive and understanding. Reversing the standard role stereotypes, it is the man here who then becomes the damsel (or dude as the case may be) in distress. Constantly frustrating her police woman foil, the temptress manages to make a game of outwitting her nemesis.
Dragon Swamp
Ding Hu (beggar)
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
The Jade Raksha
Yan Long Er
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
That Fiery Girl
2nd Chief of Hulu Valley
The bandits of Hulu Valley murder the chief of Mei Clan while searching for a treasure map. In retaliation, the clan’s leading swordsman Feng-chun (Chan Leung) infiltrates the bandit’s fortress hideout in anticipation of a surprise attack by a larger force and unexpectedly finds himself romantically involved with the bandit leader’s feisty daughter (Cheng Pei-Pei).
The Rainbow
A young tutor, miss Chen, is sent to home school in a dysfunctional household head by a wealthy patriarch. She befriends his ambulatory disabled young daughter Ming Chu and becomes embroiled in her struggle to walk again. She also has problems and with her angst ridden artist brother, they search for their birth mother and their cruel spoiled half-brother. Meanwhile at home, the tutor's own fellow border house mates (a single mother Shen Chiu Meng and her nightclub singer son Chiang Hui) also possess guarded secrets that gradually resurface as Chen unwittingly becomes a catalyst for those in her life as they all converge towards the bridging of deep rooted familial gaps and resolving past estrangements.
The Angel Strikes Again
Bomb Gang's thug
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
The Magnificent Swordsman
villain who kills a woman
Lone swordsman Jiang Dan-Feng (Wong Chung-Shun) is ambushed by a pair of bandits and quickly despatches them. One of them, as he is dying, asks Jiang to take his personal effects to his sister. This being a Wuxia film, our hero is bound by a strict code of honour, and he agrees. The bandit’s sister, Xiu Xiu (Shu Pei-Pei), is surprisingly forgiving and tells him that he got mixed up in a bad crowd of robbers before he died. As it happens, these self-same bandits are threatening to tear up the village at any moment, and Jiang prepares to defend it despite being despised by the town folk for killing Xiu Xiu’s brother.
The Silver Fox
Ching Ching's helper
The Silver Fox is a throwback, the last of its kind where the heroic swordsmen are women. Lily Ho (before she became one of Shaw Brothers' great erotica actresses) portrays the feared swordswoman Silver Fox, who as a child saw her father senselessly wounded and her mother raped. It's 18 years later and it's payback time.
Black Butterfly
Little Poue
Black Butterfly, steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Trouble starts when a bandit gang, who the Black Butterfly has robbed, come to town looking for them. Eventually, the Black Butterfly and their new allies, will have to confront the bandit gang at their fortress.
Lady Jade Locket
Secretary Tong's servant capturing Wei
Love knows no limits in the grand period romance, Lady Jade Locket. A young fighter inadvertently falls for the spirit of a beautiful woman, who died years earlier avenging her own father's murder. The beautiful ghost is in fact the sister of his fiancee. Experienced as an actor in many such romances, director Yen Chuan keeps the tone perfect. Plus, with period specialist Li Li-hua in the lead and the attractive and acclaimed Li Ching playing the ghost girl, he really can do no wrong.
Rape of the Sword
Lo's Man
Experienced heroine Li Li-Hua plays a swordswoman out to reclaim her murdered husband's "Green Sword," the sharpest blade in the world. The lovely Li Ching plays the role of Li Li-hua's student, who must take up the fight when her teacher falters.
Однорукий меченосец
Guo Sheng/Brother Hua
Ванг Ю здесь играет младшего ученика школы Золотого меча, которого совершенно не воспринимают всерьез его собратья по школе. Он решает уйти из школы, но ревнивая дочь его учителя в порыве ярости отрубает ему правую руку. Его подбирает девушка-отшельница и, поставив на ноги, доверяет ему книгу своего отца, в которой подробно описан стиль однорукого фехтования. Но он уже не хочет сражаться, и лишь долг и признательность учителю вынуждает его вернуться в школу, когда в городе появляется таинственный мастер-убийца, вознамерившийся полностью уничтожить всех последователей школы Золотого меча.
The King with My Face
Wan Chao
THE KING WITH MY FACE (1967) offers a well-produced Shaw Bros. variation on Alexandre Dumas' famous tale, "The Man in the Iron Mask."
The Goddess of Mercy
Dancing soldier
With her elegant classic persona, Li Li-hua was the ideal performer for period aristocratic and imperial roles. The Goddess Of Mercy is a good example of her strong empathy and noble presence. The youngest daughter of a brutal king, the princess openly disapproves of the floggings and cruel treatment her royal family heaps on the peasants. As a result, the heartless king turns on his own daughter forcing her into exile. This humanistic tale will inspire and hearten even the most cynical viewer.
The Trail of the Broken Blade
Hu Zi
Chivalrous swordsman Jun-zhao goes in search of a fugitive named Li Yueh in order to reunite him with his love, Liu Xian. Though the two men meet and become loyal brothers, Li does not reveal his true identity until Jun-zhao's life is endangered by swordsmen from Flying Fish Island who are looking for revenge.
That Man in Chang-An
Cao Wu's waiter
A romantic Han Dynasty adventure epic of a dying Emperor, an Evil Queen, a beautiful Princess, a dastardly royal nephew, and a masked hero, with plots and counterplots galore, complete with cliffhangers and last-second rescues.
Angel with the Iron Fists
Agent 403 at nightclub
Via an IMDb reviewer: "The plot involves a high-tech gang of thieves, a legit jeweler (Tang Ching) caught up in their racket, and a female jewel buyer who's actually a police agent..."
The Knight of Knights
Zhaoqing snr monk
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are posing as monks. The dead heroes’ senior brother Su-chen and his two apprentices pose as scholars in order to infiltrate the temple. When the life of the Emperor’s Inspector and his daughter are threatened, the trio leaps into battle as government troops prepare to storm the temple.
The Golden Buddha
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
The Monkey Goes West
3rd Prince of West Dragon King
THE MONKEY GOES WEST is the first entry in the studio’s epic, four-part screen adaptation of “Journey to the West,” a 16th-century novel recounting the efforts of a Buddhist monk and his magical companions to travel to India and bring back Buddhist sutras.
Squadron 77
Chinese patriot
Spy thriller set in occupied Shanghai. Li Lihua stars as the woman who is thrust into the role of nationalist freedom fighter when she discovers that her husband is a collaborator with the Japanese.
The Lark
A musical staring Carrie Ku Mei as a singer named Xiaoyun Shi, who comes to Hong Kong after a tour of other Asian countries, hoping to develop her career.
Sons of the Good Earth
Shi Tou
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
The Story of Sue San
Master Fan
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love for one other, the two come from remarkably different social ranks. While Chin Lung is the son of a respected government official, Su San is a prostitute, albeit a famous one.
The Shepherd Girl
Village youth at campfire
Julie Yeh Feng stars as Hsiu Hsiu, a beautiful singing shepherdess who falls head over heels in love with a handsome boatman named Liu Ta Lung. Unfortunately, she can't afford to marry her new beau because her father has racked up numerous debts due to his uncontrollable gambling addiction. And to make matters even more complicated, there's a rival suitor who promises to pay off all of her no-good father's debts on the condition that he is given Hsiu Hsiu's hand in marriage. She initially declines his offer, but starts to get jealous when she sees Ta Lung getting a little too close for comfort with another woman. In retaliation, she starts flirting with her possible benefactor/husband-to-be. But what Hsiu Hsiu doesn't know is that her jealousy isn't based on any actual unfaithfulness, but on an unfortunate misunderstanding!
The Amorous Lotus Pan
Neighbor at wake
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
Between Tears and Smiles
Opera customer
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.