Gherase Dendrino


Афера Протар
Румынская трагикомедия, претендовавшая на главную награду Каннского фестиваля («Золотая пальмовая ветвь»). Сценарий написан по комедийной пьесе «Последний час» Михаила Себастьяна и рассказывает о лекторе университета, который оказывается втянут в неприятное дело о шантаже. Мощный бизнесмен Бузони готовит удар на рынке зерна. Эта афера Протар должна обогатить его! Но статья университетского профессора меняет его планы.
On My Responsibility
A fashion designer creates an ugly model and he won't back down against all advice.
A Winter Night's Dream
A young girl harbors a secret crush (sincere and pure feelings) on a famous writer. She read his every book, so when she hears of the opportunity of delivering a gift to his house she does everything in her power to become the tansporter (and succeeds). Manea is a handsome man, not only a successful writer , women of the elite of Bucharest's society swarm around him all the time.He has just broken up with one of them... It's New Year's Eve,he invites her to spend some time with him...a dream built on snowflakes and champagne. In her naivety and pureness , Dorulet-as Manea caresses her,touches the unseen strings of his heart and soul , which he taught to be long dead,she awoke adolescence (like) emotions in the sleeping lion. I loved this movie and I would like to see it at least one more time.